[Reviews - 112] LikedPrinter
Summary: Behind every 'normal' person, there's a past. Best Buffy characterization and Best Fantasy Angst- Thank you to whoever nominated this.
Rated: AO-AdultsOnly
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Rape, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Completed: No
Word count: 19719 Read: 37181
Published: 03/31/2009 Updated: 02/22/2010

1. Chapter One by Jake [Reviews - 10] Liked (1062 words)
Just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone liked the general idea. Unbeta'd at this point. Huge thank you to Xaphania for the incredible banner!

2. It Happened Before by Jake [Reviews - 8] Liked (1133 words)

3. A Day in the life of... by Jake [Reviews - 4] Liked (1271 words)
Big thank you to Xaphania for the amazing banner!!!! You Rock!!!

4. A Night Out by Jake [Reviews - 6] Liked (1150 words)

5. When Romeo kissed Juliet... by Jake [Reviews - 7] Liked (1223 words)
If you leave me a review I'll give you a cookie!

6. Coin Toss by Jake [Reviews - 8] Liked (1212 words)
Sorry this took so long to post, rl got in the way.

7. Have you ever seen the rain? by Jake [Reviews - 7] Liked (1085 words)

8. Not saying the words by Jake [Reviews - 4] Liked (1256 words)
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story. It means a lot to me that there are such loyal readers.

9. Is it over? by Jake [Reviews - 10] Liked (1082 words)

10. Magic 8 Ball by Jake [Reviews - 9] Liked (1248 words)
ok first off- yes it is a big jump- 5 years to the future. No, I have not gone insane and yes all of your questions will be answered. This was planned a couple of chapters back and will be explained.

11. What happened before... by Jake [Reviews - 7] Liked (1127 words)
I'm now begging for reviews...so if you read could you please take two seconds to review for me? It really makes my day. Tell me you love it, hate it, want it to be burned in the flames of a thousand hells.

12. Mama bear's got a grudge by Jake [Reviews - 7] Liked (1179 words)
Save a Jake, write a review

13. Let's Break It Down by Jake [Reviews - 5] Liked (1194 words)
If you could review it would mean a whole lot to me. Really makes my day to read them!

14. Midnight Rendevous by Jake [Reviews - 4] Liked (1140 words)

15. Time to Tell by Jake [Reviews - 6] Liked (1212 words)
Sorry this took so long but I'm sort of writing around 'trigger times' so it's taking a bit longer.

16. A Little Known Word by Jake [Reviews - 5] Liked (1078 words)

17. A Mother's Love by Jake [Reviews - 5] Liked (1067 words)
I'm truly sorry for taking such a long time in posting this latest chapter. I haven't forgotten about the story (or any of them) but my personal life has been rather hectic lately.