This kiss wasn't brotherly, nor was it uncomplicated. Spike's mouth fit over hers, warm and coaxing, yet hard and demanding all at once. Buffy sighed and relaxed herself against him, giving herself up to the sensation. It felt right to be in his arms, that was all there was to it.

Her hands gripped the lapels of his duster, her fingers crushing the soft leather as his mouth moved against hers. Spike's hand curved around the side of her neck, his touch tender, as though he feared hurting her.

The kiss was unlike any Buffy had ever experienced. She moaned, feeling her stomach doing the ever famous flip-flop. Spike moaned into her mouth, making her smile. I made him MOAN - I'm MAKING him moan…her mind repeated over and over. When they broke apart, neither spoke. Buffy wished he'd say something, anything to break the silence. She needed him to assure her, to explain what was happening, because she was lost, taken by surprise, yet delighted to think that Spike had kissed her - and she liked it.

Instead, Spike turned and walked away.

She couldn't believe it. She raised a hand to her face, surprised by the wetness she found on her cheek.

Funny, that when she couldn't find the words to say what she felt, a tear would speak for her. She'd learned that lesson years earlier. When Willow had walked in on Veruca and Oz together in bed, she had told them all she was fine, that she and Oz were fine, but the tears in her eyes told them all what they needed to know. Luckily, Oz saw the tears as well. He wanted to be reassured that Willow still loved him. Now he knew.

Buffy smiled as she thought of her friends. They worked through everything. Willow and Oz taught her so much about love and understanding. She just hoped she remembered what she had learned.

She was crying. Over Spike. The realization shook her. That single tear spelled out volumes. She wasn't just lusting for Spike or trying to prove that she didn't have feelings for Angel. She cared about him. She just wasn't sure how much.

The sudden need to escape overwhelmed her. Collecting her purse, she stepped out of the library and proceeded down the hallway. She paused outside Spike's open door. She saw him standing in front of his window, looking into the night, his hands buried deep in the pockets of his duster.

"Good night," she called softly.

He turned and smiled briefly. "Good night, pet. See you in the morning."

She wished they could sit down and discuss what had happened, but clearly Spike was confused and not nearly as delighted as she was. He seemed troubled, burdened somehow. She wondered if he regretted kissing her.

"Thank you for dinner," she said. "You were right. It's the best Italian food I've ever had." She didn't want to leave, but he wasn't giving her a reason to stay.

"I'm glad you liked it."

Buffy headed for the elevator. She walked in a daze all the way to her apartment building. She nodded at the doorman, thanking God that Wesley wasn't working tonight. The first thing she did when she walked into her apartment was reach for the penguin Spike had won for her. She wrapped her arms around Pierre and hugged him tight. It made her feel close to Spike. She sighed deeply and reached for the phone.

Buffy smiled. After talking to Cordy last night, she was feeling a lot better. She glanced at the clock. Cordy should be here any minute to take her to lunch. She had said on the phone last night that she had a plan, but Buffy wasn't so sure she would like it.

"You must have forgotten about our lunch," Cordy said, more loudly than necessary, as she strolled casually into the office. Loudly enough for anyone, say Spike, to hear.

Her plan worked, because a minute later he wandered out of his office.

"Spike, this is my friend Cordelia Chase," Buffy said, "I'm sure you've heard of her."

Spike and Cordy shook hands. "Buffy here forgot we were supposed to meet for lunch today."

Cordy eased closer to Spike and was gazing soulfully into his eyes. He didn't seem to mind in the least. In fact, he seemed to lap it up.

"I'll get my purse," Buffy said stiffly, leaving Cordy and Spike gazing at each other while she went behind her desk and dug in the bottom drawer. The whole charade irritated her, and she was furious at Cordelia, having no idea how throwing herself at Spike was "helping" her at all.

Cordy managed to tear her eyes away from Spike long enough to throw a glare at Buffy. It took her a moment to catch on.

"Do you wanna come to lunch with us?" she asked Spike, managing to sound polite, if unenthusiastic.

"Please do," Cordy said, in a fake, sugary-sweet, voice.

Spike looked at Buffy as if seeking her confirmation, and to her credit she did produce a smile. She had no clue what was up Cordy's sleeve, but she'd be damned if she didn't find out.

"That sounds lovely, pet."

"Great, just great," Buffy muttered under her breath.

"Great!" Cordy exclaimed with a smile.

Buffy rolled her eyes, and together the three of them headed out of the office. Spike suggested a well-known expensive restaurant, and before Buffy could comment one way or another, Cordy had agreed. Buffy snapped her mouth closed before she said something she'd regret. It irked her that Spike would so easily fall into Cordy's trap. It might just be a charade, but she was left more than a little confused.

As they walked to the restaurant, Cordy and Spike made small talk with Cordy giggling like a child through the streets of Sunnydale. She was acting like a jealous fool, Buffy realized with a start. Jealous of Spike and Cordy? Suddenly, the fog that had clouded her thinking for the past several days had cleared.

She was falling in love with Spike Giles. It couldn't have been any more obvious. It was one of the things Cordy had set out to prove, and her friend was right - she'd needed this blunt lesson.

Of course she loved Spike. From the minute she'd walked into his office and asked about the job. From the minute he'd stood on the footbridge that forged the pond and his parents' property and insisted on taking her to the carnival.

From the minute he kissed her.

This was what Cordy had been trying to tell her.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Cordy excused herself and Buffy. With her arm wrapped around her friend's, she dragged her to the ladies' room.

Before Buffy could open her mouth, Cordy burst out, "Spike's amazing! Majorly hot, too-very lip-smackable."

"I know."

"I haven't even met Angel, but I'm telling you right now if you're not interested in his big brother, I am. He's got great wit, he's gorgeous, and-"

"I know all that." And a lot more.

Cordy set here purse on the sink and started digging in it. "So this is what we're gonna do - Oh here it is…" She said, pulling out her cell phone. She hit her speed dial # 2 (Buffy's was # 1, of course), saying, "Wills? Hey, it's me. Call Buffy's cell in about ten minutes, ok?"

Cordelia hung up the phone and placed it back in her purse as she pulled out a tube of lipstick. Quickly she applied and touched up the red makeup as she told Buffy her plan. "Ok, Willow's gonna call, and you have to make it seem like she needs to see you right this second and leave."

Buffy was stunned. Her eyes widened as she replied, "You want me to what?"

Cordy was still refreshing her makeup in the mirror, her eyeliner in hand "You heard me - and make it sound realistic or Spike will know what we're doing."

"He will? That's funny especially when I don't even know what we're doing," she said hotly her voice dripping in mock surprise.

"I want you to give me some time alone with him."

"Why?" Buffy demanded. "Listen, you've already proved your point. I do care about Spike. And there's no way in hell I'm gonna share him with you."

"Well, Duh! I knew how you felt from the beginning. This isn't about you. We need to figure out if he feels the same," Cordy said slowly as if speaking to a child.

"Do you really think this will work?"

"Puh-lease! I'm Cordelia - I don't think. I know."

Buffy hesitated. She trusted Cordy - most of the time. She also knew it wasn't beneath her best friend to say or do something so she could get what she wants. That was what worried Buffy.

"Go back to your apartment," Cordy instructed with one last look in the mirror before turning to her friend.

"I'm still living in the land of the confused."

"Well, hopefully after lunch, no one will be confused. So just go home, relax, and I'll call you tonight."

Buffy sighed deeply before giving in. "Fine, but if you sleep with him, I swear I'll pull out your rib cage and wear it as a hat."

"I don't really think that look is in this season," Cordy replied with a grin, as she dragged her friend back to the table.

No more than five minutes later, Buffy's cell phone rang. "Hello?"

"Why am I calling you now?"

"Willow, what is it?" Buffy asked, trying to sound concerned.

"What are you talking about Buffy? Cordy called me and told me to call you, and I have no clue why. Color me confused."

"I don't have that color," Buffy whispered with a grin. More loudly she continued, "Oh, Wills, that's terrible. I'll be right there."

"I highly doubt you'll be right here. Unless you're already here…Are you planning on surprising me?!"

"Oh, no, no, sweetie. Don't you worry. I'll see you soon. Bye," Buffy said, hanging up the phone.

"What's wrong with Willow? Is it the baby?" Cordelia asked, inner-actress shining through.

"The baby's fine. She and Oz got into a fight. Don't worry about it. I'll go do the best friend thing and call you tonight. Spike, I'm sorry, but I really have to go. Have a nice lunch both of you." Buffy said, pushing her chair back to stand up.

Spike simply nodded, saying, "I'll see you at the office tomorrow then, pet."

"Bye, hun. Call me later."

"Bye, Cor. Bye Spike," Buffy called over her shoulder.

Buffy walked quickly to her apartment, thinking this was going to be the longest afternoon of her life. She was shaken out of her reverie by the sound of her phone.

"What the hell is going on?" A very confused Willow asked the minute she heard someone pick up the phone.

After she got off the phone with Willow, Buffy occupied her time by pacing around her living room and eating Phish Food. Ben and Jerry's - the only guys you can count on… The carton was almost gone before her doorbell chimed. Cordy. In her eagerness to hear what she'd achieved, Buffy nearly jerked the door off its hinges.

Nothing could have surprised her more than to find Spike standing on the other side. She must have looked as dumbstruck as she felt, because he grinned and let himself in without waiting for an invitation.

"How's your friend?" Spike asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Uh…She's just fine now. Everything's worked out."

"I know." He walked over to her bookcase and was examining the titles as if he'd come for that purpose alone.

"Oh, do you?" Buffy questioned in an amused tone.

"You're not nearly as good an actress as your friend," he said, turning to face her. Buffy tried to read his expression, but it was impossible. She felt rooted to the carpet, unable to move and hardly able to breathe. She wondered if he was mad at her. Or maybe he was amused. She couldn't tell which.

She should have known he'd see through their ploy. "It was a stupid idea," she admitted. Her shoulders sagged with a burden of regrets. She'd allowed Cordy to talk her into this crazy scheme, and she'd followed like a lamb to the slaughter.

"I…you're not mad, are you?"

A hint of a smile touched his eyes. "No, it was a very sweet thing to do, but unnecessary, pet."

She blinked, not knowing what to say because she wasn't sure she understood.

Spike walked over to her and reached out a hand to press against her cheek. His touch was gentle, his blue eyes as serious as she'd ever seen them. He spoke as though his words pained him. "I appreciate your efforts, Buffy, but I can find my own dates." Then he bent and gently placed his mouth on hers. The kiss was far too short to satisfy her. Instead, it left her craving more. When he lifted his head, everything within her wanted to beg him not to stop.

"I'll see you Monday morning," he said, turning and heading toward the door.

She opened her mouth to tell him to stay, but by the time she could get any sort of speech out he was gone. He actually believed she was setting him up with Cordy? No wonder. That was exactly what it looked like. Why hadn't I thought of this before? Buffy slumped onto her sofa, covered her face with her hands and resisted the urge to cry.

Spike hadn't been gone for more than five minutes when Cordy arrived. Buffy opened her door to find her friend leaning against the doorjamb as if she needed its support. She threw herself down on the couch and removed her high heels. "That man is quite the mystery."

Buffy folded her arms and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean he was so closemouthed about you, there's only one sensible conclusion one can arrive at," Cordy replied, doing a poor impression of Wesley.

"And that would be?"

Cordy's eyes twinkled merrily. "You're serious? You really don't know?"

"If I knew, why would I be asking you?"

Cordy sighed dreamily before replying, "He's in love with you."

"What? No, He can't be."

"Why not? Is there a law saying no one can love Buffy?"

"Well, No…But-"

"He wasn't interested in me, and trust me, I tried."

Buffy stiffened, remembering her reaction to Cordy's attempts to flirt with Spike. She hadn't liked that. None of the crazy stunts her friends had pulled over the years had put their friendship on the line. This one had. Spike was off-limits, and before Cordy left for home, Buffy wanted to make sure she knew it.

"He thought I was trying to set you guys up," Buffy muttered bitterly.

"What's so tragic about that? That was exactly what I wanted him to think."

"Why on earth would you want him to think that?"

Cordy's smile was slow and confident. "This is why I'm your best friend. Now you know how you feel, and-"

"And Spike thinks I don't feel that way because I was setting you guys up!" Buffy screeched.


"He was just here and practically said so."

"No big. You straightened him out, right?"

"No… I didn't get the chance."

Cordy went uncharacteristically quiet. "You'll talk to him, won't you?"


"Good…That's good. Explain how you feel, so he knows how you feel."

Buffy laughed despite the hurt she was feeling. Her laughter soon turned into sobs as Cordy tried to comfort her.

"It won't be hard," Cordy assured softly. "He's crazy about you, Buff."

Buffy considered Cordy's advice for what remained of the weekend and arrived at the office early Monday morning. To her surprise, Angel was sitting at his desk when she walked in. He smiled broadly. "Good morning, sweet Buffy." He seemed to be in an awfully good mood. His brown eyes were clear and lively, and his smile was warm. "You're just the person I was waiting for."

She stowed her purse and moved into his office with a pen and pad, fully expecting him to give her another lengthy assignment.

"Sit down," he instructed, motioning her toward a chair on the other side of his desk. He leaned back in his own chair, looking relaxed. "Now tell me something."

"Sure." Her mind was churning with a possible list of requests.

"I've been something of a bad boy around here lately, not pulling my weight and the like. You know that, don't you?"

"I…I've only been in the office a short time. It's not for me to say if you have or haven't been doing your share of the work. It's not really any of my-"

"Buffy, honey, stop babbling and tell me what you really think."

"All right," she said, resenting the fact that she'd been put in this position. "I know you were hurt, but that's life. Spank your inner moppet and get over it."

Angel laughed delightedly, not the least bit offended.

"My father and I had a long talk this weekend," Angel said thoughtfully. "He wants me to get my life straightened out and start dating again."

"I think he's absolutely right," she agreed eagerly, assuming Angel was talking about Darla.

"Great." He beamed a killer smile at her. "I was hoping you'd feel that way."

"Why?" Buffy asked, perplexed.

"Because, my dear Buffy, I've decided I'd like to get to know you better. You're very sweet and a hell of a good worker. Dad reminded me of your…affection for me a few years back, and I want, I'm hoping to capitalize on that affection."

"Uh…" Now didn't seem like the appropriate moment to bring up her feelings for Spike. Then again, she'd better before matters got out of hand. "Angel, I-"

"I don't mind telling you," Angel said before she could speak, "my confidence has been badly shaken. I feel safe and secure with you. Frankly, I don't know how I'd deal with any more rejection."

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