Chapter 53: Out of the Woods

The week went by uneventfully. Xander and Spike were getting along much better, but Buffy was pretty sure part of that was because Spike spent more time with her than anyone else.

Dawn had been doing homework every day. Luckily, she’d been able to get a week’s worth of homework to take with her, though she hadn’t been too keen on the idea of doing homework the entire time.

Giles hadn’t called yet, so Buffy assumed that was because the Council was still snooping around, but she was looking forward to sleeping in her own bed again.

Her belly had gotten a bit bigger, and Spike was beginning to grow nervous that she might not fit into her dress for the surprise ceremony. She had a more prominent bump now at just around twelve weeks, and most of her shirts were starting to feel a little snug. She did, however, have a couple of flowing tops that still fit her well, and Spike silently thanked the powers that be that the dress she’d gone all googly-eyed over flowed out at the waist. There was hope yet for this surprise to go through without a hitch.

On this particular afternoon, Buffy and Spike were sitting on the couch watching one of countless movies they had already watched this week. This particular movie had Spike’s attention, as it was Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie.

“If I wasn’t so fat, I could be as hot as her, right?” she asked, patting her stomach. Spike glanced at her and smiled.

“You’re a million times sexier than her, Buffy.”

“Oh shut up. I drooled over Brad Pitt. You can drool over her. You know, I bet they would have gorgeous kids if they ever got together.”

“He’s married to that Aniston girl, isn’t he?”

“You’ve been watching way too much Entertainment Tonight,” Buffy teased. “Oh well. Our baby will be beautiful. Can you just see her with curly blonde hair and blue eyes?”

“Let’s face it, love, she’s bound to have dark blonde hair if anything. Hmm…dunno how it works. Maybe I’ve bleached my hair for so long it’s seeped into my genes.” Buffy giggled at that.

“She’ll be beautiful no matter what color of hair she has. I just hope she has my complexion. If she’s as pale as you, the doctor might think we’re not taking good care of her.”

“Oi, I’m not that pale.”

“Well, no, but in fluorescent lights, you kinda stand out. I’m surprised our doctor hasn’t said anything about it.” Spike shrugged and popped a piece of popcorn into his mouth. “Ugh.”




“You! You don’t have to eat human food, but when you do, you eat like a pig, and you don’t gain any weight. Me? All I have to do is look at a piece of pizza and I gain five pounds.”

“You’re pregnant, pet.”

“Yeah, but still. It’s not fair.”

“And you’re not fat. You’re gorgeous. If it wasn’t for these wankers, I’d ravish you right here and now.”

“Um, hello? Right here. Right here in the same room,” Xander spoke up.

“My point exactly,” Spike chuckled, kissing Buffy softly.

“Ok, if this is gonna turn x-rated, at least, you know, do it quietly?”

“We’re not that loud,” Buffy laughed.


“I think you were hearing yourself and Anya echoing off the walls.”

“Come on. You guys are so much louder than us.”

“What’s wrong with being loud?” Spike wondered.

“Nothing when you’re at home alone,” Xander grimaced.

“Oh. Come on!” Buffy urged.


“Are you forgetting something called…oh…let’s see…my birthday?”

“What about it?”

“Oh my God!” she squealed. “It sounded like you guys were killing each other…in a very good way.”

“I don’t remember that. I was drunk.”

“Yeah, and I wasn’t.”

“Oh yeah. You little trickster.” Xander tossed a pillow at Buffy, and she made a face at him before putting the pillow in Spike’s lap and propping her feet up on it. He immediately started massaging her achy feet. She moaned as he paid particular attention to her arches. Xander made a face but grabbed for the popcorn bowl. He took a handful and went back to watching the movie. “Yeah…you kick that robot’s ass, Angie.” Buffy raised an eyebrow and looked over in Xander’s direction. “What?”

“Don’t say that too loud. Anya might not like it.”

“Oh, we have an understanding. See, she’d kill me if I told you this, but…” He looked over his shoulder to make sure she wasn’t in hearing distance, “she has this raging fantasy. It’s her and Patrick Swayze on the pottery wheel in Ghost.” Buffy’s jaw dropped. “We’re allowed one completely unhealthy obsession with only one famous person. Mine happens to be Angelina Jolie.”

“Oh my God,” Buffy giggled.

“This is…wrong,” Spike noted.

“Oh come on, Spike. You have to have one fantasy about someone…”

“No I don’t,” Spike bit harshly, glaring at the younger man.

“Oh, come on, Spike,” Buffy laughed. “Who…and what?”

“Make him say first.” Buffy cocked an eyebrow at Xander.

“Well, you know. Angelina Jolie…” He frowned. “Ok, in my parents’ basement.” Spike and Buffy gawked at him, and he laughed nervously. “Well, the fantasy started before I got my own place. You know, when she was that freaky girl in Girl, Interrupted? It’s kinda stayed the same ever since. OK, Spike’s turn.” Spike said nothing.

“Fine,” Buffy offered. “Brad Pitt…as a vampire…in his coffin.”

“Bloody hell!” Spike groaned. “The coffin thing gets to you too? Why don’t I just call Dracula up? I’m sure he’d love to get his fangs into you…again.” Buffy slapped his arm.



“I don’t want Dracula. You’re the only vampire for me. But Brad Pitt…as a vampire…well, that’s never gonna happen, but it’s hot, don’t you think?”

“Uh, no,” Spike replied, raising an eyebrow.

“Come on,” she urged. “Now spill. I might act it out for you when I don’t look like a cow.”

“Ew! Ok, I didn’t need to hear that,” Xander groaned. Spike shot him a look as if to say ‘yeah, like you wouldn’t get off on it.’ He turned his attention back to Buffy.

“I don’t have one. Honest, pet. All my fantasies are about you.” He smiled at her as she crawled into his lap, and Xander thought for a minute about bolting from the room. But they wouldn’t have sex right there in front of him, would they?

“That’s sweet. And such a lie,” she teased, her hands caressing his chest through the material of his shirt.

“Is not!” he insisted. Buffy cocked her head to the side and stared into his eyes.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” Spike shrugged his shoulders and looked away.


“Never? Nothing? Nobody?”

“Just you,” he nodded. “Alright, maybe one or two with Drusilla.” Her gaze hardened, and her jaw went rigid. “But that was before you, luv. The minute I stepped foot into The Bronze that night? That was the moment I started wanting you. Ruined all women for me that night, you did. Dru noticed it. And Harmony? Please! Thinking of you was the only thing that got me through those grueling hours of…”

“Hours?” Xander perked up. “Harmony? Really?”

“The woman could shag as long as she could flap her gums.” Buffy wriggled in Spike’s lap a little to get his attention. And get it, she did. He felt his cock beginning to stir, and he clenched his teeth together. “But at that last moment…you know the one…the only thing that worked was picturing you.” Buffy’s lower lip stuck out in a little pout.

“Aww…baby,” she whispered, nibbling his neck.

“And with that, I’m outta here,” Xander scoffed.

“No need, Harris. Watch the telly. Might wanna turn up the volume if you know what I mean.” He grinned devilishly at Buffy before scooting her off his lap and rushing with her into the bedroom. The door slammed behind them, and before she was fully seated on the bed, he was pouncing on her. Her giggle erupted, echoing through the little cabin, before Spike muffled it with a hungry kiss. When he pulled back, he brushed his fingers alongside her cheek. “No need for fantasies when I’ve got the real thing. You’re all mine. Aren’t you?” Buffy bit her bottom lip and grinned, nodding.

“Yeah,” she whispered, lacing her fingers together at the base of his neck and brining him down for another kiss. “I’m all yours.”


“This doesn’t make any sense,” Faith muttered, raking her fingers through her hair roughly and pacing her tiny London flat. Dana watched her from her perch on the couch.

“Maybe we’re wrong. Maybe there’s nothing going on.”

“Right, and they just throw around words like ‘memory loss’ and ‘experiment’ for the hell of it.” She sifted through some unimportant papers she’d snitched from the files at the Council. They’d come up with nothing, even after ransacking and then putting back together Mr. Travers’ office. “He must keep those kinds of files at home.”

“Or he doesn’t have them at all.” Faith stopped and looked at Dana. “Well, maybe he doesn’t have any records. Maybe it’s all in his head.” Faith considered this for a moment before shaking her head.

“I don’t think so. We’ve searched how many offices? We haven’t come up with anything. Whatever this is, I don’t think the rest of the Council’s involved. At least not most of them. Maybe Dr. Owens. Maybe that one creepy doctor that’s always lurking around outside the conference rooms.”



“I wanna get out of here.”


“Yeah. I just wanna go.”

“Go where? Back to Sunnydale?”

“I don’t know. I just…it’s not safe here. I mean, even if they’re not planning anything…it doesn’t feel right here.”

“Alright,” Faith said quietly. “We’ll leave tomorrow. We’ll do one more sweep of the place tomorrow and if we don’t find anything, we’ll get the hell out of here. Alright?” Dana nodded.


“You probably better get back. They see you’re here too long, and they might start to suspect something.”

“You don’t think they’ve bugged the place, do you?” Faith shook her head.

“If they had, we’d probably be behind bars right now.” Dana thought about that for a minute.

“Yeah. You’re probably right. Ok. So tomorrow, then.”

“Yep. Tomorrow.”


It was late afternoon when Giles called. Buffy was napping in the other room, so Spike was the first to take the phone off the hook.


“Spike, it’s Giles.”

“Figured. Who else would use this line.”

“Er…right. Yes, well I’m calling to tell you that the coast is clear. The visiting Council members boarded a plane about an hour ago. I watched them board, and I watched the plane leave, so it’s safe for Buffy to come home now.”

“Did they say anything about the…uh?” In the rare possibility that the line was tapped, he decided not to go much further than that.

“They didn’t seem to know, so I don’t think that was the reason for their coming. Still, I wanted to make sure they were out of town before I called.”

“Right. Thanks. We’ll, leave as soon as we gather our things.” He hung up and turned to the lot of them.

“Alright, kids. Time to go home.” Dawn glanced at Spike.

“Um, are we still going with the plan? You know, the weekend getaway?”

“Oh bollocks. Right. I need to make the hotel reservations. You think you can all make the house wedding-friendly in two days?”

“We’re on it,” Willow nodded. “Dawnie, we’ll go shopping for a dress tomorrow.”

“Yeah, well what happens if Buffy says no?” Dawn wondered. Spike eyed the young woman who smiled nervously. “Kidding! Geez. Go wake up Buffy. We’ll take everything to the car.” Spike headed into the bedroom to wake up his sleeping bride-to-be. He closed the door and leaned against it, watching her sleep so soundly with her hands shaped around her little baby belly. He shook his head a little and smiled, proud to say that this was the woman he was going to share the rest of his life with. Deep down, he knew that when she was gone, his reason for being would be gone, and there would be no point left to his eternity. Still, that was something he didn’t want to think about as he knelt down next to the bed and placed his hands over hers. He was going to marry her. Maybe they wouldn’t be legally bound, but that wasn’t the point. What mattered was what he felt in his heart; in his gut. This was meant to be.

“Buffy,” he whispered, stroking her cheek softly. Her eyes fluttered opened, and she smiled when she saw him.

“Hey…I was having a really good dream.”

“Were you?”

“Mmm…you were doing things to me that would make…well, even us blush.” Spike chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her softly.

“We can do them now, you know.”


“Giles called. We’re free to go.” Buffy sat up quickly and sighed with relief.

“I’m so glad…I can finally sleep in my own bed tonight.”

“Or you can sleep in a big, not-so-comfy hotel bed with, what was it? Two days of nakedness.” Buffy’s eyes widened.

“Yes please!” Spike chuckled and kissed her once more.

“Right then. I’ll make the arrangements. We’ll go home, get showers, and then prepare to spend the next two days of our lives wearing nothing but each other.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that,” she murmured. “Just you and me…”

Chapter End Notes:
Thanks again for all your kind comments and feedback! Please keep it coming! I give you something to can do the same for me, k? ;) I really appreciate it!

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