Author's Chapter Notes:
Thanks to cordykitten and jamies_lady for the reviews! I'm glad you're still with me! :) / Ariadne
Tara looked at the unicorn, which was still lying in the soft green grass that surrounded the three of them. She and Willow had been sitting under the old oak for a long time now, and both felt safe and relaxed, like they had no worries, at least not in this dimension. The burden of being the slayer sometimes felt heavy, and then Tara came here to regain her inner peace.
She had lost count of how many times she had been here, first she had come here as a child, when she had realized that she was different. Through her dreams, she had met the unicorn and he had taken care of her and taught her magic, turning her into the wicca she was now.

Now she could move between the dimensions with magic, whenever she wanted and she could bring others from their dreams into this dimension, like the unicorn had brought her into his world, which she had called Where the good magic lives, since she had been a little girl. According to the unicorn, it really was called Elysium.

Her heart belonged to Willow, she was the one she loved, she knew that now and she pressed Willow's hand and Willow did the same, returning her smile. No words were needed between them, all that mattered was that they had found their way back to each other.

Tara gently brushed her hand over the unicorn's neck, over the soft fur, letting her fingers run through the white mane, noticing how it seemed to be spun with silver in the sunlight.

To Willow, he was just a unicorn so far, but to Tara he was so much more. She couldn't help to see the sorrow in the unicorn's eyes, she truly felt sorry for him and she continued their silent communication, sharing her thoughts with him, with a sad smile.

“I don't understand, how can you disappoint Celeste? She's always known you're good, hasn't she?” Tara wondered, thinking about their earlier conversation.

“I've been though a lot, and it's like we don't know each other any longer. She's different now, so vulnerable and I don't want to let her down.” He took a deep breath, searching for Tara's eyes, before he exhaled, his body was tense, and she could see that his muscles seemed to be so very tense under the white fur.

“She hasn't exactly made the right decisions, but I love her. I need her to trust me, I need her to dare to love me and I've got to keep her away from her inner darkness, the one which ruled her for so long, and the one which ruled her heart.” He said in a sad tone, avoiding Tara's gaze.

“I believe all humans are born both good and evil. If they get loved, they embrace the goodness in life; otherwise they fall into the dark, where the hate takes a hold on their hearts. Magic took a hold on her heart, the darkest magic there is, and it changed her.” Tara nodded.

“That's the way I feel about Willow, the dark magic changed her, but she has healed well, thanks to Giles, my watcher. Her magic is white and her heart is beating again.”

“I hope Celeste will heal too and regain her abilities as an angel, now her wings are cut. She's promised to be good and I'll try to do everything I can to support her. That's why I can't use my magic to help you, she will sense my power, and it will tempt her, though she's still in heaven, healing and The Powers That Be will not be pleased, if they find out.”

“But they do want to stop her army, don't they? You only have to tell us what to do. You don't have to be a part of it.” Tara pleaded, and he finally gave in to her plea.

“Fine. Meet me at midnight and bring the Scythe then.” The unicorn answered, before he was walking away from them, disappearing into the forest.

At midnight, they gathered by the pond. Tara and Willow were facing each other, sitting opposite on the green moss. The Scythe was lying between them and they were both holding out their hands over the weapon, chanting. Now they were changing what the Shadow Men once had destined, when they had created the first slayer. The unicorn lay a few meters away, watching them in silence.

Tara felt the energy flow through her body. Suddenly, a white light filled the ground, as the Scythe started to glow, so did Willow and Tara, in the dark night, they glowed like stars, their hair were white, so were their skin. The unicorn blinked against the light. Never before had he seen anything more beautiful than this.

The light faded away and the two women sank to the ground, panting, but they were smiling.

Meanwhile, at home, Faith was training the potentials in the basement. They had all felt the change, their power had increased miraculously, and they were now slayers, not potentials. Faith had noticed too and she was pleased, Tara had made it, she and Willow really had changed the Scythe. But the slayers still needed training, they were not used to possess such power, they had to learn how to handle their new abilities.

Just about then Spike made his way by, surprised by the happy mood they seemed to be in, and when he asked them to follow him patrolling, they eagerly agreed, some of them getting a little too enthusiastic. Spike rolled his eyes and glanced at Faith. “Is that what you learn them? Like the fledglings care about make-up? Like hell they do...” Faith looked clueless, trying to suppress the smile, which tugged at the corners of her mouth. Spike looked at one of the girls.

“You don't need lip gloss to slay, Rona.” Spike sighed, while the other girls giggled. “Well ladies, we better get going, we haven't got all night.” He said, almost pushing them out of the house, and before he closed the door after them, he looked at Faith and Wesley, who was standing by the door, Spike was shaking his head with an amused smile.

“What's wrong with them? They're so girly. I don't know how Giles has survived all those years as a watcher, poor man.”

“Well, neither do we.” Wesley said, clearing his voice, smiling weakly, as Spike closed the door, taking off to the cemetery with the girls.

When they had left the house, Faith eyed Wesley with a smirk, which made him feel nervous. Faith's question surprised him, he had thought she would hit on him, this had been the last thing on his mind.

“Do you think they are ready in two days?” Faith wondered with curiosity.

“Ready for what?” Wesley cocked a brow at her, obviously confused. She smiled wickedly.

“For the hell mouth.”

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