Author's Chapter Notes:
i'll give a cookie to anyone who can identify all the links in the little dream sequence to things that actually happened :p
Somehow in the space of only an hour or two, Buffy had managed to transform herself from a perfect example of sobriety to complete leglessness. And this was evident to no one more than her father who struggled to retrieve his eighteen year old from the car and carry her into their home.

‘You know, I get that you’re all legal aged and whatnot, but I had hoped you wouldn’t take advantage of that straightaway. And definitely not this way,’ Liam spoke as he tried to reach his keys whilst trying to arrange a waking Buffy in his arms.

She tightened her embrace around him and buried her face in the nook between his neck and shoulder inhaling his scent,‘Mmm, Daddy. Buffy love Daddy.’

‘And she’s still really a little baby girl, knows how to soften her father’s heart. Hmm, I guess I won’t have to worry about getting that other car and I can call up the credit card company and tell them to cancel—’

At this Buffy groaned her complaint and began to squirm more, making it hard for a chuckling Liam to open the door. He exhaled a large sigh of relief hearing William come up behind him.

‘Need a hand there mate?’

‘Yeah, could you take her?’

William tried his hardest to look in any other direction as Liam dropped Buffy in her somewhat lacking-in-fabric dress in his arms and they stumbled through the front door. He was grateful for the distraction from her toned legs when Liam spoke,

‘Look, Will, it’s pretty late. You should stay with us tonight. Buffy made up the guest room and then tomorrow morning…well, later this morning we can have you a birthday breakfast of some kind. See, I hadn’t forgotten!’

William laughed grateful for the offer, but his reply was stopped when he felt Buffy stirring in his arms, obviously disorientated to her prone position more than a meter above the ground. He tried to make his way quickly to the living room but her jerking movements made it near impossible. The dining room was closer.

‘Hey Buff- you’re alright. Shh, just relax sweetheart.’

He deposited her on the nearest surface he could find, the dining table. He almost immediately regretted his decision in doing so. She was a visual feast, her already short dress had ridden up even further on one side revealing the skin of a sun-kissed thigh. Her hair not alltogether unpleasantly mussed. Raising one hand to her forehead, she slammed the other down on the surface beside her, her legs parting just slightly to stable herself. And that pout. He was positive he would have groaned out loud had she not spoken,

‘I don’t feel so good.’

‘I’d be worried if you did, pet…and I think it’s time for bed.’

‘Bed, mmm…’ She gave a tired nod and swayed as she struggled to right herself, one arm flying sideways and knocking the flower vase to the ground.

‘Buffy Anne Summers! You are so never drinking ever again. Just like your mother, one sip and she was off with the fairies. I don’t think we can afford the upkeep if this level of destruction is what we can expect every time you have a martini.’

Liam looked around at the various objects strewn across the table, on the floor and at his daughter clearly unable to support herself to get down from the table top onto the ground in one standing piece. William’s brow raised in amusement as he watched his friend run a flustered hand through his untamable hair.

‘Will...could you, er…while I…um—’

‘You want me put her to bed?’

The conscious part of Buffy instantly favoured this plan, and she slurred with arms outstretched,‘Buffy bed. Willie take Buffy. Yep, Willie carry Buffy.’

‘Please. And try to make sure she doesn’t break anything else on the way.’

‘Done, sir,’ he said as he bundled her in his arms and made his way up the stairs, calling his goodnight to Liam on the way.

Buffy in his arms and on his way to her bedroom. Definitely not what he'd had in mind for the early morning hours of his birthday. So, he’d tuck her under the covers and retire to his own room. No, he’d have to remove her shoes first, he supposed he should also—no! There’d be removal of nothing else. He’d cover her and he’d smooth back her hair. Then he’d leave. The voice in his head told him this’d be the challenge of a life time.


In a flash he saw her lace dress, torn and lying discarded on the rug which lined the hallway.

He heard a clattering, muffled moans, whispers.

‘Don’t stop.’

He saw the dining room, the vase which usually sat on the table’s centre shattered on the ground.

In a flash he saw one hand woven amongst short platinum blonde hair, the other gripping a straining bicep, nails biting into skin.

He saw lips fused in a passionate kiss.

In a flash he saw a forearm wrap around a waist, pulling it closer, tighter.

He saw the lips break apart in a simultaneous gasp.

He heard her voice, soft and rasping, desperate.

‘Don’t stop.’

In a flash he saw her head thrown back in pleasure, blonde tresses flying, lips parted in a silent scream and eyes wide open; bright green.

Everything was still so unclear.

He heard her husky cry,


He realised,


Sitting up suddenly, body jerking. William woke.


Turning his head to the bedside table, the digital numbers on the clock flashed at him; 7.39am. Thirty-nine years and about 40 minutes ago, he’d been born. Catching sight of the photo of Liam, Buffy and himself, images of his dream flashed before his eyes and he looked down with a groan at the semi-tented sheet at his groin.




On entering the bathroom, he looked around in confusion. Buffy’s things. Then he remembered the plumbing problems in her own bathroom which had seen her since move into the guest bathroom. He couldn’t—not when she—in the same room. He’d try a cold shower first.


to be continued...

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