*How long can two people sitting at the same table facing each other keep quiet? I mean this is getting really ridiculous! And why in hell can´t I stop talking to myself ? This is bad, I am starting to feel incredibly stupid*, Spike thought.

And Buffy wasn´t helping him. She seemed to be just as lost for words as he was. Finally Spike couldn´t take it anymore and blurted out the main question in his head.

"Who are you? I mean, I know you´re a vampire, but you´re not like the others. I thought for sure I was a goner when I felt you bite me, but I’m still here. Why?" He was puzzled and hoped Buffy could answer his questions. He didn´t like it when things went totally out of his control, and a powerful vampire who acted very strangely was one of those things.

Buffy took a sip of her coffee and thought for a moment where to begin. She couldn´t tell everything at once, there was too much Spike needed to know. Plus it was 2 am, so Spike was probably tired as well. And a tired Slayer is a cranky Slayer, that she knew. There was also the question of trust. Would he believe all she had to tell? She just had to trust him to at least listen to what she told, and she would deal with what came next.

"My whole name is Buffy Anne Summers, and I was born in 1962. I was called as a Slayer 16 years later...no, wait! Let me finish, please", she said when Spike was about to interrupt her with a bunch of questions.

"I lived in LA, and had a watcher named Merrick. At that time the Council still had this charming little tradition called the Crusiamentum. You know about it?"
"Yeah, Giles, my watcher told me about it, and that they stopped it in 1990´s."
"Well, my watcher didn´t want me to go through with it, told that to them and they simply had him killed, as I learned later."

At this point Buffy had tears in her eyes, and she stopped for awhile to wipe them and drink some more coffee.

Spike’s heart ached both for her loss and the pang in his soul when she said it was the Council who killed her watcher whether he believed it or not, but he couldn´t find the words to say something, and before his brain kicked in again Buffy continued her story.

"While I was still mourning him they sent me a new watcher, this Wesley-guy, and he went on with the whole power-stealing-gig. He just told me I had some virus which would go away with some rest.

They locked me in with this crazy as hell vampire who danced and talked to the stars or something, and before I knew it she had me thralled. I just couldn´t help it, I had to look into her eyes."

"So she had a Slayer in a thrall, and she didn´t kill you? She really must have been crazy, I mean I wish you didn´t die, just that it´s really strange. Was she the one who turned you?"

"Yes. When I rose, I didn´t at first realize I wasn´t with the living anymore. Then she started to talk about me as her baby, and how Mummy was gonna teach me how to make beautiful evil. That´s when it dawned on to me what had happened. As a vampire, I´m ashamed to say that I staked her right after that, and it hurt like hell when I did. And there I was, a turned Slayer, my soul very much in place, no desire to go and kill people. I couldn´t tell anyone, Council would have had me killed, my mother wasn´t going to understand anymore than my few friends would. I had no one. I went to get blood from butchers, and started my unlife alone. I think that pretty much covers who I am, at-least the Slayer/Vampire-part of it. Satisfied?"

Spike was far from satisfied, he had a million questions swimming in his head, which was starting to hurt. But he could see this was taking a lot out of Buffy mentally. But something made perfect sense now.
"That´s why you are so strong, you have both Slayer- and vampire-strength"
"Yes. I think that´s why I´m still here. There has been a lot of trouble over the years, believe me."

Spike was again rendered speechless. This was a lot to take in at once. But he believed her, no one could come up with that kind of story just to trick him.
"I do believe you Buffy. These years must have been very lonely to you, how have you been able to go on?"
"I have had a purpose. And that has brought me to you."

"Me as a Slayer, or me as a person?" He didn´t know which he hoped for. The man in him was attracted, and the Slayer in him was curious.

"Both actually, would you believe. But it´s getting really late. You must be tired. Can we continue this tonight? There is still so much I need to tell you."
"Sure, luv. Have you got a place to stay? You could come to my place."

"No, I have a place where I can get some much needed sleep. Should we meet here at 8pm?"

"OK, I must say that I´m intrigued. This is such a bizarre story, and I need to know how I fit in the picture. So, goodnight, well day, but who cares."

"Spike, just one more thing. Could you not tell anybody about me? Most importantly your Watcher. I´m thinking he won´t be as OK with this as you seem to be."

Spike needed to consider this. He usually kept his Watcher well in the picture. But would Giles call the Council about Buffy? Oh yes he would, that much Spike knew. And he couldn´t let that happen. Even if Buffy was a vampire now, she was also a Slayer. She had her soul, and she didn´t kill.

There was also this mysterious connection between them that Spike at this point couldn´t explain, and he needed Buffy to explain it. So there really wasn´t more than one option he was comfortable with.

"No, I won´t tell anybody. You have my word as a Slayer, and as a very confused guy", he said with a small smile.
"Thank you. You are one special man William. I’ll meet you here at 8."
And with that she was gone, leaving a puzzled Spike behind.

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