Author's Chapter Notes:
I know it's been forever since I updated and I can guarantee this fic won't go through the same delay again. Quick little warning- it does have a little m/m and i'm sorry for that but the plot bunnies demanded it. its a short part so if that's not your thing just skip over it
“Maybe you should sit down for this William.” Joyce Summers directed the officer into the nearest chair while she took the little girl into her arms before sitting next to him. “She’s still in surgery but the doctor came out a few minutes ago and said they were able to remove the bullet but…Hank, can you tell him?” Joyce broke off in tears as the image of her daughter lying unconscious and bleeding on the stretcher flew back into her mind.

“The bullet broke when it entered through the abdomen and splintered back into her spinal cord. The, uh, doctors aren’t sure how it’s going to affect her movement. She, uh, could very well have temporary to permanent paralysis from the waist down. What the hell happened out there?” Hank Summers, former Chief of Police, glanced over at his daughter’s partner and briefly wondered why it couldn’t be the man sitting before him in the operating room instead of his daughter.

“P-paralyzed? No, but she’s been through so much more and with Dru…she made it out with no problems and had…” Anything else he had to say was overrun by body-wracking tears and he rocked back and forth in the tiny chair as the brunette child next to him gently patted his hair, her bright blue eyes brimming with tears.

Giles sat towards the back of the room as he took in the news that his young officer may be paralyzed, at minimum temporarily, and let a single tear slide down his cheek as he remembered her as a young girl playing in Hank’s office and at her various birthday parties or the day when… His musings were broken at the sight of a freshly-scrubbed doctor waiting in the doorway behind him. As if on cue the rest of the group waiting stood, ready for whatever news he gave them.

“Surgery went as well as can be expected. There is still the possibility of what we discussed earlier Mr. Summers but I’m fairly confident in a full recovery. She’s being moved from recovery now so if you’d like to wait just a few moments more I can have the nurse take you up to her room later. I only ask that you don’t overwhelm her with visitors, one or two at a time, and you might want to take the little one in first, she was asking for her when she woke up. You’ve got a strong daughter there Mr. Summers. I’ll check back in later to see how she’s doing.” The steel-haired doctor took a moment to nod at them before handing the little girl a lolly-pop, which she took with enthusiasm and a toothy grin.

Outside the hospital in a black town car

“Is it time yet?” The dark-haired young man asked his counterpart who sat rigidly in the sat across from him as he glared at the passing people on the street, searching for one in particular.

“No. Stop asking.” The older man leaned back in his seat as he fought the urge to not just shoot the boy and have it over with. Sometimes working with minions was a pain, especially one as ornery and fidgety as Abrams.

“When are we picking up Dru?”

“When I’m sure the little bitch is either dead or out of my damn way! Stupid little cunt shot me last time and I want to make her pay.” Angelus brushed his hand against his crotch affectionately, noting the difference from before the little bitch in question had shot him. Quickly checking outside he radioed one of his flunkies to keep an eye out for a certain bleached blonde pest as he snapped his fingers at the man in front of him, beckoning him to kneel between his legs.

Parker Abrams, notorious rapist and murderer, moved in between the man’s legs without hesitation and began unzipping the zipper in front of him with shaky hands as he tried to suppress a visible cringe at having to deal with another man’s genitalia. As he tugged the leather pant’s from the larger man’s hips he came in full contact with the scarred and disfigured flesh that could hardly be considered anything resembling a penis.

“Suck it, you stupid bitch. You wanted this Abrams, remember what you told me? You were tired of living under Rayne’s reign, wanted to be a new man…well here you go boy, suck it!” Angelus sneered down at the trembling man as he took in the disfigured cock and began licking around the tip.

Angelus lost himself in the little pleasure he still received from sex as the man between his knees sucked him off as good as a downtown whore. He made a little mental to note to visit one of his whores, Darla, the next time he was in town. Nothing that girl couldn’t do with the right amount of financial encouragement even if she was riddled with diseases, it was a chance he was willing to take.

Room 643

Buffy leaned back groggily as she tried to focus on what the nurse’s were saying around her. After the doctor had said his piece about possible paralysis she hadn’t wanted to hear another word and the drugs currently pumping through her system from the I.V. weren’t helping her plight to stay awake.

A knock at the door had her blinking furiously past the drugs as she focused on her mother’s form carrying a tiny girl in her arms.

“D-dawnie,” She managed to croak out before resting her arms out in front of her in a welcoming gesture to her family.

“Buffy, sweetheart, how are you feeling?” Joyce sat quickly in the seat next to the bed as she tenderly brushed back some loose tendrils of hair from her daughter’s face.

“Right now? Kind of drugged up but as long as I don’t try to move too much, I’m fine. Just a little pain if I lean forward. Can you just set Dawn next to me…yeah right there.” Buffy wrapped her arm around the little girl and snuggled her as close as possible without pulling on her stitches and avoiding tugging out the I.V. line.

“Are you ok mommy?”

Chapter End Notes:
Thank you to all that have read this and it would be great if you could leave a review- just tell me what you think!

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