Chapter 23

"Okay, Vivienne, Tammy, Connie, you three are in Dawn's room. Dawnie and Willow and Anya are bunking together in Willow's room. Giles, Xander, sorry, basement. Cindy, Nadia, Jessica, and finally, Harmony, you may share the living room," Buffy explained, delegating sleeping spaces. Anya raised her hand,"Yes Anya?"

"Why don't Rupert and I just go back to my place? Or his? Wouldn't that make more sense? The Hellmouth's closed, the First was defeated and honestly, I'm getting sick of the whole bunch of you. Besides, why would I subject my Rupie to these wanton hussies and their fangs, not to mention my own vulnerable person. No offense." The ladies rolled their eyes and tutted their tongues on the roofs of their mouths.

"Forgot, okay, fine."

Xander raised his hand next.


"I've got an apartment."


Spike came up behind his frustrated intended bride and placed comforting hands on the back of her shoulders, kneading her tired muscles, he'd have to take special care of her tonight.

"Here's another good suggestion, Buffy," Harmony added,"Why don't you go with him!"

"Oh sure thing Harmony and leave my fiancé all alone in our big comfy bed in a house full of vamp hos, yeah, that'll go over like a house on fire."

Harmony gasped.

"You bitch! This is your fault you know, if you hadn't gotten so pyro happy none of us would be here in your low rent white trash hovel!"

Now it was Buffy's turned to act shocked, she'd had a delusional fever afterall. The muscles in her entire body strung themselves so tight they felt like stone under Spike's hands.

"You're lucky I don't stake you here and now."

"Oh I'd like to see you try, little miss Slutty the Vampire Layer - there's a few crusty minions in the south cemetery you haven't banged yet, why don't you go out and follow your true calling?"

"Hey!" Spike interjected, getting more than a little angry himself,"None of that, Harmony! What happened was an accident."

"Oh pffft!"

"Slayer..." Spike's voice softened as he came to stand in front of her,"Let's you and me get out of here, what do you say?"

"I can't believe you put your dick in that woman!" Buffy shouted. Spike cringed.

"Precious, please..."

"Don't precious me! I'm only letting them stay here because of you!"

"Because of me? Why the bloody hell because of me!?"

"'Cause you're all good Spike, all noble and you'd want to help and...and...because it is all my fault."

"Fuck, Buffy. It's not your fault and I'm not the bloody Poof." Why was she suddenly getting weepy? Her lower lip was trembling and everything.

"Why do you want to marry me?" Where did that come from?

"Do enlighten us, Spikey," Harmony added, enjoying the Slayer's vulnerability, ever the bitch. Spike ran his hand through his hair, all eyes upon him. He saw a tear slip down her cheek and she started to come unhinged.

"Uh..." he stammered.

"You don't know?" Buffy gasped. The dam was about to burst.

"BLOODY HELL! That's it!! This is the bloody end!!" Much to the amazement of all those present, Spike vamped out and grabbed for the Slayer. He tossed her over his shoulder as if he were a fireman carrying a victim out of a burning house. It seemed to be a metaphor with them tonight.

"Spike!? What are you doing? Put me down!"

"Not a chance, my heart." He walked over to the desk in the living room and retrieved something from the drawer and stuffed it in his jeans pocket, then headed for the door."Where are you taking me?"

"Out. Ta, ladies and gents!" With that they were out the door and took to the street.

"Spike?!" With one spread hand and palm firm he smacked her hard across the bottom,"HEY!!!" He laughed out loud and gave her another, prancing down the street like a neanderthal taking his mate back to the cave for a good shag. Buffy decided it was time to play hardball. The vampire was stalled dead in his tracks when her own hand landed on his backside with a hard thwack. In turn he gave her another, and so on back and forth all the way downtown.

By the time they reached their destination, their bums were stinging with each step. Their assaults on each other however had long since turned into play rather than punishment. Spike finally set her down outside the Sunnydale Courthouse. He was smiling so sweetly at her she couldn't get mad at him no matter how much her brain was telling her she should be. Her heart was telling her to kiss that sweet mouth of his. He beat her to it, bending down ever so slightly to brush his lips across hers.

"My arse is killing me, pet," he whispered. She smiled.

"Your own fault and I can betcha mine's pinker than a lobster's."

"I'll see to it later. But right now we've more important matters to attend to."

"Such as?"

"Our wedding."


Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal. Filler. Filler, Filler. Deal.

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