Author's Chapter Notes:
As you can see.. I'm more than hinting at some more of The Watcher's crew. I love to play with the lesser used characters and throw in alot of the regulars. And Scabs I just kinda made up.
Xander took the last gulp of the second pint he’d been nursing that evening. He set the mug back down on the round wood table he and Oz had taken near the back of the dimly lit pub upon entering. Over the course of the last 2 hours neither man had made it past drink two, or contestant number one.

The ‘contestants’ as Xander had begun to call them lately, were the able bodies the two men were deemed to find. Unfortunately the pickings in this short stop that was also being used to supply them for the voyage ahead had meager pickings to say the least.

They’d watched as scrappy men, oversized men, aged men and filthy men trailed in and out of the lone drinking establishment. Some of them very much looked like they could handle the jobs, and several were easily more experienced sailors than either of the young men were themselves. The mix of men was extreme, but there was more than ability needed to sail on The Watcher. There was a certain amount of open mindedness necessary to even make it as a crew member, and usually the well trained older sailors couldn’t adjust.

No, what they needed was the kind of person you find sitting outside a carpenter’s shop after a truly bad day of work as the apprentice. One who was sick of their life, and looking for a radical change in it’s mediocrity. Someone who was a good man, but who had an idea of conforming to society that involved shaving once a month, or wear shoes when on land. It was nothing that was drastic, but a personal preference to at least acknowledge the outside world, yet not really take part.

“What about this one?” The red head lifted his drink and used it to direct Xander’s attention towards the door as he spoke.

The young pirate scanned the boy who walked through. His clothing was in tatters and he made his way directly to the bar holding all of the liquor in the place. Desperate for anything to take in that would fuzzy his mind.

”Or, I could be wrong and possibly he’s not the man.” Oz answered his own question flatly then set his drink back down and turned to Xander. “I’m beginning to think that our chances are slim of finding anyone worth offering up to the captain.”

“Eye.” The brunette looked over the crowd of men and the few women among them serving drinks. They’d found one of the crew members at a place much like this, the next to be brought on board after him in fact. She had been a barmaid in a hovel of a pub that looked as though it would fall at any moment. But the women here just didn’t seem to want anything but what they had. All quite content in their place so he’d dismissed them.

“What do you say, one more round then we head back with our tails between our legs?” The larger of the two men half joked.

Oz quirked an eyebrow, an extreme movement for the young man, and called over one of the women to order up more drinks. Moments later they were sipping on newly refilled mugs once again eyeing each person as they came and left.

Once his drink was half down his gullet, Xander mulled over his next problem. “So, what are we gonna say?”


“Yeah, how’re we going to explain why we haven’t got anyone to even consider?” Xander clarified.

Oz took another swallow. “Just be honest about it. It’s a new and unusual idea, I know. But there isn’t one person here worth the trouble.”

“Blind logic. I like it.”

Just then the doors swung open and another stranger walked in. He looked to have a few years on the two of them, but only a few. He carried a fair sized cloth bag over his shoulder and seemed to be scanning the people he was among, looking for something in particular.

The two young men took simultaneous sips while checking over the brunette who’d come in, apparently with a purpose.


William stood still trying to find the person holding information he needed to leave this place. Upon eyeing the blonde across the room he began to cross to the girl who was busy flirting unabashed with the table of drunkards all lavishing the young woman with compliments and a spare coin here and there.

William stood to the side, pushing his unruly light brown hair out of his eyes and waited for Harmony to finish with her table. When he saw her stepping away from one of the more ‘hands on’ men he made his presence known by stepping up to the woman’s side. “Harm, a word please?”

The woman who looked a little more like a frightened bird in a roomful of hungry cats, took a deep breath before giving him a thankful smile and following him back to a cleared table weaving in and out of the other patrons. He sat ready for service and she stood aside as though taking his order. “Thanks Will.”

He waved it off. “Not at all. Some of these fellows need to learn some manners.”

“True, still, well.” She stuttered, trying to thank him in earnest.

“Look,” He said and sat up in his chair, leaning forward. “We can call it even if you can help me out of this rat hole.”

She nodded quickly. “Right, well. Captain Chilling is looking, so is Captain Fevers. Also, there’s these two guys in the back corner.. to my left, that have been eyeing any and all people coming in tonight. I heard they might be from The Watcher, but the ship isn’t marked so, no way of knowing for sure.” She finished with a shrug.

“The Watcher?” William asked in a hushed voice, but he was still loud enough for the girl to hear him. “Isn’t that Ripper’s?”

“Mmm, no. Not anymore. I heard he got beaten by the first mate, or some such thing. The Slayer’s the captain now.” She looked over her shoulder and saw another table full of men was waving her down. “I have to go Will. Look, if I were you, I’d go for Captain Chilling. I’ve heard he’s fair at least.”

“Right, right. Thanks Harm.” He tossed some coins towards her. They landed with muffled clinks onto the table while he stood back up before heading towards the back of the pub. He spotted them without hardly a glance. One quality alone set them apart. They were silently studying him.

They all three froze at the realization of being caught.

After a beat, Xander waved William over. “Well you might as well sit, seems you have something to say.”

William did as he was asked, pulling out a heavy chair then relaxing as much as he could while he sat, laying the bag holding his belongings on the floor close by.

The men he faced were younger, and he could easily take the little one. The other might take some effort, but he was a good fighter. At the very least he’d have a chance of escape if this went badly. He knew of Ripper, and imagined the kind of men who worked around him and for him. Killers all, he was sure.

Then this new one, The Slayer had taken the ship from him. He himself had to be ruthless, and his men, they would have to be equally vicious. A fella could get lost in that. Completely and forever. That was exactly what he had in mind.

Oz gave the new member of the table a quick once over, then glanced back at Xander before taking another drink.

It was unnoticed by William because any and all movement from Oz was subtle, but Xander had seen it. Simply the look had said, ‘This one might do.’

Xander saw the look in the newcomer’s eyes too. This guy wanted out. “So, what’s the name?” He asked and waved Harmony over and ordered the man a drink.

“William.” He answered and watched as Harmony fetched his mug.

Xander saw where his gaze headed. “William, she’s a pretty one.” Xander stated.

William looked back to the men who’d offered a seat. “Harms a good girl, not got all the lamps lit upstairs, but she tries.”

Inwardly Xander smiled. He spoke of her like a friend, and with some amount of respect. “So, I take it you came here for more than the fine view?” He smiled at the maid when she handed the mug to Will, then paid up for the evening.

The man searching for a way off the isle took a long drink of the freshly poured drink before answering. “You take it correctly. ‘M hoping to find work, or at least passage out, tonight.”

“Tonight?” Oz asked with what passed as curiosity for him. “You running from something?”

Not really seeing the harm, he decided to come out with the truth. “Yeah as a matter of fact. I’m tendering my resignation to the master of the house I work for. Only he’s not really aware that I’m leaving.”

Xander chuckled, he just couldn’t help it. “Been there myself actually.”

The former house servant raised his drink to Xander. “You know when it’s time to go. Move on or get sucked in to it all. The quiet acceptance. Can‘t do it.”

Xander had another gulp in agreement before going on. “You want to pay for passage, or work for it?”

“I’m not blessed with much in the way of money, have no problem with working it off.” William said simply.

“How do you feel about sailing?” Oz popped in, not feeling like beating around the bush when they had little time to return.

“Honestly?” Will looked from the man who’d asked, to the one he’d been conversing with. Both waited for an answer. “’Ve never been.”

“Well, I guess the real question is, do you think you’ll get sea sick? That’s not all that convenient.” Xander explained.

“Not pretty either.” Oz added.

Will considered the question a minute before giving a response. “Always had a strong stomach. Don’t see any problems.” He responded.

Oz shrugged at Xander. They would see.

The larger brunette gave William the once over. “You don’t look that big. How’s your strength?”

William chuckled to himself before answering, then made as though he was going to take another sip before halting and setting the mug back on the table. “I’ve surprised men nearly twice your size. Don’t worry about that bit. I can carry my weight.” After that he did take a quick drink, then smiled back at Xander. “And then again, I can carry quite a bit more than my weight.” He laughed outright this time and downed the rest before slamming the empty container down.

“Alright,” Oz started. “Just one more thing then. How do you feel about, not quite legal ventures?”

Will shook his head before laughing again. “I’m about to break a life long contract. An act punishable by death around here. I think I’ll find a way to make peace with God.”

Xander gave a quick nod. “Good enough for me.” He and Oz gave each other a final nod and stood up. “Hope you got everything you’ll be needing. We go now or not at all.” Xander said and waited a moment for an answer.

“Also, there is this other thing.” The red head hinted.

Xander looked down at his friend seemingly shocked at first, then as though he understood. “Oh yeah. The thing.” He drew the words out as he said them to his companion, then glanced back to the possible new crewmember.

William looked a bit frantic and confused, his eyes moving from one young man to the other. “What?”

Xander tried to sound nonchalant. “If you don’t work out and we’re at sea, for whatever reason, you get tossed off the boat.”

Will’s eyebrows scrunched together while he tried to make sense of the warning.

“Literally… off the boat.” Oz said, and mimed withed the first 2 digits of his right hand walking along the palm of his left hand, then the index and middle fingers bent and leapt off his left hand. Adjoining this simple scene was a hushed whistle, followed by a ‘splash’ sound very well mimicked by the red head.

Admittedly William’s eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly recovered. “Right then. I’m in.” He said and hefted the bag of clothing he’d had sitting beside him.

Nothing else was said. Xander lead the way with Will in the middle and Oz following close behind.


Buffy strode confidently and quietly up the pier. She heard the usual whispers questioning the presence of a well dressed woman on the pier, but she ignored them and made her way to the furthest end of the well constructed wooden structure her ship was tethered to this night.

She easily maneuvered her way up the plank that took her to the main deck of The Watcher. A well built and cared for ship, despite its age. From Bow to stern, the structure had 100 feet to her. At each end the deck raised, going up several steps and providing space for more rooms underneath the elevated deck’s ends. The Captain’s quarters were directly under the helm, which was her destination.

She passed by her men, now loading barrels and large trunks onto the ship, taking them below to store until the newly acquired supplies were needed. The men who’d been onboard long enough not to be shocked at their captain’s attire kept to their work. One, however couldn’t help but stop and take a second glance at the elegance the blonde held in women’s finery.

“Well, well. Here’s a side we don’t get but a peek at.” Parker noted with a gleam in his eyes. He took in the curves that the bodice of the closely fitting torso hugged and involuntarily licked his lips.

“She’s a right looking strumpet, and if she sees any hint of the look you’re now, she’ll likely slice your neck.” Larry warned as he carried the opposite end of the large wood trunk.

Parkers eyes quickly averted and landed back on the item he hefted. “I’ll just have to be more subtle then won’t I?”

Larry shook his head and looked at the young man as though he may have lost every bit of sense he’d been born with. Assuming he’d been brought into this world with any in the first place.


Buffy approached the entrance to her quarters, only to see Scabs waiting for her. “Are you still here?” She said with a glint in her eye before passing him and swinging the heavy wood door open, letting herself in, then leaving it so that the balding lanky middle aged man could follow her.

“Said I’d stay till you got yourself back, didn’t I?” He said with some accusation in his voice before following her and shutting the door.

Buffy quickly removed her gloves, dropping them into a trunk on the right of her room beside her desk. The space was ornate, and included an eclectic collection of her travels. The beautifully carved desk set by the window, and the huge four poster bed was pushed up to the far wall, sidled by a nightstand. On every shelf available were books, statues and several boxes with jewels she’d accumulated over the years. Her wood floors held carpets that nearly covered the entire surface. Along the walls were trunks of different design and origin, giving a small gap for the only other door in the room on the opposite side of the bed as the night table that lead to the room that had once been hers, but now was used for personal storage. She stood next to the trunk that had lain open beside her desk while she was out.

She plopped the parasol into the open space next before pulling out the chair at her desk and began working on her footwear. “That you did. And so, how are things looking?” She said before stepping into the small adjoining room for some extra privacy, but still able to hear the older man.

“Those two you sent out aren’t back yet, but all other preparations are nearly done. Which is good considering.” Scabs, now cleaner than he’d once kept himself, but by no means the poster child for hygiene, wiped his few remaining tangles of hair back, waiting.

“Considering?” He heard her ask among the shuffling of clothing as she dressed away from his view.

“The weather Elizabeth, it’s turning. Might be best if you set sail sooner than later.”

The clothing stopped shuffling for a second before it continued. “How soon can we be ready?” The woman wondered.

“Nother hour, maybe less. Just a few more things to bring on board and setting ‘er up for the trip.” Scabs went over the mental list, and confirmed his first answer. “Yeah, an hour.” He took another breath. “Red will have to keep up her little hiding trick until we’re out of sight though.”

“Not you, remember old man, you’re off my boat.” She said and followed with a little laugh.

“I know. I know.” He relented.

“But the hiding should be alright. She said 6 hours, and we’ve only been in for 3.” She paused again and another shuffling of cloth could be heard. “As far as anyone can tell, The Watcher looks like any random passenger ship docking for a layover and re-supply.” She called out again. “And by the looks of it, Parker had no problem getting what we need.”

“That boy is a fearsome thing.” Scabs said out loud.

Buffy then came out of her small extra room with the fine dress folded over one arm and walked to the trunk replacing it neatly before closing and latching the lid. She straightened up and smoothed down her sleeves on the newly adorned blouse. “Never could get away from those multi fabric constraints,” She smiled tipping her head towards the case holding her shed clothing. “But I’ll always prefer a good pair of trousers and a well fitted shirt.”

Over the years, the well mannered girl had grown accustom to dressing like the men aboard. Ripper had insisted because it hid her gender from any attackers. Now she always wore plain black trousers, cut to fit her, boots adorned her feet, and a lace up white blouse that was also cut to fit her better than the men’s loosely fitting shirts. She had never grown accustomed to all the extra fabric hanging loosely from waist to neck.

She went back to the previous conversation quickly when she noted her crewmate’s lack of interest. “Right, let’s get her set. Give the order, then Scabs,” She paused and smiled. “You have permission to disembark.”

He chuckled. “I thank you Miss. And can I say, it has been a pleasure serving with you. Even if I did scare you nearly to death when you first laid eyes on me.”

Buffy couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, it wasn’t the look, so much as the odor.”

Again he chuckled. “Ey. Was a terrible sight though.”

“That you were, which reminds me-“ She stopped short and headed back for the small room. She looked about it. Nearly empty now but for the cot she never could bring herself to get rid of. All that remained beside her old sleeping place was a crate that had been set aside for the old man in the other room. One had been put together for each of the retiring pirates, and this was the last to go. Once Scabs left, she was on her own. Her own full crew, and her ship.

She shifted the crate and lifted it with some trouble before getting her balance. “You may need some help getting it off the ship. Has some weight to it.” She said as she reappeared from the doorway, and set the crate at the man’s feet. “Ripper set a bit aside for all of you, and this one’s yours.” She explained to the confused man.

“What is it?”

“A bit of this, a bit of that.” Buffy gave nothing away. “Mostly what you’ve earned over the last 25 years. Your share, you might say.”

“Got my share, all packed away.” He pointed over his shoulder in a lighting fast motion.

“Just trust me, it’s yours, and you’ve earned it. Take it.” Buffy implored.

His eyes darted from the crate, back to the woman. “Well, I suppose I can’t turn down the captain. Can I?”

“That you can’t.” She agreed and walked to her bed with a silken spread covering it. On top of her piled pillows was a worn vest, at least 2 sizes to big for her that buttoned up the front just at the cleavage. She pulled it on and then went for the bandana and hat with the wide brim on her night table. She used the bandana to tie her hair up so that none hung loose, then set her hat upon her head, and adjusted it so that her face was in shadow.

She took one look at herself in the looking glass set up behind the main door and smiled. “Well, I think this will have to do.”

“Ya be fine Buffy, only have to fool one or two of them tha’s comin’ aboard.” Scabs reminded her.

“True. I’ll just hide myself a bit. This outfit is beginning to loose it’s ability to hide certain things.” She noted when she could still see the distinct curve of breast under the loose black material hanging over her shoulders and around her torso.

Something twisted in the old pirate then. “Are ya sure you be up to this alone Miss?”

With some mirth she turned to him. “Are you worried about me you old goat?”

“Have to be. Told Ripper I’d watch for ya.”

Buffy relented a bit. “I know your fear, but isn’t that why we went through this whole process?” She sat on the edge of the bed and sighed to herself. “Between you and Ripper, most of these men were hand picked because they could sail under a female. There are a few that concern me, but for the most part these are good men. I have no fear of them, and neither should you.”

Scabs sucked in a deep breath and straightened up. “Alright then, just had to be sure.” Then he winked at her before lifting the heavy crate.

“Here,’ She said and stood opposite him taking part of the burden in her hands. “I’ll walk you out.” She smiled up at him and they began the short trek towards the pier after opening the door out of her chambers.


As they approached the few ships lining the pier, William was confused. None appeared to be anything like a pirate ship. He was even less sure when it became clear they were going to a well marked passenger transport.

He was eyeing both men who walked up and over the plank to turn and wave their new companion up.

“This can’t be right.” He said to them.

“Just come up, and you’ll understand.” Xander said, imploringly.

William looked over his shoulder, back the way he had come and knew he couldn’t turn back. With an unsure step he placed his foot on the plank and walked to the deck. The moment his feet hit the solid wood his view shifted with a stomach churning loss of equilibrium.

He felt an arm grip his shoulders. “Don’t worry, you’re just getting your sea legs.” Xander explained away the oddness simply.

Will took another look around and everything looked very different. Not that he was any true judge, but the boat appeared sturdy. It was the first adjective that came to mind. The style was older, that much he knew. But the wood was maintained well.

“This is her.” Xander said motioning at the structure surrounding them and saw that Scabs was coming through with the captain. Her back was to them, but Xander quickly recognized the attire she wore for the new people.

“But-” William took a long look around, and everything looked nothing like it had on the pier. “I thought this was a passenger ship.” Will stated, obviously confused.

Oz raised a brow at Xander. This was always an interesting moment. Once one entered the ship they were able to see it for what it was. A rather difficult glamour for the resident witch to accomplish for any length of time, but needed for direct docking in places like this, where they could be recognized.

“Things always look a little different from this vantage point.” Xander happily said with such practiced ease that it was difficult to doubt him. William wasn’t quite sure he trusted the words, but it was the most plausible explanation his ignorant mind could accept

Xander began the run through for the ship, explaining what different men were doing and going over the locations of sleeping areas and the galley. He pointed out the Captains Quarters and explained the other room on the main deck was a meeting room of sorts. Before long William was familiar with the layout, if not the people he would be serving with.

During this period, Oz had set off to his duties on board, and Xander was left with the task of finding something for the green one to occupy himself with. He’d settled for having him gather the discarded ropes while he caught up with the captain who he’d seen duck back into her room while he showed William around.

Xander knocked and waited for the invitation before going through to see Buffy. He shut the door and studied his captain, and friend. She seemed worried. “Everything alright Buffy?”

She was sitting on the edge of her bed facing the door, but not really looking in that direction. Her far off look gave no clue as to what she was seeing. Then she came back to earth, and smiled at the young man who’d grown quickly into one of her most cherished confidants. “Just a little nervous I suppose. Without Scabs, I truly am on my own.”

Xander walked up to her and then sat beside her. “Now you know that’s not true.” He started then nudged her shoulder playfully. “You’d have a hell of a time being alone with all us young strapping men around.”

She did giggle, then cocked an eyebrow as she considered something, then laughed again. “Yeah., well, so how is the new guy? He doesn’t look like much.”

“Eh,” Xander said and slumped a little. “Wasn’t much choice back there. Usually do my best work in daylight, you know that.” He joked.

Buffy stood and began to pace as she spoke to the young man. “What skills does he bring to us?”

“Quite frankly, possibly none. But he assures me he’s stronger than he looks.”

“Well move him around. See what he picks up. We’ll be needing new tethers, pair him up with Larry for that first.” She took the wide brimmed hat from her head and shook it nervously in her fist before going on with duties she wanted the others to take after they left dock.

When she was done, Xander left to oversee the work being done, letting her have a bit of time to catch up on some much needed rest.

Chapter End Notes:
Don't forget, the weather is turning. Thanks for giving the story a try and let me know what you think. This is my first fic that throws Buff and Spike into a completely different fantasy life, but my second all human fic (although.. Red still gets to play with magic)

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