Author's Chapter Notes:
Don't hate me...I happen to like this chapter's ending. Maybe because I know what happens next. Now I was going to wait til tomorrow, but since people were so nice and reviewed...I thought "Aw shucks...I might as well update before I go to sleep." So here it is...
Buffy cast an accusatory look in Angel's direction, but it was nothing compared to the look Spike sent his way.

"I didn't know Angel had invited you," she said.

"I didn't know he'd invited you," Spike returned his voice cut by the wind. The boat tilted to one side and sliced through the water.

"Angel?" Buffy glared at the man she'd once considered a friend.

Angel was grinning broadly, clearly pleased with his own cleverness. "Didn't I mention that William would be coming along?" he asked innocently.

"No, it must have slipped your mind," she answered curtly, handing each brother a can of soda and retreating to the galley. Angel was pretending the situation was the result of miscommunication, but she knew he'd purposely set it up.

Spike followed her below a few minutes later. She was sitting at the booth, her back against the side of the boat and her legs outstretched on the upholstered seat. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she tried to take in what was happening.

Spike didn't look any happier with this turn of events than she did. Walking over to the refrigerator, he replaced the can of soda she'd given him as though that had been his sole purpose in coming below.

"I just want you to know, pet, that I didn't arrange this meeting, if that's what you're thinking."

Buffy had nothing to say. She wasn't angry with Spike; he'd been just as manipulated as she had. She didn't know what game Angel was playing, but she wanted no part of it. She was done playing.

"I imagine having me around ruins your day with my brother," Spike said in what sounded strangely like an apology. He investigated the cupboards as if searching for something to eat. He brought out a bag of potato chips. "Are you still planning on moving? What with your mother support now?"

"My staying here would only be a burden to her...What with me being unemployed and all."

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" he said, eyeing her suspiciously as he slipped into the narrow booth across from her.

"Of course not." She smiled warmly.

"Why did you decide to quit?" He opened the bag of potato chips and offered it to her. Buffy took a handful of chips and dumped them on the tabletop, grateful for something to occupy her hands.

"Why did I decide to quit?" she said, repeating his question thoughtfully. He isn't going to like my answer... "Mainly because of what happened at the dinner party."

Spike's vibrant eyes glittered with indignation. "Then it did have something to do with the attention Angel paid Dru."

"No," she flared back. "I quit because of the pressure I felt from our parents. They practically had Angel and I engaged."

"You can do far worse than marrying Liam."

"How can you even suggest such a thing?" she demanded, her voice quavering. I'd never marry a man I didn't love. "What in the hell is the matter with you, William?"

"With me?"

"Are you deaf or something? Did you hear me in the kitchen of your parents' home less than three weeks ago?"

He frowned. "Yes." The word was clipped and angry.

"Then how can you ask such a stupid question?"

Spike's eyes were furious now. He wasn't the kind of man to take kindly to insults.

Buffy grabbed a potato chip and shoved it into her mouth. Crunching down on something crisp and salty seemed to help with her frustration.

"But Angel-"

"If you so much as suggest Angel's in love with me," she interrupted, "I swear I'll rip out your rib cage and wear it as a hat."

Spike looked taken aback by her angry retort. He closed his mouth and frowned heavily. Reaching for the potato chips, he munched on two or three, and for a moment this was the only sound in the galley.

"You know my problem, don't you?" she said.

"You mean you only have one?" Spike asked with honey-coated sarcasm.

Buffy ignored the comment. "It's that I assumed a man who had passed the bar and was one of the most brilliant minds in corporate law in California today, would-"

"How's everything down there?" Angel called down. "Are you two talking yet?"

Buffy looked up to find that the younger Giles brother had opened the door to the galley and was sitting almost directly above them, his arm on the helm, steering the sailboat.

"We just bloody insulting each other!" Spike called back.

"That's a good place to start." Angel sounded disgustingly cheerful. "There's something you should know," he added. "I don't have any intention of turning this boat around until you two have reached an agreement."

"About what?" Buffy demanded.

"We'll get to that in a moment. Now, Spike, admit you're in love with Buffy and be done with it. Quit playing these ridiculous games."

"Spike in love with me?" she repeated incredulously. "Not a chance in hell."

"Ooo. Such language...So that's the way it's going to be," Angel called down. "No worries. I packed enough food to last us a good three or four days."

"Don't be such a wanker." Spike was beginning to sound impatient.

"Listen up, big brother," Angel shouted. "You didn't think I saw you the day you kissed Little Miss Buffy in Mom's kitchen, but I did. You're crazy about her. What I can't figure out is why you insist on hiding it."

"You were the one dating her."


"I don't get involved with your women."

"His? I'm not anyone's, let alone his!" Buffy shouted in disgust.

Both brothers ignored her.

"There's always an exception to the rule. If you're in love with her, like I suspect, then why didn't you just say something?"

Spike's mouth thinned. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me," Angel insisted.

"Listen, you two," Buffy said, interrupting the exchange. "If you don't mind, I'd rather you didn't discuss me like I wasn't even here."

Again, both men continued to ignore her.

"Buffy's been crazy about you since she was a kid," Spike declared.

"So?" Angel returned. "She grew up and fell in love with you. A woman can change her mind if she wants. They've been known to do that."

"But you love her!" Spike insisted impatiently.

"You're right-like a sister. She'd make a terrific sister-in-law. We get along great."

"That does it!" Buffy shouted, standing up. "I am so damn sick and tired of you both thinking you know what's best for me. Talking about me, about my future, as if I wasn't in the room. What about what I want?" she asked climbing the steps.

"Buffy, I thought-"

"Shut up, Angel!" Buffy took off her shoes and looked out towards the pier. Not that far... "You know what I want? Off this damn boat! Call me when you get your asses out of the dark ages. Women can think for themselves now. I'm not about to have my life decided for me...Look where that got my mother."

With that, Buffy jumped right off the boat and swam toward the marina, praying to whoever would listen that she wouldn't come in contact with a man, especially a Giles man, for a very long, long time.

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