Author's Chapter Notes:
Took part of the weekend off from posting. Have no fear! This will NOT be the norm, it was just certain circumstances kept me from posting. The chapers that should have been posted on Friday, Saturday and now will be posted on Monday/ Tueday, probably 3 chapters both days. Thank you for your understanding.
“I don’t see why we had to hop on the first flight back to the States, Ripper. You heard from her mother, Ms. Summers is doing well and in recovery. It’s not like she is in any danger of, well any risk of dying. Joyce said that she was recovering nicely and the doctors predicted a full recovery. She could have waited until we were finished with our vacation.” Olivia Giles linked her fingers with her husband, Rupert, as the flight attendant passed them. “We barely had a week back home this time.”

Rupert ‘Ripper’ Giles expelled a long breath as he tried to channel the words that wouldn’t get him in trouble but would explain the severity of the situation to his wife. “Buffy is…she’s like a daughter to me. I care about the girl; she has a lot of…potential and passion.” He fidgeted in his seat slightly, trying to adjust his tall frame in the small reclining seat.

“I know. That’s why I didn’t fight you on going back but you cannot be the girl’s father, she has one already.” She waited for the explosion that was sure to come. Her husband may be considered a lot of things but he never deserted his family or friends. Loyal like a Golden Retriever. That girl could have a paper cut and he’d still want to destroy the paper that caused it.

“A bloody wanker is what she has. Bastard walked out on the girls and Joyce.” Giles pumped his fist once in anticipation of getting his hands on his once close friend and pummeling the man into the ground for leaving his children and wife in pursuit of his secretary. “He took off to Spain while the girls and Joyce were left to fend for themselves. You saw how that destroyed Buffy, not to mention how it affected her relationship with Joyce and William. She cut herself off from them to protect herself. Hank is a right bastard for the damage he caused that girl alone. Who knows what damage he would have caused Dawn had she been a bit older when he left.”

Olivia waited a moment, “and you’ve taken it upon yourself to guide the girl. You’ve done well with her Ripper. A little anti-social and power-driven but you did well with her.” She smiled at the people sitting across the aisle from them. She silently begged them not to say anything about their raised voices, as Giles concentrated on his next statement.

Before he could answer, the perky blonde flight attendant was hovering over them, “Drinks?”

Giles waved the girl off but not before he noticed the similarities between the woman and his pseudo-daughter. She couldn’t have been a year over thirty and with her honey blonde hair and petite frame, the resemblance was clear. “Buffy’s a good girl, albeit a bit confused at times but a good girl nonetheless. Joyce informed me that young William has been at the hospital since he learned of the accident…”

Olivia sipped at her tea as she waited for his opinion on the young man courting his ‘little girl’. Children had never been in the cards for them so when the young Summers girls came looking for a father figure, Rupert Giles seemed an apt fit. He’d made room for the eldest Summers girl when she had graduated with Honors from Sunnydale University and she had quickly progressed through the ranks to his right hand.

“He would be a good match for her.” He grinned at the thought of the two blondes together. “Did I ever tell you that he used to come by the office at least once a day to either bring her lunch or escort her home? Good boy. Proper English breeding as well, she would be hard-pressed to find another man like him.” Giles nodded his approval as he sipped at his own tea, oblivious to his wife’s knowing glances.

“Does Buffy have a say in this or will you just be handing her off to him in marriage?” She paused at his frown, “she did, after all, have relations with Parker Abrams for quite awhile…” She didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence when Giles growled.

“He’s a right git for the way he treated her. Should’ve let her fire him earlier than what she did. Boy cost me more in sexual harassment than he managed to bring into the company.” He snorted. “Did I tell you that he was bragging the next day that he’d managed to…” Unable to say the words in relation to his pseudo-daughter, he chose to wave his hand instead, “with Buffy?”

Olivia snorted softly, “Heaven forbid.”

“What was that, dear?” He ran a hand through his lightly graying brown hair as he waited for a response. Receiving none, he continued, “Buffy deserves a good man in her life and I think William would be a good fit. They were after all together in school. Prom king and Queen, they were. Very good fit, I should think.”

Olivia stared at the seat back in front of her as her husband listed off the reasons why the young couple should be together…yet again.

Sunnydale General Hospital

“Look, my friend is in there so if you don’t want your face rearranged for free, you will let me in.” Faith Lehane glared at the young man behind the desk. The dark-haired beauty smirked as he trembled and told the way to patient Summers, E. As she sauntered away, the young nurse visibly shook in his seat until she was out of sight. Andrew Wells was now completely certain that he had chosen wisely when he’d given up finding a woman to call his own, instead preferring his boyfriend, Xander.

It took her less than five minutes to make it up to the room and less than that to break up the scene inside. She didn’t bother knocking, instead preferring the element of surprise should the petite fireball choose to deny her entry. They hadn’t exactly left off in the best position…with the young blonde leaving the bed in disgust.

“Yo, B…whoa! Did I just break up something?” Faith paused at the sight of the two blonde’s linked hands.

Chapter End Notes:
Ok, yes this does reference a brief relationship between Buffy and Faith. No, it will not go into detail except one itty bitty flashback in a later chapter. If you have a problem with it, I suggest you A) skip over it or B) stop reading now. But it will not be detailed at all and does have significance to the plot.

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