Chapter 12

William and Dee hit the casino floors and a couple of the nicer Vegas buffets. They felt a bit strange, but they sat close together, fed each other, and gave each other little loving gestures for Anyanka's camera.

"Okay, all this lovey stuff giving me the wiggins," Dee said when Anyanka stopped clicking pictures. "It's like being way too friendly with my brother, or, in this case, my father." She wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"I love you too." William gave the young woman a smirk.

"Oh don't give me none of your lip," Dawn pouted. "You know you feel the same way about me."

"Oh, I feel like your brother or your father?" William curled his tongue behind his teeth. He really did feel the same way about Dee, like she was his little sister or daughter, but he did enjoy teasing her. He waggled his eyebrows at Dee and Anyanka.

"Oh, you!" Dee slapped William's arm. "You're such a pain in the butt."

William slipped into game face. "Don't you mean neck?"

"I'm going to go to the one hour photo place now." Anyanka popped out of sight.

"The RV rental place still hasn't called," Dee said with a sigh. "Who knew April was such a popular month for RV rentals."

"Don't worry, Bit. Your sis can handle anything Sunnydale throws at her." William reassured the girl.

"But she's alone!"

"No, she's not." William patted Dee on the shoulder. "She's got Rupes, Red, Dogboy, Harris, and Spike to help."

"I know." Dee sighed. "I just worry. She was acting so reckless before we found out that you were alive."

"The Slayer always takes risks. You know that," William replied.

"Not like this. She really missed you." Dee gave William a hard look. "Don't you dare dust on us again."

"I won't, Bit. Love you and Anne too much." William gave Dee an almost shy smile.

"Just see that you don't! I think I'm ready to go back to the hotel." Dee yawned. "I'm pooped."



Black Willow smiled a very wicked smile. She put the WRH report down on the desk, and she looked at the vampire frozen in the middle of the room.

Angel's eyes darted back and forth as he looked for an escape from his desperate situation. He thought back to Spike's assessment of his stupidity. Now, he completely agreed with the younger vampire's opinion that magicking Willow up was a very, very bad idea.

"You know, I'm so glad we've had this chance to become better acquainted, Angel." Willow smirked. "For your troubles, I'm going to do you a favor. No more pesky soul problems." She snapped her fingers. "All nicely anchored. No more happiness clauses."

Angel grunted in protest. He had proved he could have sex without losing his soul.

"Oh, that's right. It's only Buffy that causes you happiness, and she picked her vampire of preference." Willow rose to her feet, slinked over to Angel, and circled him with one forefinger touching him mid-chest level. "Poor, poor Angel. Don't worry. I'll be out of your hair momentarily now that I know where Buffy ran off to with my power."

Angel sighed in relief. He never realized how scary Willow could be until she had taken over the WRH building. Even the Senior Partners had cowered in fear.

"You did call me forth for a reason." Willow continued to circle him. "Since you've been so helpful, I'll do as you wanted. Come along." She crooked a finger at the vampire.

Angel felt his body being dragged over the carpet to obey Willow's command. He hated the feeling of helplessness that invaded his limbs. There was nothing he could do as Willow pulled him down the hallway to where she had the other AI members held prisoner.

Willow busted the door open with the flick of a finger, and she entered the room with her vampire shadow. "I need more power to follow the Key. Yours will do nicely." She crossed to where Illyria was chained.

"I do not fear you, puny human," Illyria sneered. When she saw that Willow wasn't intimidated, the God King changed her tactic, and she morphed into Fred. "Hey, Willow, it's me Fred. Please don't hurt me.'

Willow rolled her eyes. "Bored now." She placed her hands on Illyria's head, and she started to draw the God King out of Fred's body into her own. Willow tossed her head back to let out a sensual moan.

The AI members watched in horror as Illyria started to morph back and forth between the God King's blue-tinted features and Fred's while Willow switched between Black Willow and a reddish/black Willow/Illyria. Finally Fred slumped bonelessly in the chains while the newest version of Willow stretched in pleasure.

"What a rush!" Willow shook herself as she got used to having the God King's power joined with her own. She smoothed her hands down over her new leather-like black and red body suit. "This is just the best thing ever. My name is now Willyria

"What's wrong with Fred?" Wesley asked in a concerned voice.

"She's dead, of course." Willyria rolled her eyes. "Fred didn't have the power to withstand Illyria like I can."

"Can't you put her soul back like you did Angelus, or resurrect her like you did Buffy?" Wesley asked.

Willyria hesitated, and for a moment, Angel and Wesley could see the old Willow. "No, I won't. She's in heaven. I won't make that mistake again."

"Please, no!" Wesley pleaded. "I love Fred. I want to be with her."

"Now that can be arranged." Willyria said coldly. She snapped her fingers, and Wesley slumped in his restraints "Now I must be off." With a second snap of her fingers, a portal opened, and Willyria stepped through it.

When the portal closed, Angel fell forward. He crawled over to Wesley, only to find that the one time Watcher was dead. The vampire let out a growl of displeasure and sorrow.

"You know, you're an idiot." Gunn had been quiet up till then, but now he felt that he needed to get something off his chest. "You told us that we'd be fighting evil from the belly of the beast. Now, it seems we're mostly dead. This is really fucked up, man."

"We ARE all dead," Angel muttered. He glanced at the ghostly Gunn. "This isn't how it was supposed to be."

"Yeah, I get that," Gunn said. He looked down at Fred and Wesley. "You're the last living creature in the dimension now, you know. Enjoy the peace and quiet." He floated away.

Angel shuddered as he thought about all the souls that were now on his conscience. He rose to his feet, walked down the hall to his office, and found the stakes hidden in his desk. He sat in the desk chair where he stared at the wooden weapon.

"I'm so sorry," Angel whispered. He pressed the stake to his breast, and he pushed the sharpened tip through his flesh."



Angel stared at the computer screen. He gave the drained body next to him a smirk. "Good work, Meers. This is perfect, except the fact that I have to go to Vegas to pick it up."

Warren Meers didn't say a word.

"I completely agree." Angel nodded. "It is the only way to get that little bitch under control. I haven't had a good blow job in months."

Warren didn't blink at the crudity.

"Yes, my good man," Angel said as he hit another button on the keyboard. "Those awful Scoobies may cause problems. I'll just have to eliminate any of them that try to stand in my way."

Warren didn't twitch at the implied threats.

"You're quite right. By the time I return to Sunnydale that little whore will be weak from a lack of blood." Angel got to his feet. "It'll be easy to drug her then." He left the boy's house without another thought.

Warren didn't say good-bye to his departing guest.



"I have the pictures." Anyanka popped into the hotel room. "They're really quite good, if I say so myself." She handed the stack of photos to William.

"I'm feeling kinda weird," Dee said suddenly. "Like someone just walked over my grave. Something's going on out there, and it's bad."

"That's not very helpful," Anyanka said. "Out there where?"

Dee paced back and forth for a few minutes. "Anyanka, you know that spell that brought vamp Willow to our dimension?"

"Yeah," Anyanka answered with great hesitation. "You want to see Vamp Willow?"

"No, I want to see home." Dee looked concerned. "Something's happening."

The others heard the undertone of urgency in Dee's voice. Anyanka and Ripper hastened to get ready to do the spell once the vengeance demon explained it to the Watcher. Within a few minutes everyone was ready.

Anyanka and Ripper recited the spell while William and Dee peered into the pool of water. They have a running commentary of Black Willow's actions. The three from the dimension in question were not the least bit surprised by Willow's actions. They'd been there for the year from hell, after all. Ripper watched the scene with more than a touch of horror.

"She's... she's..." Ripper was unable to articulate his thoughts.

"Damned scary?" Anyanka provided.

"Absolutely. If we ever find my dimension, I think the girl will be visiting the coven as soon as bloody possible."

"Good plan," William said.

"Oh my God, she's destroyed everything," Dee gasped. "She's on the move through the dimensions. That's what I felt. That idiot Angel's about to kill himself."

"What?" William leaned forward. "That pillock. I wish he was here so I could smack him."

"Wish granted!" Anyanka intoned, her demonic face fading in and out.

Angel pressed the stake to his chest. Then, he found himself in a hotel room with Spike, Dawn, a woman he didn't really recognize, and a young looking Giles. The girls gave him a dirty look while Spike and Giles grabbed the stake from him.

"If you think you're getting off that easy, you better think again." The bleached blond vampire growled. "Now, we're going by William, Dee, Anyanka, and Ripper. Buffy's named Anne. You wanna be Liam or S.F.B.?"

"SFB?" Angel asked in a confused voice.

"Shit for brains," Dee muttered.

"Um... Liam, I suppose." Angel hesitated over his human name. "Where's Bu... I mean Anne?"

"In Sunnyhell." William tossed the stake on the dresser. "Apparently the soul don't mean much here. Your counterpart took the Slayer after she died the first time. We think he may have bloody well vamped her."

"Bet she's really pissed off too." Anyanka closed the view on the pool of water. "Now, I need to get these pictures to Anne." She grabbed the sheath of photos.

"Hold on, Demon Girl. I just had an idea." William turned to Liam. "We're luring Angel away from Sunnyhell to let Anne and Spike search the mansion." He crossed to the second dresser to get a pad of paper which he threw to the other vamp. "Draw the mansion's floor plans. Specifically any hidey holes where the git could stash the Slayer."

Liam drew what he could remember. It had been over four years since he had been at the mansion. Then, he handed the pad of paper to Anyanka.

The vengeance demon glanced at the notepad, gave a nod, and popped out of sight.

"I made a mistake," Liam said. "I apologize."

"It's a little late for that now, isn't it?" Dee gave the vampire a hard look.

"Can I at least know what's going on?" Liam asked.

William and Dee looked at each other before they turned to the dark-haired vampire. They waved him to a chair, and they spent the next few hours explaining exactly what was going on with the dimension travelers.


Anyanka popped into Anne's house in Sunnydale. She startled the Scoobies who had come by to wait for her and the pictures.

"Who are you?" Willow asked.

"Anyanka, you're here," Anne said from the kitchen. She walked down the hall to the living room. "You know everybody. Everybody, this is Anyanka."

"You look familiar." Xander studied the newcomer. "Now if I could just remember where I've seen you before." He continued to take in Anyanka's features.

Willow snapped her fingers. "That new girl Anya Jenkins. That's who she looks like."

Anne and Anyanka exchanged looks. They knew it was only a mater of time before this dimension's Dawn showed up now. The vengeance demon handed the pictures to Anne, who leafed through them before she handed them to Willow.

"Show time, I guess." The red-haired girl looked decidedly nervous. "Hope I can do this."

"You'll be fine," Anne assured Willow. She turned to Anyanka. "Can you keep an eye on Willow and Oz? Whisk them away if things get dicey with Angel?"

"I suppose." Anyanka shrugged. "Let's go, Red. You can tell me all about the werewolf induced orgasms on the way." She flounced out of the room.

Willow gave Anne and Xander a wide-eyed scared look before she followed Anyanka.

Xander stared after the two women. "She's really pretty. Tell me about her."

Anne snorted with mirth. Same old demon magnet Xander.


Willow glanced at Oz with trepidation before she knocked on Angel's apartment door. Even though she knew that Anyanka was nearby and that Oz wouldn't let the vampire hurt her, she couldn't help the way she felt. Knowing that Angel had probably been lying to them for over a year and was probably torturing Buffy, made Willow lose what little respect she had for the vampire.

The apartment door opened, and Angel's voice drifted out. "Willow and Oz. What can I do for you?"

"Um... well, Spike had been sighted with a girl." Willow shoved the pictures of William and Dee at the door. "Our sources say she's still human. Giles said we should try to rescue her."

Angel took the pictures without looking at them. "Can't. I got business in Vegas."

Willow's eyebrow arched. "What a coincidence! That's where Spike is! So, what kind of business do you have in Vegas?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," Angel growled. "I'll take care of Spike." He started to close the door.

"Giles wants Oz and I to go along.'

"Fine," Angel snarled. Just what he needed. Interference. "Be ready to go at sunset." He slammed the door.

"Wow, somebody's all bad moody," Willow observed as she and Oz left the building.

"Somebody's off the pig," Oz said.

"Really?" Willow stared at Oz.

The werewolf tapped his nose to indicate he could smell the human blood surrounding the vampire.

"One of us needs to be awake at all times, then." Willow looked scared, but determined. They had to give Anne and Spike time to find Buffy. "Let's go get some weapons."

Oz nodded in agreement.

Xander leaned against the wall as he watched for Anya Jenkins to come out of the magic store. He had talked to Anne about many things including his vampire hatred and the fact that Buffy was always meant to be with Spike. It was time to put away childish pursuits and act more grown up.

Xander smiled when the girl he was waiting for finally exited the store. He pushed himself off the wall, and he approached Anya.

"Hi, I'm Xander Harris." The dark-haired young man stuck out his hand. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date?"

"A date?" Anya looked at the young man. "What's that?"

Xander grinned at Anya. He knew from Anne's talk that he needed to be blunt. "A date is where two people have fun together while trying to discover if they are compatible to have orgasms." Xander chuckled at the girl's wide eyed look.

"Oh, Xander Harris, that sounds good." Anya smiled. "I'd very much like to try one of these date things."

"Great! Here let me carry your bag." Xander took Anya's packages. "I'll walk you home, and we can decide where to go on our date."

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