“Yeah, luv, lots of presents for you.” Spike clutched her loosely about the shoulders, careful to not jar her still-fragile body as he motioned towards Joyce to let the slayer have her gifts before she decided to take matters into her own hands. He chuckled softly as the blonde held out her hands anxiously for her get well gifts. Leave it to the slayer to find the good in being stuck in a hospital room.

Stuffed animals and flowers were passed in front of the slayer one by one until there were none left and they were spread around the room, brightening the drab walls and sterile tile. Teddy bears of all shapes and sizes littered the window sill and flowers accompanied them covering every open space available around the private room.

Joyce studied the bleached blonde vampire for a couple of moments. His tough exterior was considerably deterred by the presence of a green teddy bear carrying a small bouquet of flowers he was showing her daughter. The grin on his face showed off his boyish charms quite well and the fact that his arm had yet to leave her shoulder made him look more like Buffy’s boyfriend rather than mortal enemy. Joyce made a mental note to discuss the claim with Mr. Giles at a later date. She contented herself with watching the handsome vamp and her daughter chat animatedly amongst the rest of the group.

“Willow, you seriously didn’t have to bring me…homework?” Buffy turned the textbook over in her hands, glancing over to Spike in question.

Willow grinned, “I talked to all of your teachers and they said you can take as much time as you need…well, as long as it’s turned in by next week. Oh and Mr. Sullivan said that he hopes you feel better soon, although it took him awhile to remember who you are. Guess you don’t go to history that much, huh?”

Joyce broke from her reverie, “You haven’t been going to classes?” She glanced hard at her squirming daughter. She almost laughed at the sight of the petite girl pleading with the vampire to cover for her.

“Don’t be too hard on ‘er, Joyce. She was savin’ the world from Big Bad’s, like me.” He had the audacity to look proud of himself, which only earned him a jab to the ribs from the blonde and a glare from her mother.

Buffy still managed to look guilty, even with her watcher backing the vampire’s excuse. “I maybe, sort of skipped a couple of other classes…I just got bored and…”

“No excuses. You will finish the homework Willow brought you and then I expect you to attend all of your classes in the fall. Do we have an agreement?” Joyce lowered her voice as the doctor stepped into the room.

Buffy shrugged, “Do I have a choice?”

“I’ll help the slayer with ‘er homework.” Spike paused noting the shocked expression of the other occupants in the room, including the doctor.

“I’m glad to see the little patient is up and at ‘em, at least as much as can be expected.” Dr. Stevenson entered the room slowly, carefully noting the major players in his patient’s recovery. The older man he assumed to be the girl’s father sat next to her mother while the young man on the bed eyed him warily. Taking in the blonde man, Dr. Stevenson assumed the boy would be his greatest ally in keeping the girl safe. Several nurses had told him that the blonde hadn’t left since the girl had been admitted and judging by his protectiveness, he wasn’t going to anytime soon. “Buffy, I’m very glad to see you wide awake and keeping your young man in line.”

“He’s not my…” Buffy paused, thinking better of arguing with the nice doctor who had the authority to let her leave. “When can I go home?”

“You’ve recovered remarkably fast and I see no reason why you couldn’t continue to heal at home but I would like you to speak with a therapist before you leave.” Buffy moved to protest but he quickly cut her off. “It’s standard practice and frankly, I’m requiring it after what you went through. I trust that the young man is willing to keep a close eye on her, as well as the rest of you.” He glanced around the room at the nodding people, noting the bleach blonde had yet to glance up at him again instead contenting himself with running his fingers through the patient’s hair. “I’ll make the appointment for the end of the week.” The doctor glanced around once more before excusing himself out of the room.

Buffy turned to address Giles, “I could probably start patrolling again next week…”

“Like hell you will!” Spike growled, “You’ve been through a major surgery and your legs are still broken, you bloody loon! I’ll patrol for the slayer.”

Giles pulled his glasses off to clean them as he remarked, “A vampire willingly offering his services to kill his own kind…and for the slayer no less. This is simply remarkable. I do wonder if there is any precedence in the Watcher’s Diaries.”

“Great, now Giles has gone all book guy again and I can so patrol by next week. Mom! Tell Spike I can patrol if I want to!” Buffy pouted in her mother’s direction.

Joyce frowned, “I’m with William on this one. You shouldn’t be out there until you’ve completely healed and maybe with William willing to patrol you could take a longer break from slaying.”

Buffy just stared at her mother, “Why do you keep calling him ‘William’?”

“’S my name, Slayer.”

“Well, I know that but it’s…weird. You’re Spike…and I had a point to that whole thing but…” Buffy trailed off not knowing how to complete her train of thought.

Spike smirked, “Doesn’t matter what you call me slayer, all that matters is that I’ll be patrolling while you stay home all snug ‘n safe in your girly bed. Don’t want anymore big bad’s thinking they can take a bite out ‘f you.”

“Why are you doing this?” Buffy eyed him warily.

“’ve got a stake in your survival, don’t I?” He quickly rephrased his answer when her face fell. “’m rather fond ‘f you slayer ‘n I’d rather not see you dead.”


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