Chapter 6

He'd left a weakened, wheezing Slayer shortly after midnight. She was barely resting in her fitful sleep. His heart was pained for being away from her when she was so vulnerable and needy. When Buffy was in pain, he felt every bit of it. It wasn't just pathos, it was tangible in his blood, in his soul. Yet here he was standing on the curb in front of The Sunnydale Brothel, looking up at silhouettes in the windows of sultry vampire seductresses moving about, servicing their customers. He could understand why the situation put Buffy off, but this was after all the oldest profession in history, just now with a twist.

The front door opened and a slice of light shone down over the porch and to the street. There was a figure there, with highlights of red and gold coming out from the shadows. Tentatively, Spike made his way towards the woman that had once occupied his bed, a woman who once loved him with all her unbeating heart.

"Hello, Spike," Harmony spoke in a hushed voice, capturing his hand and drawing him inside. He closed the door behind him and shut out the night.


"Dawn?" Buffy called, having climbed out of bed and made her way out of her room. She'd wakened to find that she was alone, a strange feeling gnawing at her, something was off."Are you there?"

"Downstairs!!" her sister shouted back. With a quilt enveloping her, Buffy wearily made her way to the living room where her sister sat watching a late night talk show on television.

"Where's Spike?"

"I dunno, out on patrol I guess. Keep back, I don't want to get sick."

"How long has he been gone?" Dawn shrugged her shoulders."That's not an answer."

"Don't get your panties in a twist, a couple of hours. He grabbed a stake and went out. Go back to bed."

"I don't feel right." Dawn was about to lose her patience when she sensed the worry in her sister, maybe something was off.

"Buffy, it's Spike, he's fine." Buffy furrowed her brow, easing down on to the bottom step. Sensing she needed a distraction, Dawn looked around for a pad of paper and a pen.

"Hey, I have an idea." Buffy looked up, her face worn and tired, tears threatening to spill."Let's talk wedding. Come on, think about it - flowers, dresses, cake?"

That got smile.

"Well, it can't be a church wedding."


Spike knew he had no reason to feel guilty, but somehow being in a vampire bordello made him feel a little bit dirty. However there was something compelling him to seek out Harmony, he had to know. He'd wakened only a couple of hours after falling asleep with Buffy, kissed her fevered brow and snuck out. He had done the ritual sweep of a few cemeteries, but soon found he'd walked all the way back to the mansion.

Harmony was getting them something to drink. She appeared extremely happy he'd returned and was alone. He sat in the lounge, surrounded by neo-Victorian lamps and nick knacks. Harmony had certainly done a number on the place, spending what was probably a small fortune on every detail, including burgundy velvet patterned wallpaper. She kept the lights dim, soft yellows, setting the mood for seduction. Spike shifted nervously in his seat, the leather underneath him creaking loudly. His thoughts had wandered back to the Slayer, specifically to three weeks ago, just before the most recent apocalyptic battle had begun to really heat up. They'd been laying naked on the bed, having just made love for the first time since she'd declared her love for him. With his head resting on her breast, tongue tasting and curling around an erect nipple, at his insistance she'd read him poetry from a book. Erotic poetry.

There was wine glass in front of his face, full of thick dark blood,"I think a toast is in order, don't you?" Harmony purred, sitting on the arm of the chair and leaning into him. Spike scooted away as far as he could, giving only one more inch in between them.

" what?"

"To us, silly, you and me, the only two vampires in the world with our own souls and woman..."

"Angel, Harm, Angel still has his soul as far as we know."

"Whatever, he's got his own thing going on. Now, back to us..." She clinked their glasses together,"Drink up." Reluctantly he took a sip, then became seriously perturbed.

"Harmony, this is human!" He rose from his chair, hurriedly putting down the glass on an end table.

"Well, duh, it's not supposed to be tomato juice."

"Why are you drinking human blood?" She scrunched her face up in confusion.


"What's wrong with pig's blood?"

"Eww, it's pig, do you have any idea how much fat there is on a pig?"

"You shouldn't still be drinking human blood, it's wrong."

"When did you lose your cool, blondie bear?"

"I'm, I'm still cool!!" Harmony eased down into the chair across from him, crossing her legs and taking a long drink from her own wine glass. She shook her head at him in disappointment,"How can you have a soul and not realize that drinking human blood is not alright!?"

"Spike." She put her glass down and clasped her hands together as if she were a teacher about to administer a lesson."Spike, Spike, Spike. Drinking human blood is how a vampire survives, it keeps our skin pink and our hair its shiniest. Animal blood leaves us..." She studied him closely,"Sallow, bleak, malnourished. I have a client who works in Sunnydale General, he acquires the blood we need."

"So you yourself don't drink from humans?"

"No, eww! Hello? Do you have any idea how hard it is to find someone clean and hot enough for me put my lips on them? I'd be all Callista Flockhart inside of week! Hey, there's an idea!" Spike was about to present a moral argument about consuming their fellow man, but realized it would be easier to nail jello to a tree than get Harmony to wrap her brain around the concept.

"So, um, Harm, can I ask you something? How did you get the soul?"

"Oh it was totally easy! Just went to Paris."

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