Author's Chapter Notes:
Once again, I have to thank the reviewers. You guys are awesome, and I'm so glad I decided to post a few chaps this week. Splitting these 3 chapters just seemed wrong.
Riley sighed. It was the same argument they’d had since Ripper announced to his daughter that he was going to retire. Just a few months after Finn had happened upon them and subsequently left the service of His Majesty, joining the crew of The Watcher, and catching the eye of The Slayer.

Part of the young man, now captain of his own ship forcibly taken from his former navy captain, was sure that his closeness to the blonde beauty inspired Ripper to retire and ultimately decide to let the current crew go their own way. The current crew at the time had included Finn. But then the opportunity to take command of an ‘acquired’ navel ship was too much to pass up.

“The rumors,” He started again, trying to find the words. “Johnston’s is going to be making some changes. They know what you are up to Slayer, or at least as much as anyone can know without really knowing. These calculated raids are becoming entirely too dangerous.”

She shook her head. “I have my reasons.” She stated in a weary voice. This really was an old argument. “So, what kinds of changes?”

Riley pushed the chair back and leaned forward resting his weight on his forearms as they lay across the table. “You remember The Constance?” He asked in a hushed tone. She nodded. “Thought you might. Well it seems the first mate is swearing he can identify you.”

Buffy raised a brow unbelieving. “That’s impossible, we didn’t even raid that-”

Riley raised a hand to stop her. “I know. I remember you telling me you thought they might be set up for an attack. Rare shipments on board I believe was why you backed down.”

“I didn’t back down. It was a strategic move. Carefully planned and.. and.. yeah ok, well the risk out weighed the booty take.” She explained out loud for herself more then him then quirked her head to the side. “But then why would this mate think he can describe me?”

“I really don’t know. Like I said, rumors. The thing is, Summers has been waiting for an excuse to change the directives for his ships. Exactly how hard they should fight to protect the cargo being shipped. At the same time, they’ve been mapping out where you hit them. Trying to avoid your haunts would be my guess.”

“Makes sense.” Buffy agreed with another nod. “But that still doesn’t explain the first mate. I don’t see why I should be worried.”

“Because, Buffy, he’s dead on.”


Riley shook his head and closed his eyes before looking back at her. “He had you down to a T. Complete with the hat and the hair.”

“That’s impossible.” She slammed her hand on the tabletop and stood up forcefully. “How the hell…?”

“I don’t know.” Riley confessed. “All I can tell you is that my sources on this are extremely reliable. Graham still has close connections there.”

She shook her head at him. “You and your sources.” A heavy sigh fought it’s way out of her. It was supposed to be calming, but instead it gave her a few more free moments to contemplate the new development. Her curious face came into his view once the breath was expelled. “How seriously do you think the men at Johnston’s are taking his recollection of ‘me’?”

“Well, the informant was only there while some of the men from the shipping company were asking for all information on The Watcher and it’s crew, but from what I can tell, most of them are even more ludicrous then a female captain.” He gave her a boyish grin. “Some have even include the face of the owner.”

She couldn‘t help but display a smile of her own. That part was easily explained, at least for her it was. “So in the muddle of faces given, including Hank Summers’s own, mine turned up?”

Riley nodded. “Yes. But that’s not the real news.”

“Go on.” She encouraged with a small nod.

He took a deep breath before continuing. “Whoever attacked The Constance did a thorough job of it. Only 3 survivors were left.”


Riley frowned slightly. “That’s another reason I know it wasn’t you. One thing you and I always did see eye to eye on was to keep the innocent bloodshed to a minimum. This whole slaughter and snatch thing, it just wasn’t your style.”

“But Johnston’s is going to think it is now.”

“And that gave Summers the perfect excuse to upgrade his orders on how to handle attacks.”


“That was pretty much my reaction as well.” Riley admitted.

Buffy leaned her body forward and propped her elbow on the table so her hand could easily support her head as she rested her forehead against her palm. Her shoulders raised with an exaggerated intake of air and fell in time with the whispering sigh that soon followed.


“How old is this information?” She asked not raising her head.

“About a week old.”

“So he could have put out the order by now.” She clarified to herself out loud.

Moments went by in the silence of the inner sanctum. The men and women outside the room knew not to disturb the two captains, and to keep their reunion of like minded men of the sea to a minimal roar. So the slight buzz outside the four walls was unnoticed and unimportant for them.

“Buffy?” He asked with some concern in his voice.

She looked up at him and brushed the hair that had loosened itself during her spar earlier back from her eyes. “Captain Finn, I require repayment on a marker you are owed to me.”

It was not what he expected. “For The Initiative?”

She stared him down. “When we came upon the ship, I and my crew helped you obtain it. I call on you now for assistance.” Of course they both knew that at the time, Ripper had been in command. But the payment was due none the less.

“Of course, Captain. Whatever you require.”

“Good, I’ll get back to you on that one, but know it will be soon.” She finished the statement and watched his head bob in a very gentlemanly acknowledgement before she moved on to other business. “There was one other thing, wasn’t there?”

“Right.” He said and reached into his waistcoat. A style he’d gotten used to in the navy and had carried on with him. The simple black with olive trim was nothing spectacular, but cut of the garment was part of what made him feel like himself. When his hand revealed itself again, it held a bone hued bundle of folded papers bound by a short piece of twine.


Spike hung back as the familiar mingled with the unfamiliar faces. Leaning back against the banister that wrapped around the ships edge, he tried to measure up the few men that had come with their captain to see those aboard The Watcher.

“No-o.” Willow shook her head in disbelief at a man who seemed to be quite at home among the pirates. “He didn’t really?”

“On my honor.” The brunette said, raising his right hand as if taking an oath.

Faith sidled up to him with a flirtatious grin, “I wouldn’t put it past Finn. Never was much for holding on to a good thing.”

Another man joined the group, this one with the coloring of Woods, but his look was slightly different. It was something in the eyes, but Spike couldn’t quite put it into words, nor describe why this particular man rubbed him the wrong way on sight. “The Captain’s made some ruthless decisions, but not a man among us can say we didn’t come out for the better.”

“Still,” Red continued, only favoring the dark man with a glance before returning her attention to Graham. “That was one of the most amazingly crafted daggers I have ever seen. I still think it could have been ritualistic. Maybe Indian.” Her face shifted to a look of excitement as an idea obviously formed in her head. “Graham, do you think I could get the name of the man he traded it with?”

The man grinned and smiled at the petite red head. “Sorry Willow, I don’t know who he was. Someone Riley knew. Not me.”

Spike couldn’t help but quirk the corner of his mouth when the pout came from the usually more resolved witch. “Red, maybe you could get the captain to tell you where he last saw the bloke.”

All eyes turned to the previously silent sandy blonde as he pushed himself away from the ship’s railing and joined the small group that had formed only a few feet from the meeting room’s door.

Again the excitement took the young woman’s face and she even let a small clap control her hands while the offered plan sunk in. “Oh, yeah. And an idea of what he looks like.”

“From what I heard, it’s not his looks you’d need to follow.” Forest contributed. “Just find the smell of pigs, and keep on it.”

Willow’s nose scrunched up, and she grimaced at the thought. “Well maybe it wasn’t ritualistic. Probably just some wealthy man’s idea of showing off.”

Faith laughed out loud at that one. “Don’t worry Red, if we smell pigs and see a tang with etched pearl and an Ivory shaft, I’ll do the smelly work.” She laughed again as she spoke. “Can’t be any worse of a stench then some of the customers I had.”

The group was silent for a moment. Talking of ones past wasn’t generally done. Faith however, never saw a need to hide who she’d once been. Going from whore to pirate had been a step up in her opinion, and she was glad to let anyone who could hear that in her mind’s eye, she had improved. “Also, I know some tricks on how to forget the stench.”

Again Willow’s nose wrinkled. “What if the dagger smells badly now?”

This resulted in a break of the tension, and a round of laughter from those involved in the conversation and the few who were lingering and listening.

Some of the crew had dispersed below once their visitors boarded. Others had opted to take a look around The Initiative. A newer and more modern ship built for, and by Britain’s best. Also stolen by some of sea’s best.

But almost a dozen bodies were on deck at the moment, talking and catching up on old times. The crews were fairly close and they met up more often then would be regarded as normal compared to most. Through the past two years, several members of one crew had a mate among the other that they would go directly to and compare notes, or discuss strategies. Often barter and trade took place on a personal level for anything from certain foods, to a specific belt.

Generally though, it was a time to relax. Where social conscience wasn’t necessarily needed, but often taken to simply out of respect for their fellow seaman.

The door to the meeting room opened suddenly then, Finn leading the way with Buffy trailing closely behind him. When the blonde captain saw Finn’s first and second, she threw them both a grin and strode purposely towards the group circled around the barrel donated by The Initiative’s crew.

“I see Faith is guarding the brew with her usual steadfast determination.” Buffy smiled at the brunette.

“Of course, wouldn’t want these guys trying to sneak in a taste before you.” Faith said and tipped her head towards her companions in a quick motion.

Riley turned his eyes to the shorter captain with visions of the last time the blonde took in a few pints more then a man his size would have dared. “She’s kidding, right?”

Buffy’s stomach churned at the idea. “She’s kidding.”

Spike studied the interaction of them all. Saw that Woods was nowhere in sight. Most likely aboard The Initiative, and how easily Faith fell into a flirting match with the men from the ship only a few meters away. How Willow easily spoke to all of them, and how familiar Buffy was with the other men, especially the other captain.

These people had a history. It didn’t take much to see where the ties were for the captains though. They stood a bit further apart then the others did, but once they joined in the conversation and Willow tried to coax wanted information from the broader male leader of the visiting crew, everyone was relaxed and smiling, sending veiled innuendoes of stories he may or may not someday hear for himself.

He nodded and laughed at the times that seemed appropriate, taking in what he could. He was the odd man out, new to all, but he learned early on that knowing more about who you were dealing with was always a good idea, and listening was the best way to get that knowledge, and so he did just that. Right up until Riley looked him dead on.

“So, Spike is it?” Finn asked.

William nodded.

“It looked as though we interrupted the challenges.” He smiled wryly, knowing full well that that was exactly what had happened. He’d been able to make out the lights that would normally have been dimmed, unless Buffy had been going through the ritual he’d seen and experienced himself first hand.

When Spike merely smirked, the broad man continued. “And how were they going?’

Buffy coughed unexpectedly which made Riley turn his head from the stranger to his former lover with a curious look on his face. Then he understood what had caught the man of guard. “Ah, I see.” He turned back to the new member of The Watcher. “You were up against the killer here.” He said motioning his head towards Buffy and smiling. “Good thing we interrupted then. Nothing’s worse then having this girl best you. She doesn’t even have the common decency to gloat.

“Just as well, looks like I was on my way to watching over the linguists as it was.”

“Oh.” Riley commented flatly then looked the man up and down. “You are a bit small for the work.”

Spike looked ready to reply, but didn’t get a chance.

“He was doing quite well actually.” His captain offered. “Some more,” She struggled for the proper adjective for a second before continuing. “Primal moves. Not trained but he has a good instinct and speed. With a bit of exercise I could see him being one of our more formidable members.”

Riley was surely impressed by the woman’s words and again addressed Spike. “That’s high praise from this one.”

William first scrutinized the man, then the woman. “Well we were interrupted.” He let the sentence hang there.

“Captain.” All conversation held and Xander scurried across the planks that were strapped in place so the crews could easily transfer themselves and anything acquired from one ship to the other. He walked up to them and saw the strange looks passing between William and Buffy before he went on. “Buffy, I hate to break up the reunion, but we’d better cut this short. The winds are changing and if we’re to meet our rendezvous…”

Buffy looked to the heavens as though the stars twinkling would confirm or deny her first mate’s words, then nodded. “Thanks Xander. I’d hardly noticed.”

She extended her arm to Riley Finn and the two captains gripped forearms “Captain Finn, I do appreciate the information.”

“As always, a pleasure.” He said and embraced her quickly before nodding at her and letting his eyes linger on hers for a moment longer then he would have had it been any other member of the crew. He quickly brought his fingers to his lips and let loose a shrill whistle, giving notice to his men that they were leaving.


The sendoff was short, and once again The Watcher moved with purpose, much of the crew settling down for the evening. The barrel left by the crew of The Initiative was nearly emptied and although there was a lull aboard, no one was willing to go to bed until the interrupted challenge was decided.

“No offence but she had you.” Parker voiced among the crowd gathering to discuss the matter.

Larry stood arms crossed listening before he chimed in. “But he was up and moving. It wasn’t over.”

“That’s true.” Woods commented. “And he’s quick. It was still possible for him to gain on hit count.” He stated giving the blonde standing idly by a quick nod.

Spike stood aside, figuring he’d earned the right to fight alongside the more experienced pirates, but with the full realization that it was in no way up to him. His performance was going to have to stand on its own. The other option was another battle. And to be quite honest, after the day he’d had he wasn’t sure he’d be up to it.

Even with the healing Willow provided a body could only take so much, and right now his body was screaming for some rest. Not to mention the nose he was sure could be broken, one of his eyes was now sporting a redness that would become a black eye very soon. That is if Willow decided not to help him out this time. And the ache in his calves from spinning kicks and leaps to avoid attack were not doing much better.

“The rules clearly state that if one member is unable to complete the trials then he is not to be considered until the next challenges.” Jonathan recited.

Andrew shook his head at the statement. “But it wasn’t Spike’s fault, and the captain didn’t finish either.”

Faith grinned. “So who’s gonna tell Buffy that she can’t be the captain anymore? After all, what’s good for the goose-“

With a raised hand Xander interrupted her sentence. “No one is even suggesting that.” He gave the smirking brunette a shake of his head and continued. “Look, as far as I’m concerned Will is more then able to handle himself.” The murmur of agreement came from them all. “But the fact is it’s got to be Buff’s call.”

“Seem’s hardly fair.” Parker added and saw the looks of death thrown in his direction. “I’m just saying since she’d have to admit defeat, and we all know how the captain can be about loosing.”

All eyes shifted to Faith.

“Hey, no one told me throwing her off this floating antique was against the rules. And we were just sparring.”

Spike quirked an eyebrow hoping to catch the rest of that story at another time.

Xander sighed. “Considering it’s the usual punishment for disloyalty, we thought it would be understood.”

“For now,” Willow spoke up. “Let’s just stick to the matter at hand. Buffy’s reasonable, she knows he’s got what it takes now, and from what I heard I personally would rather have Spike fighting then cowering in the lower decks.”


A pair of voices protested and Willow gave a chagrinned frown to the translators. “Sorry.”

“So we are all in agreement then?” Woods asked. “Spike fights with us.”

The crew looked from one another nodding and studying the reaction of the others.

Once the unanimous understanding was reached Willow looked to Xander. “So, we just need to tell Buffy, right? Make sure she get’s that the crew feels comfortable about it.”

“Yeah.” He answered and looked over his shoulder to the door that lead to the captain’s quarters. “If she ever comes back out again.”


Buffy wiped a tear from her cheek as she studied the obviously quickly drawn sketch. It was more than she’d thought Riley would have gotten. More information then she could have hoped for. One more piece of the puzzle fell into place.

She read over the carefully kept notes her former lover’s contact had been able to gather. The comings and going of their subject were detailed and thorough. Age, height, among other things were outlined along with the future that would most likely play out for the person under observation.

“Well educated and living a confined life.” She read the words out loud. “Instructed on proper society and well dressed.” She skipped forward some and skimmed unimportant facts. “Travel is unauthorized due to orders given by the anonymous benefactor.” She let the corners of her mouth quirk and nodded. “Well of course they are.” She said with plain understanding.

The knock that brought her from her musings was not unexpected, but it was an interruption she really didn’t care for at the moment.

With due haste the papers were laid in the top drawer of her desk and she answered her door to see not Xander and Willow, but her entire crew outside her door all looking quite anxious. “Yes?”

“We’ve um, we came to a decision.” Xander stuttered slightly. “That is if you are in agreement.”

Buffy couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s discomfort at having to be the one to talk for the crew. “Oh yeah?”

“Buffy.” Willow piped up. “I mean, Captain.” She cleared her throat. “We think, that is, we all talked about it and we agree that Spike is more suited for fighting in a raid then waiting for it to be over.” She tried to explain and when Buffy didn’t have a quick response she quickly followed with. “Alright?”

She really hadn’t had time to give it much thought, but Buffy had already come to the same conclusion. Seeing the man in question standing just behind the others Buffy moved through the crowd that easily parted as she passed him by. For some reason she didn’t feel like making things easy on him.

She seemed to be sizing him up all over again. Walking around him slowly as though she was deciding on exactly how fresh a piece of meat was after a butchering.

Spike eyed her movements, trying to decide if he should say something or if being quiet while she took him in was the better choice. Of course being quiet and hoping for the best was rarely his way, so he decided on the first of his two choices. “Well?”

She stopped again in front of him. “Are you willing to do whatever is necessary?”

He choked slightly, images of slicing into a man and warm blood pooling around him. Dying for these people he barely knew, for this woman who generally made very little sense to him. Then he looked over to the people who’d offered him a place to live and be his own man. Whomever that happened to turn out to be. An easy camaraderie had formed with most of them and he made his decision. “Right then, yeah. I’ll do what’s needed to keep this ship and its crew safe.”

Buffy let the grin on her face grow and spread until it reached her eyes. She knew full well how he’d feel the next day when he heard, or rather saw what was going to be necessary for their next plunder. “Good.” And with that she spun on her heel and headed back to her chamber. “Be ready.” And the door shut only after giving Xander a quick wink.

A bit stunned, William looked back at the faces of his shipmates. “That’s it?”

He heard a chuckle resonate from the first mate. “Not even close.”

Chapter End Notes:
I understand alot of people have proplems with Parker, on several levels. Let me just say that although on the show he was a complete ass, and yes, I still think that it was a lesson for Buffy, I always kinda liked Parker as a character. So although it may seem odd to keep him around, he's gonna be handy later, at least for the story. And yes, he bested Spike, but Spike was winded from Woods, so .. um.. yeah. Love you all. Kisses, and have a great weekend.

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