Author's Chapter Notes:
Again, when I first wrote this I was a spoiler whore. I say this now because one of the big ones was of course the return of Sunnydale High. My version in no way resembles the show's but I liked trying to incorperate alot of the old detalis from the first 6 seasons into this fic. Hope you like it.
Back to School

Anya arrived first. She carried with her the notes from the deciphering, along with the key and book. Xander turned up a few minutes later, and sat with his ex-fiancée to help her with the translation in the hope that it may tell them why The Master took Dawn. He worked on the symbols as Anya tried to put the words together in some semblance of order.

Buffy and Spike sat on the couch circling areas on the map with known caves, as Willow searched for any others they may not know about using her almost frightening skills on the computer.

The redhead moved the cursor along the screen, amazed at the numbers. "Um, Buffy. I found the caves, but there's a problem."

Buffy walked from her seat and looked over her friend's shoulder. "What are all of the red dots?"

"Those are the caves," The talented hacker answered. She gazed at the screen filled with ragged lines connecting the red dots. The intricate pattern was extensive and looked like nothing the familiar group had seen before.

"There has to be a hundred on there. How is that possible?" Buffy asked.

Willow turned to look up at her friend. "It's California, Buffy. That, plus the whole, 'we're on a Hellmouth' means a lot of earthquakes, and a lot of caves."

"That's too many. Even if we split up, it'd take days to search them all." Buffy started pacing. If they could do a locator spell, they'd have a chance. But she knew that option was an impossibility.

Willow could read her friend's thoughts. "I'm sorry, Buffy."

She stopped in her tracks and looked at her friend. "Don't be. It's ok. We'll figure out something."

Xander and Anya continued to translate the coded language while listening. Spike put the map aside, and looked at Willow's computer screen.

"I know you can't go messin' with the magics, Red, but is there something simpler, something one of us could do?"

Willow looked around the apartment in thought. "There might be something." She stood up and walked to the small collection of books she had retained for herself. Some had magics, others were listings of demons, and some held secrets of different gods and goddesses who watched over the earth. Little things Giles had left behind that he thought could be helpful. She ran her fingers over the titles until she reached a black leather-bound book with blood red embossed letters.

"Corlon: Keeper of Blood"

"Here." She pulled the book from the shelf and opened it. "I think I remember something. Yeah, here it is." She set the book on the dining table and the group surrounded her.

Willow glanced up at Buffy before reading. "It's a chant to call upon Corlon. If she deems you worthy she can tell you where your missing loved one is, as long as you are blood relation."

Anya smiled happily at Buffy. "Can't get much more blood-related than the same blood, can you?"

Buffy smiled back absently, then looked at her friend. "Are you sure I can do this? I mean, I've done a few trances, simple stuff but-"

"You can do this," Willow nodded. "We just need." She looked over the page, "The Talisman of Ties." She furrowed her brow. "I've never seen this. Do you have one at the shop, Anya?"

Anya took the book as Willow handed it to her. Anya studied the simple diagram. "No. I've never seen this before."

Xander peeked at the picture in the book. "Could we make one? Would that work? 'Cause if it's just the symbol, I know a guy who works with metals."

Willow shook her head. "No. It has to be that. Supposedly, it was blessed by Corlon herself."

Buffy glanced at it next. "It's pretty, two silver knots, tied together."

Spike opened his eyes wide. "What!? Lem'me see that."

Buffy took the book from Anya and handed it to Spike.

It took a mere glance before Spike was sure. Without a word he pulled the chain from under his shirt to reveal the charm the elder of the coven in England had given him. He lifted the chain from around his neck. "The Witch said it would help me find my way, but I think you need it more." He handed the chain to Buffy.

She looked from her hand to Spike. She smiled widely at the man she loved. "Thank you, William."

He smiled back, and gave her a short nod.

Xander looked between the two blondes. "Okay, since when do we call him 'William'?"

Spike's face went hard. "You don't." Then it went soft again as he looked back at Buffy. "She can, whenever the spirit moves her."

Buffy grinned at the both of them. At least they weren't killing each other, and the Spike smile gave her a happy, even if it was just for a second, and a second was all she had. "Ok, down to business. What do I need to do, Willow?"

A few minutes passed as the furniture was rearranged to open up the space needed for the summoning. Buffy soon was sitting in the center of a circle made of black sand, holding a red candle and chanting softly. The pendant Spike had produced, sat in front of her on a white bed pillow.

The others sat outside the circle, silently waiting for a sign that the spell had started. No one knew exactly what would happen, and they watched the room looking for a spark of magic.

Buffy repeated the chant. She was getting tired of sitting in that position, but she remembered her previous experience, and that soon her legs would go numb.

Spike watched her lips move. Her eyes were closed, and in the dimly lit room, she seemed to glow. He was mesmerized by her quiet beauty. Here in the confines of the small apartment, with her sister lost, she was still strong and controlled. He soon began to chant with her under his breath.

A few more minutes passed, and the charm had yet to do anything.

Willow sat furthest away in the kitchen. She didn't want to be here at all, but for her friends she would stay. From her position she had a clear view of all of them, including Buffy. She watched her lips move in the silent mantra, then she eyed Anya and Xander pretending not to look at each other. Finally, she saw Spike, and became acutely aware that he was moving his lips.

Now, she knew why this wasn't working. Spike was interrupting 'the calling' because he was not a part of Dawn.

She was about to tell him to stop, when the charm began to rise slowly above the pillow, and spin. It turned quickly cutting the air, making the atmosphere whistle. A bubble of white light surrounded it as the silver knots came apart. The two pieces continued to rise and spin before one piece darted to Buffy without warning.

She was about to duck when it stopped just in front of her forehead.

The group, including a cross-eyed Buffy, stared at the silver spinning knot, that glowed in front of her. It stayed, becoming more bright and lighting Buffy fully.

They looked up and watched the second knot, hoping it would point the way to Dawn. It soon darted quickly away, stopping in front of Spike. It also glowed and spun while lighting up the former Vampire. "Uh, Willow, not that I don't think this Corlon chit is anything but a goddess, but, is she aware I am not related to Buffy?"

Anya and Xander had matching confused looks.

Willow walked out of the kitchen and stared at the spinning silver. "I don't understand." She quickly picked up the book and began skimming the contents. She looked at the book like it was a liar, then to Spike.

Spike stared at the girl. "What is it?"

"Um. Ok, Spike, walk slowly to the circle." Willow held the book to her chest.

Spike made his way step by step to the circle. The tiny pieces of metal kept its position in front of him as he moved. Once he reached his spot next to Buffy, both pieces spun faster, and they lit up the two slayers by blending their light.

"Ok," Willow continued, "Now both of you need to ask."

Buffy was thoroughly confused, but knew her friend wouldn't tell her to do it unless it was necessary. Spike was equally lost, but he also knew Willow wouldn't tell him to do it if he wasn't supposed to. So the two asked once more for the location of the young Summers.
The two pieces dropped to the pillow, lifeless.

"I know where she is." Both Spike and Buffy announced in unison; they then looked at each other. ‘

"The high school?" Buffy asked.

"The Hellmouth," Spike nodded.

"That's not a cave," Anya pointed out.

"I'll get the weapons." Xander headed towards the door.

"We'll all go," Buffy said. "I'm going to need you all on this."

The group quickly scrambled to go to the Magic Box. Anya grabbed her work on the book, and Willow took the text they had used for the location spell. She still didn't know how to tell Buffy what had just happened, but since no one was asking, she thought it could wait.

They made quick work of gathering weapons before heading to the remains of the old high school. There wasn't much left now. It had been bulldozed, but off to the side of the rubble, a hole was evident. It was the last and only entrance to the school.

They had all been here when it was standing at one time or another. Now, all that was left was the basement and the parts of the school that had been pushed into it. The area was dirty, and the air was thick with particles of dust that hung midair through the shafts of light provided from the flashlight Willow and Anya carried.

The group was silent as Buffy and Spike listened and reached out with their Slayer senses to find Vampires. And Vampires was exactly what they felt. All around, but pinpointing the direction their foes were was problematic. The whole place was filled with vamp vibes.

Before either of them could shout out a warning, the group was attacked by at least ten Vampires.

Buffy and Spike were both bowled over as they were attacked by three Vampires each. They went to work.

Xander was toppled over by another Vampire, just as he pushed Anya out of the way. Willow caught the demon, but was soon covered with two Vampires of her own.

Xander snatched his stake from his pocket before rolling himself over on top of the vampire.

Buffy looked behind her long enough to see Xander dust his attacker. She turned back to her three and brought up a stake from her sleeve. "I really," Punch. "don't have," Roundhouse. "time for," Stake to the heart. "this." She dusted a second.

"You," Headbutt. "tell," Stake to the heart. "''em,." Kick to the gut. "Luv." Spike took the final two and bashed their heads together. Buffy staked her final Vamp and threw a piece of wood Spike's way. He grabbed it from the air and dispatched both Vamps with a stake held in each hand.

Anya was on the ground with a demon lowering himself to her neck. Xander had taken one of the stray minions on, and had just staked him when he saw Anya in danger. He ran the few steps to her and yanked the Vampire up by his hair. When the demon turned to face whomever had interrupted his dinner, he got a punch to the face. His head shot back violently. Xander pulled his arm back again, and again, and again.

Willow was struggling with a Vampire. She had dropped to her back, and was keeping him away from her throat by using the ax's handle for leverage. A moment later, dust fell on her, and Spike stood over her grinning.

"You alright there?" He helped her get to her feet.

"Yeah," she said out of breath. "Thanks."

Buffy walked up behind Xander, who was taking a break from beating the now very bloody Vampire. "You know, they don't die that way."

Xander looked back at her. "I know. But I feel better, so." He shrugged before picking up his abandoned stake off the ground, and pierced the unconscious vampire's heart.

Anya was still on the ground holding her neck. She had been bitten, but barely any blood had been taken. Xander looked defeated as he walked to her and helped her stand. "Are you alright?" he asked her tenderly.

Anya decided there was nothing she could say, so instead she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Xander was shocked, but it only took him a split second to return the kiss.

Willow watched her friends, smiling.

The Slayers paused for just a minute, hating to interrupt. "Um, guys. Dawn?"

Xander and Anya parted slowly, smiling at each other, remembering where they were. The two walked over to the blonde slayers, joined by Willow.

"Which direction?" Spike asked.

They looked around in the darkness. "I think we're below the old cafeteria. So, we should go that way," Buffy said, pointing ahead of them, a new stake in hand.

The group began walking along what looked like a new path through the rubble. The turns were unfamiliar, but the foreboding was the same. An eerie chill filled all of them as they drew nearer to the Hellmouth.

Voices could be heard ahead of them, so they slowed their pace. Buffy and Spike signaled the group to stay put as they walked ahead to see who they would be dealing with.

"Comes the first, alone no more, Comes the demon's souled core, Comes the creation of the key, Comes the line formed by need.”

The hollow sound of echoes were easy to understand, each syllable enunciated clearly and had force behind it.

"And from them comes the new line. One from need; one from love. She shall surpass those before her, She shall save the earth from hell.”

Xander standing with Willow and Anya, could make out the words from the voices ahead, but the voice behind him was Anya's. She mimicked the next line with perfection.

"She who was made, she who was forged."

Xander turned around clearly shocked Anya was speaking the same words as the echoing evil no filling the passage. "What?"

"It's the translation. I had most of it, but he knows it. all of it," She whispered.

Xander stared at her. "You have that much done, and you didn't tell us?"

"We were looking for a name. I haven't found a name."

Willow overheard the discussion. "Don't worry, Anya. I don't think his name is that important. Not now."

Xander looked back at the redhead. "Why, Willow?"

She shook her head. "Because we were wrong. It's not just the story of the first Slayer, it's a prophecy of the new line."

The Master cut short his speech, and looked towards the Slayers' hiding place. "Ah, we have visitors."

Chapter End Notes:
If you still want a little something to read, I posted a one shot called Communication 101. It's a little different from my usual story style but give it a look if you would. Thanks again for reading.

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