* Seems my chapters are shorter than I thought. I know the later ones are lengthy. So let's have a recap Chapter 2 before we dive into number 3! (just to meet the requirement of 1000 words per entry!)

"Care there fang face, you're branching out into healthy foods, what would the spicy buffalo wings think of this betrayal?" Xander mocked, having just let himself in through the front door as Spike was just about to bring his mistress her lunch.

"Shut yer gob, whelp, it's for Buffy, she's sickly."

"Nice knowin' yah, see yah..." Xander was half way out the door before Spike, artfully balancing the tray, reached him and delivered a firm stomp to the back of the human's knee. Xander picked himself up off the ground, scowling at his somewhat friend.

"Et tu Xander? She's your best friend and you're goin' bloody turncoat at the first sign of trouble. The love of my unlife is suffering - show some compassion!"

"I give you two a week tops, then you'll be shining up the motorcycle for a speed down the highway out of SunnyD. You've never seen the Slayer when she's sick."

"Dawn already gave me the gory details, thank you very much. I don't know what you're all afraid of, she's weakened and in need of my tender loving care."

"She's going to turn into the dark side of a Fyarl demon." Suddenly Spike winced,"Something wrong?"

"She's awake. I can feel it."

"Feel it as in the vampire senses..."

"As in she and I are perfectly tuned to each other."

Chapter 3

He felt rather queasy as he ascended the stairs, perhaps it was the mug of blood he'd swallowed cold in an effort to return quicker to his charge with her orange juice. Spike denied the truth, Dawn's words echoing in his head, that a sick Buffy equaled Hell on Earth for her family. When he entered the room she was sitting up in bed again. Her head was back, her mouth gaped open and her fingers pinched the bridge of her nose. Her breathing was labored and wheezing and her skin flush from the fever. She really did look just god awful.

"Brought your juice, pet, I'll get you some pills in a moment," he explained, setting the juice on the bedside table before going in search of her aspirin. While rummaging around in the medicine cabinet, he heard her blowing her nose. Searching his memory he finally found and apt comparison, African Juinan Demons. Small beasties that primarily ate birds and small children. Its mating call was precisely the same sound.

"Bloody great, I'm engaged to a demonic critter from Uganda," he grumbled.

Shaking two aspirin from the bottle, the vampire returned to the bedside."Here, drink 'em down." She obeyed, then flopped boneless to the pillows. Blindly snatching two more kleenex from the box, she wadded them up at her nose to catch the dribbles.

"You're so good to me," she spoke through the buffer of tissues,"I promise I won't be any trouble."

"It's no trouble whatsoever, treasure, you just rest. Go back to sleep and at noon I'll come bearing chicken noodle soup."

"With crackers."

"With crackers and ginger ale. Yes, pet." She smiled and he could see the upturned corners of her mouth on either side of the tissues. Feeling a swell of pathos the vampire smoothed out her hair and leaned down to bestow a kiss on her warm brow,"I love you Buffy."

"Love...ah...ah..achoo!! too."


"Care there fang face, you're branching out into healthy foods, what would the spicy buffalo wings think of this betrayal?" Xander mocked, having just let himself in through the front door as Spike was just about to bring his mistress her lunch.

"Shut yer gob, whelp, it's for Buffy, she's sickly."

"Nice knowin' yah, see yah..." Xander was half way out the door before Spike, artfully balancing the tray, reached him and delivered a firm stomp to the back of the boy's knee. Xander picked himself up off the ground, scowling at his somewhat friend.

"Et tu Xander? She's your best friend and you're goin' bloody turncoat at the first sign of trouble. The love of my unlife is suffering - show some compassion!"

"I give you two a week tops, then you'll be shining up the motorcycle for a speed down the highway out of SunnyD. You've never seen the Slayer when she's sick."

"Dawn already gave me the gory details, thank you very much. I don't know what you're all afraid of, she's weakened and in need of my tender loving care."

"She's going to turn into the dark side of a Fyarl demon." Suddenly Spike winced,"Something wrong?"

"She's awake. I can feel it."

"Feel it as in the vampire senses..."

"As in she and I are perfectly tuned to each other."

"Un huh."

"Don't give me that look, mine and Buffy's is a great love, a true and noble love." There was a pause,"Scatter my dust in Restview Cemetery, I've always like the trees there."

"It's a deal. Listen, can I come with? We've got Slayer business to discuss." They took each step up the stairs like French aristocracy to the guillotine. Quiet as mice, the two men entered the lair of the dragon. Their apprehension was all for naught, she was laying on her side, waiting for him with love in her bloodshot eyes. Spike set the tray down on his side of the bed, smiling down at her.

"Feeling better?" She sniffed and sat herself up, reaching for a hair scrunchy with which to tie the hair back from her face.

"A little, hey Xander."

"Buff, looking good," her friend offered.

"Liar, but thank you. Babe, the soup looks wonderful, I'm starving."

"Opened the can and microwaved it myself," the vampire replied proudly, helping her by putting pillows behind her back,"Harris says we've got trouble. Slayer kind." Buffy got started on the soup while it was still hot and Xander began his story.

"You guys remember Riley..."

"Unfortunately," the couple replied in unison.

"What I mean is, Riley and his fetish for getting suck jobs from vampire whores? Spike allow me - wanker - okay, it seems we've got another nest. Couple of guys on my crew have been acting weird for the past couple of weeks, this morning I saw the bite marks. Took a little work, but they spilled. Looks like the old Sunnydale Brothel is back in business."

"Sunnydale has a brothel?" Buffy exclaimed.

"Oh sure," Spike began,"It's on the outskirts..." he realized what he was about to admit to knowing,"Woah! Sunnydale has a brothel?!"

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