Chapter 9

Buffy slept, her condition fairly the same, but by now Spike was more at ease. Buffy told him he was acting like a parent when their baby caught their first cold and that she'd be fine and to go to his meeting with Harmony. One girl in all the world, chosen to stand alone against the vampires and the demons and this particular vampire was in a tizzy over a simple little cold.

From her dozy place on the bed, Buffy had earlier told him about how she'd often passed by Savio's on the way home from patrol, and like street urchin with his nose pressed to the glass, lamented that no one would ever escort her to dinner there. Spike of course promised to spend an exorbitant amount of money on taking her there. She'd off handily, but innocently asked him, what money? At that moment a few things had occurred to him that never quite seemed to make it to the forefront of his mind in the past. Where would he get money? He'd passed Dawn fifty bucks earlier, but for the life of him he couldn't remember where he'd gotten it from. Then the memory came back to him and it stung like a whip, Buffy coming home after work at the school with an armful of groceries, she'd passed him the left over cash.

He'd asked her to marry him, but he couldn't afford to ever buy her a ring. He lived in her house, ate her food and wore clothing she'd bought for him. He realized that he was a kept man, and not much of a man to his Victorian sensibilities if he couldn't even support his family. During these moments of guilt, Buffy had been speaking to him.

"Spike? Spike? Are you even listening to me?" she demanded before she made a sound like she was bringing up a lung.

"Yes, pet, sorry. Something about a tie?"

"Savio's requires a suit and tie. Call Giles and ask if you can borrow something of his." He came over and made her lay back down, then tucked her in.

"I can get a suit."

"How? Day time, darling, and we're a little tight on cash right now, it's the end of the month." He held up a hand to shush her.

"I'll figure something out. Now, you've had enough cold medicine to drop a six hundred pouns Charrago, why aren't you sleeping?"

"'Cause my vampire honey is being all bossy and not doing that nice thing where he presses his nice naked cool body against mine to combat fever." He sat down on the bed and put a finger to her lips.

"Don't use the pout Buffy, that weapon is too dangerous to wield at this time, save it for when you really need it. Sleep. Now."

"Don't wanna."

"Buffy! Sleep!"

"Mean vampire." He kissed the pouty lips and left the room, going off to swallow his pride and call Giles.

An hour after he left his finally sleeping beauty, Spike was being poured a glass of brandy, half way dressed in one of Giles' less tweedy suits.

"This isn't right, Giles," Spike spoke solemnly, looking into the depths of his glass,"I'm a welching sod, hardly worthy of her."

"Spike..." Giles began, removing his glasses and cleaning them with his handkerchief. Trying to comfort a vampire's ego and insecurities, especially Spike's, was not in his repertoire,"Spike, if I may..."

"Beneath her. A worthless underling, not fit to walk the same earth..."

"Spike! For heaven's sakes do shut the bloody hell up! If wasn't for your strength, bravery and quick thinking we'd all be dead now! The fact that you don't have a regular nine to five daytime job is irrelevant to Buffy. She only cares that you're on the side of good and though I loathe to utter the words that are about to spill from my lips, you love her as best you can every second you're together. There. Good enough?" Spike's shoulders sagged.


"What then?"

"I've asked her to be my wife and I can't ever get her a ring."

"Buffy wouldn't want a ring..."

"Are we talking about the same ooooooo shiny! girl? If she had a ring she'd show it off and you bloody well know it!"

"Alright then, I can lend you money."

"I'm not taking any handouts!"

"I said lend you prat. Get a job then, it's what the rest of the world does."

"As what? Night watchman at the morgue?."

"And why not? Or a bartender, or anything else that occurs after hours. Just because you haven't done a responsible thing since Victoria was Queen, it doesn't mean it's out of your realm of possibilities."

"I suppose, but I'm needed on patrol, I don't just tag along." Giles nodded, acknowledging how valuable Spike was to the team, not just as Buffy's boyfriend.

"Then have a sit down with yourself and figure out what you're good at."

"Beatin' stuff up." Giles rolled his eyes and huffed, exasperated.

"I know for a fact that you can read both Latin and Greek, you insufferable git. Not to mention Fyarl and a few other demon tongues. You also have exceptional fighting skills and knowledge of the demon world, you're incredibly perseverant, brave and when it comes to Buffy, utterly unselfish. I dare say, mate, that if you wanted to you could accomplish nearly anything you set your mind to. There, is that pep talk enough for you?" Spike gave a mock shiver.

"By the gods that was inspiring Rupert."

"You are by far the most irritating thorn in my side."

"Been that way for six years, Ripper, don't fancy it's going to change." Spike got up to leave, taking the tie and suit jacket with him,"Thanks for the loan, even if the suit's a little roomy - sit ups are a demon you might want to consider trying to tackle."

"Please get out."

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