*a/n: so here we go…it’s baby time! Enjoy and review…I need to know what you guys want with this story…I’m idea’d out…

Chapter Nineteen: You Are

Sunnydale Hospital’s waiting room was packed with family, and friends, as Buffy delivered her son with Spike at her side in the ER.

“Do ya’ll think she’s going to get through it okay?” Fred asked nervously. Her sister and she were visiting for the baby shower and the baby’s birth.

“Buffy’s strong…she can get through anything.” Xander ensured himself more than anyone else.

“Buffy and Spike are going to be parents.” The realization was hitting Willow like a ton of bricks.

“I’m going to be an aunt!” Dawn said excitedly.

Giles and Joyce looked at each other, the thought of being grandparents looming over their age.

“This is almost as exciting as Goku having his son Goten in the show Dragon Ball Z…almost.” Andrew said, receiving a smack upside the head from Anya.

“They see only the happiness within the baby, but what is of the happiness within themselves.” Illyria spoke, and all eyes shifted to her.

Xander raised his hand hesitantly. “I’ll give you a huh, and raise you a duh…”

“They’re in love, but there are clouds hanging of them, regret and hesitance. Those negative thought will ruin their relationship, and they will hate each other.” Illyria said it was such coldness, such ease, that a shiver ran through each person before her.

“Are you sure you two are related?” Xander asked Fred.

“Oh yes…she’s fifty minutes younger.” She replied.

“I’m thinking she was not given the oxygen she needed…” Willow mumbled, giving Tara a smile.

“I-is everyone excited?” Tara questioned, attempting to be part of the group.

“Yes, of course.” Giles smiled at the shy girl.

“I just wish I knew why it’s taking so long.” Joyce said worriedly.


“Buffy you have to push!” Spike argued.

“I don’t want to…it hurts.” She spoke with distress. “Why don’t you push?”

“Buffy, you know if I could take all of that pain away, I bloody well would, but I can’t.” Spike said.

“Please, Spike, if you love me…you’d tell them to give me drugs.” Buffy cried.

“I can’t, luv…it’s too late for that. You’re so close to having our baby.” Spike attempted encouraging her.

“I never want to have sex again.” Buffy wailed, pushing. She felt it…she felt him come out. “It’s over?” She question with a sigh.

“Um…sorry, Ms. Summers, but that was just his head.” Glory said.

“WHAT!” Buffy spoke angrily.

“His shoulder blades are stuck.”

“What the fuck…I’m not having Angel’s baby, why does he have wide shoulders?” Buffy wailed again.

“Come on, pet, you’re almost there.”

“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!” She repeated to her lover, as she pushed for the last time.


They sat silently, Joshua William Giles in her arms, sucking gently on her breast.

“You did it, luv.” Spike aid with a smile, running a cold washcloth over her forehead, and kissing it.

“I couldn’t have done it without you.” She said, her voice weak. “About everything I said…”

“It’s forgotten.” He finished before she could start.

“Spike…” She spoke softly, looking up at the smile in his eyes, “I love you. I know I’ve been the bitch of Bitchdonia lately, but I want to make this work. I want to be you wife.”

“We will, pet, and you are.”


They all gathered around the glass to get a look at the newest member of the Scooby gang, and the Giles family.

“Which one is he?” Dawn asked impatiently, looking at a row of seven babies.

“Doesn’t look like he’s here…yet.” Xander said, when the nurses began wheeling another bin with Joshua inside.

He was asleep, a baby with a mop of curly wheat colored hair, his face scrunched and tanned, his hands up at the sides of his face.

“That’s definitely him…he’s a fighter like Buffy.” Willow said with a smile.

“He is almost a spitting image of William, except the hair color.” Giles said.

“He’s not pale like Spike, thank God.” Joyce said, and everyone looked over at her. “With this sun, he’d burn so easily.”

“I think he’s a very cute baby…how much could we get for him on E-Bay?” Everyone’s eyes shifted to Anya with worry.

“We all know not to let her baby sit.” Fred said.

“This child…I can sense that he’s brought the couple closer together, but it won’t be all smiles forever.” Illyria said.

“Hey, Smurf, let us revel in the moment.” Xander said.

“I think he has a certain resemblance to baby Hercules…maybe he’s a superhero or something.” Andrew said.

Dawn smacked him upside the head before Anya could get the chance. “Andrew, shut up!”

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