Author's Chapter Notes:
As I said in the author's note for Ch. 7 of Fix You, I'm so sorry for disappearing for so long. Life has been difficult and still is. In turn, it's made writing difficult. Being creative makes me happy and hearing from all of you makes me happy, so I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things as best I can even with my current rl issues. Hope you enjoy this chapter of Poison. Thanks!
Chapter Sixteen:

Buffy stood paralyzed on the sidewalk next to Spike entirely unsure of what she should be doing as the infamous Drusilla approached. Buffy noted that the woman moved with a dancer's grace and at that moment appeared very much like a predator stalking its prey. She glanced up at Spike. Knowing he could be a bit unpredictable, she was a little concerned as to what his reaction would be to this new development. She was surprised to note that his original expression of disgust had given way to a look of blank-faced apathy.

Finally, the attractive brunette came to a stop about five feet in front of the pair. She regarded Buffy with a look that seemed to be more curious than anything, like the blonde girl was simply an oddity to be puzzled over. She slowly shifted her head so that her attention now lay on Spike's seemingly unmoved countenance.

"Hello, dear, I knew I would find you today," Drusilla murmured in a voice barely loud enough for Buffy to hear. "The fair—"

"Yeah, yeah," Spike interrupted, "the fairies told you. Did they also tell you that you should stay the hell away from me?"

Drusilla jutted out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout, "Now now, my prince, you don't mean that." She took a step forward and reached a hand out towards his chest.

He jerked back and his straight-faced expression was momentarily lost, "Like hell I don't!"

Drusilla slowly dropped her hand. Frowning, she tilted her head, "When are you coming home? I've missed you."

Spike threw back his head and chuckled mirthlessly. "You've missed me? Oh, that's rich." He shook his head, "You certainly have a funny way of showing a bloke you care."

Buffy was beginning to feel very awkward. Being caught in the middle of a lover's quarrel—ex lover's quarrel—was not her idea of a fun way to start the day. She had no idea what she was supposed to be doing at that point, so she just chewed on her lip and stood there, arms wrapped tightly around her body. With any luck, she would just melt away into the sidewalk. She jumped and let out a rather embarrassing squeak when she felt a strong hand suddenly grip her upper arm.

"Come on, pet, you're too good to be associating with this sort of trash."

Drusilla huffed as Spike stalked past her dragging Buffy in his wake. She glared as their figures moved farther away from the spot where she stood rooted to the sidewalk. She didn't like the familiarity that seemed to pass between that blonde girl and her prince. She didn't like it all. As she watched them disappear into the record store she had so recently vacated, she turned with a smile and with a bounce in her step crossed the street en route to her apartment. She had plans to make.

Spike was still tightly gripping Buffy's arm as they entered the record store. It was particularly uncomfortable as he was pressing on the bruises that he had created the previous night. She stopped abruptly, forcing him to either stop as well, drag her along, or actually release her damn arm. Spike stopped and turned to her with a confused expression, loosening his grip in the process. She took that opportunity to jerk her arm free of his hold.

Rubbing her bruised appendage, she glared at him, "Haven't you manhandled me enough already?"

Spike had the decency to look ashamed at her statement but only replied with a curt nod.

Buffy sighed as she glanced around the small store. She was surprised to find that it was literally a record store. She didn't even think people had record players anymore. She always thought record collections just consisted of recordings of singers like Dolly Parton...or Elvis or something. With that thought in mind, she was somewhat mystified by the crazy sounding music with the driving bass line that was reverberating through the store. Her eyes landed on a man with bright red hair wearing a set of headphones. He was standing in front of two record players, and he kept touching the records. Buffy really didn't think that could be too good for them.

Spike bobbed his head, listening to Oz work the decks like the pro he was. He turned towards Buffy to see if she was as impressed by the red-haired man as he was. He almost laughed out loud at her puzzled expression. He leaned in close to her ear, "What's wrong, luv, haven't you ever seen anyone spin records before? You know, Oz is a pretty famous DJ in this region."

Buffy turned to him looking even more confused. "DJ? Aren't those the guys that play CDs and announce music and stuff?"

Spike shook his head at her in amazement. "Good thing we got you out of your castle when we did, princess."

Buffy didn't really like his comment, but she was so out of her element, she thought it best to remain silent. She listened to Oz spin. It was no Pussycat Dolls, but she could definitely dance to what he had going.

It was clear he couldn't hear them, but after a moment, Oz glanced up. Most likely, it was to check if any customers had entered the store. His eyes widened when he saw Spike standing near the front of the room. He slipped off his headphones and stopped the decks.

"Hey, man!" he called, hurrying over to Spike, "finally decide to join us?"

Spike laughed as he and Oz did something that Buffy generally described as a 'man hug.'

As Oz backed away, Spike looked at him questioningly. "Gunn not fired me yet, mate?"

Oz chuckled, "No, you're good, man. I told him you had some things to work out. He seemed to understand."

Spike sighed, "Good, good. The last thing I need right now is to be out of a job."

Oz tipped his head towards Buffy. "You going to introduce me to your friend?"

If Oz seemed surprised by Spike keeping company with a girl that looked more like a cheerleader than a punk, he didn't show it. He gave her a crooked smile.

"Oh...yeah..." Spike seemed to suddenly remember the girl at his side. "This is Buffy. I crashed with her the last couple of days, but our housing situation sort of...fell through, so we're staying at the motel down the way."

Buffy thought about filling in the details, because the way Spike was spelling it out made is sound like they were a bit more than just acquaintances. She mentally slapped herself in the head. I slept with the guy....that probably makes us a bit more than strangers.

Oz nodded at Buffy, "Nice to meet you. Any friend of Spike's is a friend of mine." He paused for a second. "Okay, that's not true at all, but I won't hold it against you."

Buffy smiled at the man's bluntness. Spike just shook his head, "Meet Oz, pet. He's one of my best mates...though sometimes I'm not all that sure why."

Oz's crooked grin didn't falter at that. If anything, Buffy thought it grew wider. He nodded at her again, "It's Daniel Osbourne, but only my mom calls me Daniel."

She shook her head, "What is it with you guys and weird nicknames?"

Both men just shrugged in reply.

After a moment, Oz turned towards Spike with a serious expression on his face. "Look, man, I really didn't expect you to be in today, so....." he trailed off as his eyes locked on something somewhere behind the two blonds.

"What is it, mate?" Spike asked as he turned to see what had caught his friend's attention. His eyes widened as he looked through the glass door he and Buffy had entered through just moments earlier.


Chapter End Notes:
Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think, and let me know if you're still with me. Thanks!

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