Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's some more little clues and a few intros plus some action.
Days passed with busy work and banter. Spike, now the name all called him regularly, had moved from area to area of the ship, gathering with the men on occasions that allowed him to try his hand at the many responsibilities of the ship carrying them along.

The upkeep of the ship had several different aspects, from rebuilding bit’s here and there to maintaining the weight distribution. Every detail of their home’s daily usage was monitored. He found that the captain was quite adamant about this and all men were assigned a task of some menial work to assure the ship’s good standing on the ocean. He was eventually told his job would be to maintain the ties used to hold cargo in place. It was a simple task, and one he gladly accepted.

He had yet to find his niche among the more experienced crew though. And as the days rolled on, he found that each among them had at least one thing that made them stand out.

There was Larry of course. The man could seem to accomplish any task with a rope. What Spike had seen him do, and had begun to show the newcomer, was only the beginning.

Oz as well, was a man with something to show. His tracking skills were known through the ship. Spike had been regaled of at least 10 stories that bellied the red head man’s amazing sight, or his sense of smell, both on land and sea.

Willow’s was obvious, and very few spoke of it. Many men among the crew showed some fear when it came to the quiet girl, but from what he had observed, the fear was from lack of knowledge. The same he had, but for him it commanded more respect for the female and less fear.

Xander, it turned out quite oddly, had a talent with wood, along with a keen eye for the true person. He could see things that some may miss, and had apparently hand picked most of the crew in the last year. Spike had to give the boy credit for that.

Other members he grew to know were Woods, whom had knowledge for the simple feel of the ocean and a sense of direction that had helped guide the ship the first day after the storm. He was also knowledgeable of weapons. His father had been a trader with four others in a small company, and he’d simply learned by listening. Once he was old enough, he taught himself and was proficient with several types of swords, axes, pistols as well as archery pieces.

Parker was apparently the one to come to when negotiating a trade. The man’s sly tongue had saved the supply depleted crew on two occasions since his joining more then 2 years prior. He’d coaxed the last bit of brandy from the owner of a pub in less then 5 minutes once. Of course that procurement had been for his own satisfaction, but the men aboard knew they all, at one time or another, benefited from his skills.

There was also a pair, of which Spike was still unsure of, but seemed like good men in their own way. Jonathon and Andrew were often paired up for duties. They could read and write, which of itself would be no great feat, even among this lot. But each were able to read Latin along with many of the languages off shooting from the dead one. Spike soon found out it was not because they were great students of languages, but because they were each deeply obsessed with mythology, and as Andrew put it, “You can’t possibly appreciate the writing if you can’t read them in the original texts.”

Well... they weren’t perfect fellows, but they were alright.

Another man he saw on a regular basis was Devon. He was an odd one. Said a bit more then Oz, but wasn’t much for conversation simply because he didn’t seem to be very bright, but he did have a talent with numbers and memorization.

He pulled his weight, and could climb the nets that reached up to the mast’s tops with the ease of a creature among the trees. But so could several of the men once used to the act. The only thing Spike could say really set the boy apart was his voice.

William had an appreciation for music, and although he often couldn’t recognize the tune Devon would sum up and recite, it always sounded calming and well put out.

The last one, and never to be called least, was Faith. She’d been a bit of a shock to him. Up front and asking questions like there was no tomorrow. Where was he from, what were his plans, did he like the crew, why did he join? He tried to answer, and in the end she was satisfied.

And Buffy. Yeah, she was a whole other deal. In his time aboard, more then a week now, he’d found a bit out about each of his mates. Where they’d come from, why they joined up among the crew of The Watcher. The only person he didn’t know anything about was her. At this point, he wasn’t even sure if she was the elusive Slayer that had stolen Ripper’s ship. And if she had, then how?

They were questions in his head, but from simple curiosity. She’d shown she was a good captain, and treated the men on board with the same respect she seemed to receive from them. It was somehow easy to accept, but there was something else that nagged at him. What it was, he couldn’t say yet, but it was there. Something was just… off kilter.

For now though, he was well, comfortable, seemingly safe and away from the life chosen of him previously, and a possible choice in his life ahead. He’d taken one large step, and was anxious to see where the path led.

These thoughts went through his mind as he watched another piece of his brown hair, now lightened with streaks of blonde, fall past his vision. “We almost done, pet?”

“Oh just hold on. Let me get this right or you’ll look like a halfwit.” Faith jabbed and he heard the scissors snap shut again. “Oops.”

He swung his head around and looked her dead in the eye. “What do you mean, oops?”

Faith held her hands up and let the scissors dangle from her index finger. “I was kidding. Don’t worry.”

He growled a little before turning back around. “Just don’t force me to shave my head alright?” He felt the comb go through his hair once again.

“Yeah yeah. I’m almost done anyway.”

Two more quick clips and she was using the cloth that had been draped over his shoulders to brush off any hairs that may have reached his skin. “Alright. You’re set.”

Spike looked around to the faces of the audience on the deck for any approving or disproving looks. He saw slight nods and mild smiles all around before Faith handed him the looking glass mounted to a sliver frame and handle.

The cut was simple, an even short crop all over his skull and keeping him from having to fret over the curls that never could manage to keep themselves tied at the back of his neck. The locks still curled, but would no longer blind him at the most inconvenient times.

He scrutinized the unfamiliar man. In truth, he looked quite different. The mild brown was gone and the hair now showing held more blonde then brunette. His face had taken a darker tone as well, giving the blue in his eyes room to shine more clearly. He smiled back at Spike. The man he was now.

“It looks alright, love.” He handed the woman back her mirror and winked. “Devilishly handsome as I was, I’m thrice that. Point me to the nearest port.”

She flashed him a smile and then laughed as the others did.

“Oh yeah. Watch out ladies, here comes Spike.” Xander yelled out, then turned to the others. “To the fearsome pirate, Spike!”

“Here Here.” The others yelled back and stomped then cheered.

William looked about at the faces of his new friends. And for the first time since he’d fled from the death of his parents, he was home.


Buffy glanced towards the closed door of her private room and smiled. “Guess the hair turned out alright.” She snickered for a moment, her face fell as her gaze moved back to the papers at her desk. Several piles, all well organized and usually hidden among her possessions.

The next conquest. The next hit. One more thing to accomplish off her list to bring her to her goal. That, and the information that brought her to her plan in the first place lay in front of her.

She rubbed her temples and tried to concentrate over the yelps outside.

The Premier. A ship owned and run from the Johnston’s Trading and Shipping Co. A name she was familiar with. Their practices were regulatory, and she knew where she would find the treasure the crew and she was after. Their transports generally followed one of 3 well known designs, and she knew each of them from past excursions.

They should meet The Premier within a few days time. Tomorrow she would hold the contests to get the men in the mood for the upcoming fights, and hopefully confirm the assignments given to the men for just this kind of raid.

Her only question was of the new one, Spike. She had yet to assign him a duty, a position to take when the trickery began. That would have to wait until the contests. She couldn’t very well send him in for a fight in which he was unable to defend himself.

“Tomorrow.” She noted to herself, and gathered up her many papers, save one. A correspondence she’d been given by Ripper three days after he’d taken a ship. He’d apparently pondered the decision to share it, she was after all, only 15 at the time, and seemed happy in her new life.

She remembered that day, and the pain she felt reading her own father’s words, her natural father, words written to his sister.

Ripper had not been overly surprised to find a personal message from the owner of the ship to a holder of some of it’s assets. What did surprise him was the letter’s content and to whom it was addressed.

Buffy read over the faded ink again, now, just as shocked. “Elizabeth is coming along quite well in her studies. She has shown some interest and talent for numbers, and I have considered and chosen a finishing school for her to attend in one years time. I appreciate your invitation for her to finish her education in your care, but she has become quite a fine lady, and I can not bare to part from her.”

The letter went on a few more lines. Mostly of the business and what to expect in the upcoming months, but there it was. Her father’s lie of her life as though she had stayed in his care. And no matter how much Buffy considered the falsehood, she couldn’t find it’s root. Its reason.

“But, I will find you father. And we will have words.”


Spike was yanked out of his slumber and sat upwards too quickly from the shock, knocking his head against the upper bunk. “Bugger!” He looked about and from his small quarter’s doors saw the bustling in the narrow hall that lead to the crews lodgings.

Woods dashed by, then Andrew, quickly followed by Jonathan. “Oi! What’s all this?” He asked to anyone of them that might pay heed, but none did. All he received was a command from one of the linguists. “Get dressed, it’s starting.” And he wasn’t even sure which one of the two had said it.

Trying to shake the cobwebs from his still sleepy mind, Spike quickly tossed on one of his loose shirts and yanked on his boots before running after the others.

As soon as he emerged form the lower level to the deck, he realized he’d really overslept. The sun was nearly at its noon day position. And for some reason he didn’t know, there was going to be a fight.

The crew was forming a circle on the main part of the upper deck and the few that he hadn’t gotten to know as well were joining as they walked over. He decided to stay at the outer edges, and stepped up twice to see from the stairs leading to the helm.

He didn’t join in with the noisy cheers, randomly calling out names and rooting for whoever they wished the victor to be. Some were boasting threats to others, and for the life of him, Spike couldn’t make reason to any of it. He just kept looking over the faces he’d become familiar with, and went back to his earlier conclusion with one amendment. It wasn’t just the captain, Red and Xander. The entire ship was ready for the mental hospital.

He was taking all this in when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and Xander smiled at him before nodding to the still empty center of the circle. “I’m afraid you’re up first. New man, first fight.”

“What?” Spike asked thoroughly confused now. “Fight who?” He asked while once again looking over the faces, trying to decide who might have a problem with him.

“Well... just three of us. Normally it would be nearly the full crew, one spar at a time, but we’re on a tight schedule so, don’t want to do you too much damage.” Xander grinned at him with a look that Spike had come to know meant the younger brunette was partially making a joke. Of course that meant he was also partially serious, and in this case, that could be very bad.

“Which three?” Spike asked, trying to understand.

“Well now that all depends.” He heard the captain’s voice over the drone, and the others became quite very quickly. “See, we all have a job here. We work for a living.”

Cheers were heard resuming in a throng, then hushed to silence in an instant. Buffy was in control here. This was her domain, Spike quickly decided she liked the control.

“But, you must be well suited for the job. Some will improve, some will worsen, and others simply aren’t here for the fight.” She looked from man to man, then with her finishing statement she eyed the pair of mythology experts.” But we all have something to contribute, and we all will.” She walked across the deck to the newest member, “We are here today to judge anyone asking to change their duty for the raid.” She stated, then looked him over and crossed her arms. “And see what you can do, Spike.”

He raised a brow before stating. “I want in the mix. Put me in the line of a fight.”

She sneered a little. “I thought you might say that.” She turned to the crowd. “I need two volunteers. Vie for your position at the front.”

The dozen or more looked from each other. The eyes turned from one another, then back to the new fella. Woods gave the man a nod. “I’ll let him have a try.” The man announced and stepped up. “If he thinks he’s up for it.”

“Me too.” Another voice called and everyone saw Parker step into the center.

Buffy nodded at both men, and turned back to Spike. “Your challengers.”

Spike stared at her for a moment, then turned to Xander. “ I thought you said three?”

“You have to fight The Slayer too.” Xander informed him.

Spike took another look at Buffy. “And is The Slayer any good?”

Xander scrunched his brow together, and let out a not quite manly giggle before quieting himself. “Does the phrase, ‘undefeated’ mean anything to you?”

“Well if I can’t beat The Slayer, how do I gain the position?”

“You only have to beat one of them. Slayer just likes to gauge the fighter. A personal battle is the best way.” Xander tried to explain.

Spike nodded, now getting a feel for the rules, just before Buffy began to go over the rest of them. She still stood at the center, and her voice rang out. “Pick your weapons, fists or swords men. We want minimal damage here boys, so we’re going with hits versus downs. All damage must be reconciled after, and any lost challenges results in loss of the position.”

Buffy eyed Spike once more. “Of course, if you can’t beat anyone, you start at the bottom, but since you’re filling an empty space it won‘t make much difference unless you simply can‘t fight.” She stopped and waited for the non existent protests of her crew, then stepped aside. “First challenge. Woods, Spike.”

Spike stepped down and passed through the small crowd to the center. He faced Woods and gave him a nod. The men understood there was no malice in the fight. This was about their job, nothing personal. In fact, Woods liked the man, and thought by speaking up he’d get others into the challenge. Having decided already to go easy on Spike, but not let him win.

“Weapons?” Buffy asked the men.

Woods shook his head. “Hand to hand alright with you?”

Spike nodded once.

Buffy turned him. “Ok, Spike, the rules are simple. We count hits out. You don’t need to beat on each other, and I can’t use you if you two let this go too far.”

“Got it.” Spike said. “Contact, little damage.”

Buffy nodded and turned to Woods. “We clear?”

“As always, Captain.”

She nodded to him as well and backed away. She looked over to Willow who stood at the helm near the warning bell hanging just over the wheel. “At the ring, the fight begins. You have until my count of two hundred.” She saw understanding in the two men’s faces, raised her hand holding the metal rod poised to strike, then hit it once causing the bell’s toll to resonate through the air in a clear tone. She then turned her back on them all and started her count

And it began.

“You know, you’re a decent bloke.” Spike said and raised his fists as he began to circle to his right.

Woods followed the motion and gave the man a clear white toothed grin. “You have been improving since your arrival.”

“And here I thought I’d perfected everything.” He quipped back.

Woods chuckled. “Not even close.”

“Well then I suppose it’s time I used some natural talent then. No use being here and unimpressive.”

Woods watched the man’s eyes as he spoke. He suddenly had a feeling he may not need to go easy on the smaller man. “Whenever you’re ready.”

“Alright.” And with that word Spike made his first strike. A left punch first, followed by a right hitting both jaw and nose in succession. “That work for a start?” He asked with a light hearted tone. He’d pulled his punches enough to know he’d not hurt the dark man, but got in the first two hits.

“A start.” Woods replied, and they were at it. Both men followed hits with combinations that made the counting difficult. Spike blocked, but so did Woods once he saw he was in for a real fight. They were careful with their strikes, aiming for non mortal areas. Just making contact, grinning, backing up and throwing themselves into it once again.

The crew stood by, watching the match play out. Several noted the fact that Spike still stood after Wood’s got his first hits in. The murmurs of the crowd added a buzzing background to the grunts and smacks of flesh hitting flesh. All the while Buffy studied the new man’s moves, equally impressed that he was doing as well as he was, but taking note that as his time passed and his hit count grew, so did his ego which began to cause some sloppiness in his moves.

“You are a good challenge.” Woods decided, and swiped at the drops of blood coming from a split lip. “I may have lost count.”

Spike smiled. “24 for you mate.” He smiled. “Course not quite as good as the 32 for me, but nice shot.” He winked and Woods laughed outright.

“Why are you so happy ‘bout it?” Spike asked quizzically.

Woods shook his head and leapt forward with a swipe at Spike’s feet. The less experienced sailor fell down, and Woods gave him 6 punches in alternate positions before leaping back and letting Spike get back up.

“Still got you by two.” Spike surmised and stepped up swinging at Woods stomach but was blocked, then felt another combination of hits, this time kicks. First to the back of his knees, then to his back and finally to his side. The last hit was a good one, knocking the air clean out of him. He was down and just when he realized this, the bell rang.

Spike, sprawled out on his stomach, rolled over and bent his neck back to see Willow in much the same stance she had been before the fight began. She gave him a half smile before yelping. “Times up.”

Buffy spoke with Devon for a moment, confirming her count with the man. She soon stepped from the crowd and walked up to Woods. “Well done. You have secured your position Woods.”

“Really, was their a doubt?” He said with a wide grin.

She stared up at him and smiled right back. “Yeah, but only for the first 180 seconds.” And with a chuckle she turned and looked down at Spike who’d managed to push himself into a sitting position. “As for you, you have another chance at it, but as it stands you’ll be standing watch with Andrew and Jonny Boy.” She couldn’t help but throw out the empty threat.

Spike hazard a glance at the pair who stood near the entrance to the meeting room. Both smiled, shrugged, then turned to each other to talk. Again he thought, decent fellows, just not his idea of a fun pair to associate with during a bloody festival of a raid.

So with a trudging breath, he stood himself up, tested out his joints by bending and twisting. Nothing seemed damaged aside from his ego.

With understanding Buffy quickly announced the next match. “Next up! Parker. Spike.”

During the battle with Woods, Parker had studied William’s moves. Fear and worry soon over came him once he saw the hold Spike seemingly had over the larger man from the start.

Not only did he seem to have a hidden strength, but his movements were smooth and well executed. Hand to hand wasn’t Parker’s forte as it was. Now, he’d wished he’d just kept his place with the others. With an already defeated look, Parker headed into the makeshift ring, and set himself up for the loss he knew was coming.

When Spike saw the already missing hope in the other man’s eyes, he almost felt sorry for him. Ego not withstanding, Spike knew he was good. Parker had probably chosen to fight simply to look like he was participating, and from first glance Will looked like an easy mark.

He knew the look in his new comrade’s eyes well, and usually he reveled in it but, once again the fight was for position, not malice. He hated to have to down the boy but the rules the crew lived by were his now, and he wasn’t about to be set up in the galley keeping watch over the ship while the others had all the fun.

Once the two were standing face to face, Buffy stood beside them and repeated her warnings. “You beat each other too much, and you’re both stuck here. Got it?” She said, taking an extra glance at Spike to make sure he was up for it.

Both men nodded their understanding, and backed off from each other. Parker turned his head and watched as Buffy took her place among the others, then he stared back at his opponent to see his head still turned towards the back of their captain. There was an obvious attraction for Buffy within young William. With his mind working quickly, the former salesman slash conman formed a plan.

Willow went through her bit before the bell was struck again and Parker stepped forward at the ready for Spike’s assault. He knew he’d get a good thrashing either way, but he’d just discovered a weakness, and like any shyster, he was ready to exploit it.

Much as he had before, Spike leapt forward and began his hits. Once more pulling back on their force so as to limit damage to bruises and possible bloodied lips and a nose, but nothing that wouldn’t heal up soon or might diminish the other mans ability to do his work in the next few days regardless of what that may be.

Parker defended himself well enough, and he was able to strike some blows as well but he had to act fast. He waited until Spike went at him again with the 3 count punches he seemed to enjoy. The last hit put him within arms reach and once he was there, Parker grabbed his neck and rolled them both over so that the boxing match was soon resembling a wrestling competition. Parker’s mouth was close to Spike’s ear now. Possibly an awkward position for most, but exactly where he needed to be to get the upper hand.

In a low mocking voice, Parker let the words slide out like honey. “I think ya have a fancy for the captain there, Will.”

Spike was powerless for the moment, held down with Parkers arms twisted around his right leg and his neck. He was immobile. “Ain’t I the lucky one then? Getting‘ to be the center of her attention for the moment.” He gritted out, trying to discover a way out of his new predicament.

Parker rolled them over and in the process managed two hits so the other man’s side before landing straddling his abdomen. He was only one hit behind, and Spike was well winded. Parker had also managed to waste several seconds that Spike could have used to make a wider gap in the count. “I think I’d prefer her on top.” He tossed out half thinking and half picturing one of his more graphic of fantasies. It passed though and he’d soon found his idea was taking affect.

Parker moved to stand, his last comment hanging between them and Spike pushed the man back forcefully. All the sudden, Spike didn’t much care for Parker. Not that they’d become fast friends anyway, but he got the distinct impression that Parker always played dirty, even among allies.

Spike gritted his teeth, and once more came out swinging. Both men let the wails on each other come fast and harder then need be, but everyone was caught up in the spectacle that had begun as a friendly match and had somehow turned into what looked now to be a personal battle. With the noise of the onlookers shouts, Parker’s comments had been missed by any in the wide circle.

The men now faced each other, mostly vertical with some swaying as they breathed hard and fast, each waiting for the next move. Parker visibly straightened up as much as he could and staggered a few steps closer to Spike while the wails and cheers picked up. The end was close.

“Come on, she’s something to look at. Tell me you haven’t considered it… under the right circumstances.” He tried to wink, but his eyes were both sporting red marks that would probably darken before the hour was over. He leaned in again, and breathed the words, barely audible to Will even with his close proximity. “Her, screamin’, moving on ya.”

Spike was still standing with his fists ready, but his mind had gone to another place. A place where angels rode you long and hard, where they bounced and pleasured and moaned. Where pert nipples were exposed and begging to be suckled. A place where-

Out of nowhere a ‘Thwack!!’ was heard as Parker took his foe’s momentary distraction to his own advantage.

The punch was more forceful then he’d been prepared for. Oh hell let’s face it, he was in no way prepared for any of what had just happened. That in mind, Spike flew back, twisting his body with the force of the blow.

The crew ‘s murmurs stopped completely, only to be taken over by a round of ‘Oh’s’ as his body, eyes filled with shock, fell to the ground with a hard thud

Chapter End Notes:
I know, why would I stop there? Am I just mean? The answer is yes, and no. I'm posting this on monday so that there will be a few days for people to read and i can do another update maybe tomorrow or Wed and another Friday. I don't like splitting up the stuff in these chapters but if I didn't it would be crazy long.

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