Chapter 61: It’s A…

“Boy. I didn’t realize how thin you were before you got pregnant, Buffy, until I saw an old picture of you, Willow, and Xander earlier today. When are you due, again? Next month?”

“No,” Buffy said through gritted teeth, “I’m due in September. It’s only April.”

“Oh,” Anya said quietly. Buffy groaned and put her hands on her expanding belly.

“Told you. I’m a whale.”

“You are not, luv,” Spike assured her. “And if anybody said anything of the sort again, I’ll bite them.”

“Thanks, baby,” she grinned. Standing up, Buffy placed her hands on her lower back. In the past few weeks, her belly had certainly popped a little more. She was now wearing her maternity clothes, and everyone and anyone who saw her on the street would look at her belly first and then at her and smile knowingly. While some women might find it nice to get that kind of cutesy attention, she found it quite creepy sometimes, depending on her mood. It was as if they were looking at her and thinking ‘gee, I know what you did.’

“We’re gonna be late if we don’t get a move on,” Buffy pointed out. “Sun’s down now. Faith already went out to patrol. Willow and Tara are on Dana watch, just in case she decides to make her appearance. We’re free.”

“Right,” Spike pointed out. “I’ll pull the car around.”

“I can walk to the car. I’m not helpless, Spike. Besides, I’m not even halfway through this pregnancy yet.”

“Wow,” Anya stammered. “You’re gonna get so big.”


“Let it go, luv,” Spike urged.

“Yeah. Good idea.” Buffy shot another glare at Anya, who was oblivious, as she was already dusting off the shelves, preparing for the next business day.

The two left together and made their way out to Spike’s old car. They didn’t use it much, but Buffy was finding it more and more convenient with her increasing waistline and bladder that was seemingly decreasing in size.

The past few weeks had been pretty quiet. A few kills a week for both Buffy and Faith, which was surprising for the Hellmouth. Buffy was starting to believe that Spike was probably accurate in saying that evil was spreading itself thin because two Slayers meant twice the mortality rate for the demon world.

Tara and Willow had found a place close to the Magic Box, and they were in the process of moving out, but hadn’t done so completely yet. Buffy and Spike had decided to take over that room because it was larger, and use Buffy’s room for the baby’s nursery.

They drove in silence toward the doctor’s office, and Buffy slowly strummed her fingers against her swollen stomach. Spike eyed her, noticing how her lips were set in a thin line, and her eyes seemed full of worry.

“Something bothering you, pet?”

“No,” she said quietly. She glanced at him and shrugged. “I haven’t felt the baby move yet. I know the books say it might not happen yet, but…I don’t know. It seems like I should have felt her already, you know? I mean, she’s ours. You’d think she’s be making her presence known as soon as possible. With your DNA, I’d think she’d be keeping me up at all hours of the night.” Spike chuckled at that.

“Not to worry, luv. Her heart’s strong and healthy. I listen to her every night. You don’t have to worry.”

“I love that I have my own living stethoscope,” she giggled.


“Undead, whatever,” she said with a roll of her eyes. She looked down at her belly and rubbed it gently. “What do you say, little one? You gonna let us know if you’re a Spike Jr. or a Buffy Jr.?”

“Buffy Jr. all the way.”

“We’re not naming her that if that’s what she is,” Buffy grinned. “I don’t want to give her reason to hate us before she’s a teenager.” Spike snickered at his wife’s comment, and they continued on toward the clinic.


“I thought you were supposed to be patrolling,” Willow murmured, as she stepped into the kitchen of the Summers’ home to find Faith munching on a fresh piece of pizza out of a delivery box.

“I got hungry. I’m on my way,” she commented.

“For a Slayer, you don’t really seemed concerned about the evil out there.” Willow moved to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip.

“Yeah, well, I work better on a full stomach.” Faith closed the pizza box and slid it across the counter toward Willow. “Have at it. I’m out.” Faith turned on her heel and headed out the door. Willow frowned and opened the pizza box. She considered taking a slice, but decided against it, and when Tara walked in the room, she immediately sensed her girlfriend’s anxiety.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, acknowledging the frown on Willow’s face.

“Oh, what else?”


“She’s been there too long. I don’t think I feel right moving out and leaving Buffy here with her.”

“She won’t be alone. Spike and Dawn are here.”

“Yeah. Faith’s a Slayer, meaning she could easily hurt Dawn and stake Spike without a moment’s notice.” Tara placed her hand over Willow’s.

“I’m sure she won’t be here much longer.”

“Any luck with the locator spell?”

“No. No other slayers in the city limits. Doesn’t mean she’s not around.”

“Doesn’t anyone ever check the mail around here?” Dawn asked, walking into the kitchen with a package in her hands.

“What’s that?” Willow wondered, frowning and taking the brown box.

“It’s postmarked from L.A. Must be from Dad,” Dawn said with a shrug. “Probably a baby gift to try to make up for missing Buffy’s birthday. We should just toss it out.” Willow shook her head.

“I’m sure Buffy’d want to see it, even if your dad is a creep for what he did.” Dawn raised an eyebrow. “Sorry. Went into protective best friend mode there for a minute.”

“No, it’s fair,” Dawn muttered. “He is a creep. Won’t even return my calls.” She turned the package over in her hands. “Or maybe it’s from Angel.”

“He doesn’t know about the baby.”

“Oh come on. You think Wesley can keep quiet that long?” Willow shrugged her shoulders.


“I dunno.” She slid it off to the side of the counter and set her eyes on the pizza box. “Oh! What kind is it?”

“Looks like pepperoni and ham. And extra greasy,” Willow answered. “Want some?”

“Mmm, yes please.” Willow handed the box to Dawn, who went to town on the steamy, gooey pizza. For a moment, all was quiet, until a tinkling musical sound came from the box.

“Oookay,” Tara said slowly. “That’s weird.”

“Better call Buffy,” Willow said quietly.

“Because it’s the evil music box of doom?” Dawn wondered. Willow rolled her eyes and dialed anyway. After a couple of rings, the slayer picked up.


“Hey Buffy, it’s Willow.”

“Wil, what’s up?”

“Well, you got a package. It’s…tinkling.”

“Ew. What is it, an animal?”

“Huh? Oh! No, not that kind of tinkling. I mean, it’s playing music.”

“Oh. Umm…who’s it from?”

“I don’t know. It’s postmarked from L.A.”

“Oh. Probably from my dad. You can open it. If it’s for the baby, I might keep it, depending on what it is.”

“Ok, hold on. Dawn? Open it, will you?” Dawn went to work, and after about ten seconds, she was pulling a pink and blue model carousel out of the package. As the horses moved around and around on it, the song played, but when she stuck her finger in to halt the rotation, the music stopped. “Aw, Buffy, it’s so cute!”

“What is it?”

“It’s a carousel music box thing. It’s all baby-colored and cute. I think you should keep it.”

“Put it up in my room…I’ll figure out what to do with it later. Thanks, Wil.”

“No problem. You find out what the baby is yet?”

“We’re just sitting in the office now.”

“Ok, well, just so you know, we’re all pretty sure it’s a girl.”

“You know, we’re all gonna be feeling pretty stupid if it turns out to be a boy. And he must never know we all thought he was a girl, because, well, I don’t know, but I’m sure that could give the kid a complex.” Willow laughed a little.

“Got it. Operation Complex-less Baby commences in 3…2….1….”

“Ha, see ya later, Wil.”

“Bye.” Willow hung up and looked at Tara and Dawn. “Well, she said to keep it.”

“Wonder why he didn’t call?” Tara wondered. With a roll of her eyes, Dawn let out a little sigh.

“Because he doesn’t do confrontation well. He’d rather try to buy us off with stuff like this than actually face up to being a jerk.”

“I’ll take it up to Buffy’s room.” Dawn took the carousel in her hands and headed out of the room with it.

“That’s just not right,” Willow muttered, wiping down the countertop. “I know I don’t really talk to my parents as much as I should, but at least I know they’re there for me if I need them, and it goes both ways. I don’t get it. Anybody’d be lucky to have Dawn and Buffy as daughters.”

“Maybe he’s just not dad material,” Tara said quietly. “Not every dad knows how to be a dad, you know?” Willow nodded, rubbing Tara’s arm sympathetically. After all, she’d gotten a raw deal in the dad department too.

“I guess not,” Willow said softly, frowning. “Buffy’s baby’s lucky. I don’t think Spike’s going anywhere for a long time.”


“Do you have any questions, Buffy?” Dr. Jones asked, as she ran the ultrasound wand along Buffy’s belly.

“Well, I haven’t felt the baby moving. Is that…is that bad?”

“Not at all. Many women don’t feel the baby move until further into their pregnancy. Some women claim they can feel it even earlier. It’s different with all women, but not at all uncommon for you not to have noticed, since this is your first pregnancy.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well, there’s a chance the baby has moved, and you have felt it, but you maybe didn’t know that that was what you were feeling. And I’m sure you’ll feel the baby within the next few weeks or so, Mr. Pratt.”

“Me?” Spike asked, stepping closer to the exam table.

“Of course. Once the baby gets a little bigger, you may even see your wife’s belly move when the baby stretches out.” Dr. Jones smiled and pointed to the screen. “See there? You have a very active little one.” Buffy and Spike stared in awe at their child on the screen. They could see the little flicker of its heart, one leg kicked out, and the baby’s arm moved out, as if punching air. Spike smirked and pressed his lips against Buffy’s temple.

“Just like her mum, eh, pet?” Buffy grinned and chewed on her lower lip as she saw her baby in live action.

“So, can you see what it is?” Buffy wondered.

“I can try. Though I’ll run another scan later on to make sure. Let’s just see if the baby will cooperate.”

“If she’s like her mum, not likely,” Spike laughed. Buffy hit him in the arm. “Ow.”

“Like you’re Mr. Cooperative.”

“Let’s just face it here and now, luv. This baby’s gonna be anything but easy.”

“You know, they say two negatives make a positive.”

“Who said we were negative?”

“Ah, here we are,” Dr. Jones announced, breaking up the playful banter between the newlyweds.

“You know what it is?” Buffy asked.

“I’m about 98 percent certain. I can be 100 percent in a few weeks, but yes, I’m fairly certain you can start picking out nursery colors now.” Buffy and Spike looked at one another expectantly, and Buffy took a deep breath.

“Ok? So…what is it?”

“See this right here?” She pointed to the area in question, and both Buffy and Spike turned their heads from side to side, trying to make heads or tails out of it.

“Not really,” Buffy admitted.

“That’s alright. Many parents are a little confused.”

“But there’s something to see? So it’s a boy?” Spike wondered, prepared to be completely blown away that the Bitty Buffy name was about to be thrown out the window.

“Well, I was just referring to the area. I don’t see anything that resembles a penis,” Dr. Jones chuckled. Spike’s eyes widened, and he looked at Buffy, who quickly snapped her attention to him, eyes wide too.

“Oh my God! It’s a girl?”

“Congratulations,” Dr. Jones grinned. “You’re having a daughter.”


Hank Summers stumbled out of the extremely uncomfortable bed. He ran his hand over his stubble-covered face and made his way to the small kitchen on the other side of the tiny apartment.

Opening the fridge, he took out a beer and pulled the tap, hearing the satisfactory hiss as the carbonation bubbled inside. He took a long drink before placing the can on the counter. He moved over to the window that came completely with a repaired bullet hole and a large crack stemming from the center and spider-legging outward. He peered out into the street seeing the same silver car that had been parked there every night for the past few weeks. He’d evaded them for a few months, but now, they were on to him.

Grabbing his cell phone, he leaned against the front door and dialed a number. After five rings and no answer, he threw the phone across the room in frustration.

Light flickered in from the window, reflecting on something shiny across the room. It was a picture of his two beautiful girls. He closed his eyes with frustration, wondering what must be going through their minds in regards to him. Did they even regard him anymore? Was he even a thought that crossed their minds? He wouldn’t blame them if he wasn’t. If only they knew.

He shook his head, forcing himself to avoid picking up the phone and calling them, something he’d wanted to do for so many months now. But it wasn’t safe. Not for him. Not for them. If they wanted to hate him, it was ok, because at least they’d still be alive.

He was torn out of his thoughts by a rap at the door.

“Mr. Summers? Detective Edwards, LAPD.” It was a female voice. One he hadn’t heard before. He got up and looked out the window. The silver car was still there. He said nothing. Only pressed himself flat against the wall. “Mr. Summers. I know you’re in there. I’ve been watching your apartment for three days. You haven’t left. We can do this the easy way.” Hank held his breath, closing his eyes and waiting for the inevitable. After several long moments, the door flew off the hinges, and the woman stepped inside, dressed from head to toe in black. No sign of a badge or even a gun on her. “Hi Mr. Summers.”

“Who are you?” He watched her cock her head to the side.

“I’m an old friend of your daughter’s.”

“What do you want?”

“I need you to give her a little message.” Hank’s eyes widened in fear as she stepped closer to her.

“Tell her this: It doesn’t have to be difficult. We know the secret she carries, and it has to be destroyed.” Hank shook his head.

“I can’t…I won’t.”

“Don’t worry about the men parked outside. They’re not who you think they are. They’ll be gone the moment I step outside your door. You’re safe, Mr. Summers. My employer has, let’s just say, taken care of the problem you ran into with your clients. You’re free to come out of hiding, but you won’t be safe from him until you deliver the message to your daughter.”

“Who…who should I…”

“She’ll know,” she said softly, “but just in case she needs some help remembering, tell her Dana Mullens sends her regards.”

Chapter End Notes:
Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm going out of town for a few days or a week on Saturday, so this might be my last update until I get back. If I get inspired tomorrow, I might just get another chapter out. Anyway, let me know what you think! Thanks!

Also, thanks for your kind comments regarding my health. I really appreciate them!

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