Chapter 3

William had changed his clothes four times, and was still not comfortable in what he was wearing. He was not only going to meet the blond, but ride in a car with her, to her apartment, to look at a room to live in, in her house with her, and another girl. He felt faint. He was running out of time. Checking his face in the mirror, he groaned at his hair that he hated, turned, grabbed his keys and left his dorm room for what he hoped would be one of the last times.

He checked his watch, 3 minutes till he was supposed to meet her. Buffy, the amazing blond, would be waiting on the bench for him. He picked up his pace, almost running to the annex.

Buffy was scanning the people looking for who she thought William might be. She saw him rushing toward her and knew right away. She smiled, as she had seen him before. She had seen him drop his tray in the cafeteria, drop his books in the hall, and she saw him in the library a lot. He was a good-looking guy; clean cut, nicely dressed, but a bit clumsy. He seemed wound a bit too tight, but cute in a way. He seemed shy, a little uncomfortable in his own skin. His small wire-rimmed glasses were constantly being pushed up his nose, but those cheekbones were to die for. He stood before her with his hand outstretched, and she saw his eyes. They were the deepest blue she had ever seen. You could drown in those seas of blue for sure. As Buffy’s breath was taken away, she barely heard him introduce himself. He tilted his head a bit, and looked at her.

“Buffy?” he asked. “You ok, Pet?”

Now it was Buffy’s turn to stutter a bit. “Y-Yeah, hey William, I’m Buffy. Sorry, my mind went on a little vacation there for a minute.” His eyes and that accent had taken her by surprise. She stifled a giggle, acknowledging the fact that she had actually just swooned. He was a hottie and didn’t have a clue. She suddenly had the urge to give him a little make over, or at least see what kind of a body his loose fitting clothes where hiding.

Buffy blushed. “My car is right over there in that lot, why don’t you tell me a little more about you while we walk?”

William took a deep breath and began to tell her about himself.

“I was raised by my mum back in England, and came here after she passed away to attend university. I am English Lit major, on my second year here. Planning on teaching, I think.”

“Wow, that sounds great. Sorry about your mother, I lost mine last year too. I’m a Business Management major myself. I want to open a gym someday. I work part time at the gym on Main Street as a personal trainer.”

At that comment, William looked at her athletic figure once again. Buffy caught him looking, and he blushed when his eyes met hers on the way back up. She decided not to embarrass him by calling him on it. He was red enough already.

As they reached Buffy’s car, an older Jeep Cherokee, William started to panic. He would be very close to Buffy in her car, and probably expected to carry on a conversation. He had never been able to converse with girls, and he had NEVER had to try talking with anyone as beautiful as Buffy. He was hoping the drive was really quick.

The drive lasted all of five minutes, and Buffy talked the whole way. She told him about Cordelia and that she was waiting for them to get there. She explained the room was furnished and available immediately. He could move in today if he liked it and they all agreed on the terms.

They arrived at the apartment, which was one of four in the building. Buffy explained as she parked that the apartments all had 2 bedrooms and 1 bath and that the landlord, Mr. Snyder, lived across the atrium with his wife. Their upstairs neighbor was the librarian from the University, named Mr. Giles, and there was a young newlywed couple, named Willow and Oz, that lived above the landlord. She pointed out the small swimming pool the tenants shared.

Buffy began to stick her key in the lock when Cordelia opened the door. William stared at the buxom brunette beauty standing in the doorway, stunned. These were the most beautiful women he had ever seen, and he was sure he didn’t even care how much the apartment was going to cost, he just wanted to live there.

“Come in! Hey Buffy, Hi William, I’m Cordelia. Please come in.”

William followed Buffy into the well-lit living room. It was tastefully decorated, not too feminine. He could see the kitchen and the atrium patio, and beyond that the pool, outside the French doors. The place was very tidy; he liked everything he was seeing.

“Can I get you a drink?” Buffy offered as she set her stuff down on the way to the kitchen.

“S-Sure anything is fine.”

“William, follow me and I will give you the tour. This obviously is the living room, there’s the kitchen, and through those doors is the patio we share with the other tenants. Your room is over here, next to ours.” Cordy opened the door to a nicely decorated room, with a queen sized bed, a dresser, a desk, and an upholstered chair in the corner. The color scheme was blues and brown, definitely not girly. He loved it.

“Over here you will find the bathroom, there’s only one, but it’s big and we share nicely.” She winked at him as she finished the statement and he blushed uncontrollably, then looked at the floor. Cordy thought it was one of the cutest things she had ever seen. She had gotten a glimpse of his beautiful blue eyes before he hung his head. He was so shy and so adorable. She was hoping he would take the room and move in soon. She really didn’t want another woman moving in, and men were sometimes such assholes.

The bathroom was large. A huge claw foot tub was against the far wall, and there was plenty of counter space for the three of them. There was a nice vanity for the girls too. Again, he was thrilled it was nice and neat. He wanted to live here. He was picturing the girls in their frillies getting ready for the day in here. Imagining living with these women in his life, he could feel his pants getting a little tighter. He forced thoughts of Xander in a tutu into his head to stop his body from getting too excited.

“I really like the place, Cordelia,” he said, still looking down at the floor.

“Lets go talk with Buffy then, I have a feeling this all will work out just fine.

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