Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter has non graphic rape. Beta and banner by dawnofme
Craig waited until he knew that Cam was in class and couldn’t escape before he text the number he’d copied from his brother’s illicit phone. He knew he was taking as chance as his number would be different from Cam’s but he had to find out what was going on.

Need to meet. Phone broken. Using own.

Almost immediately, Craig got a reply.

Usual place. One hour?

“Shit!” Craig had no idea where the usual place was.

Don’t trust that anymore. Lacey’s café on Hills Road. 30 mins. Urgent.

His heart was in his mouth when he hit the send button. Again the reply was almost instantaneous.


Craig headed off the school grounds as soon as he got the reply. He felt bad that he’d used the excuse of his arm being due a check up to give him the time to set up the meeting, but if Cam was into something bad, then he needed to find out.

He got to the café with fifteen minutes to spare and managed to find a table right at the back where he could see people as they walked in. When the waitress came to take his order, he opted for juice; he was strung out enough without the need for caffeine.

A stout, dark haired man walked in and surreptitiously scanned the tables. Craig tensed – was this the guy? Then the man smiled and walked to a pretty blonde about twenty years younger than he was.

Nope. Just the boss screwing his secretary. Craig smiled ruefully and turned back to the doorway.

Oh, crap! He spotted Spike’s old handler as he walked in. Watching through his lashes with his head dipped down, Craig hoped that the man wouldn’t see him. The last thing he needed was Jerry coming over for a chat.

Jerry glanced around the room and sat in the opposite back corner to Craig. The waitress took his order and returned with a mug of what looked to be coffee and a tall glass of Coca Cola. Realisation dawned. Fumbling with his cell phone Craig dialled the number he’d stolen from Cam. He knew before it even rang that it would be Jerry’s phone. It was too much of a coincidence for him to be there at that time. As Jerry pulled out the phone to answer it, Craig moved swiftly across the room and sat down in the chair opposite.

“What have you got my little brother mixed up in?” he said, slapping his hands down on the table.

Startled, Jerry looked up. “Er…Craig…I…”

“If you lie, so help me God, I’ll punch you, right here, right now.” Judging by the look on Craig’s face it wasn’t an idle threat. “Why has Cameron got a cell with your number keyed in it?”

“Is he all right?”

“Oh, yeah. He cut class, came home late, keeps looking at me funny and cried half the fucking night. So yeah, doing just fine!”

“Craig –”

“Just tell me straight!”

Jerry took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Here’s what’s happened…” He brought Craig up to date with everything apart from the attack on him. There was no reason for Craig to know about that.

Unable to believe what he’d just been told, Craig found it hard to remain seated. His earlier urge to hit Jerry was increased not diminished by Jerry’s words.

“Jesus! I can’t believe you approached Cam with this. He’s just a kid!”

“He’s nineteen, Craig. Only a couple of years younger than you.” Jerry leaned back in his chair. “He knew what he was doing.”

“Nineteen going on about twelve. Cam lives in a freaking dream world half the time,” said Craig. “You took advantage of him and you know it.”

Jerry hated to admit it but it was true. Cam had been the easiest way to get the details he needed.

“He worshipped Spike. When he found his dust outside the back door it tore him apart.” Craig’s voice was low and he jabbed his finger towards Jerry. “You used his love for Spike to get him to do your dirty work.”

Hanging his head, Jerry said, “I know. I’m sorry.”

For a moment they sat in silence before Jerry spoke again. “There’s something else. Something I haven’t said to Cameron.”

“What?” Craig’s eyes narrowed.

“I believe that Spike is alive.”

“But—how—why would you think that? You said that the disks proved that Spike had been killed by them.”

“I didn’t want to say anything until I was completely certain, but I think they faked his dusting and took him back to the Initiative.”

“No way.” Craig leaned back in his seat. “Why would they want him back? They sold him to Mom, besides his knee was as fucked up as my elbow is – no way could he track again.”

“I don’t know why,” said Jerry. “But I saw Spike’s number on a document. It was a list of the vampires that were exported to England. I thought it must be a mistake, then when I tried to look up his records they were either missing or encrypted. I downloaded what I could and asked Cam to try to decode it.”

“Does he know?” It was barely audible.

“What? That I think Spike is alive? No. No I haven’t told him.”

“Christ, Jerry. What the hell do we do now?”


He should have been working on his English project, but Cameron’s fingers were flying over the laptop’s keypad with an entirely different purpose. The Initiative’s database. He was almost in! Second’s later, the screen cleared and little box requested that he typed in the number for the operative he wanted. With shaking hands he pushed the keys.


The screen blinked and an error message popped up.

“Crap.” He frowned. Then smiled and typed again.


Spike’s record came up. There was the option to read it from the most recent or the earliest entries, so Cam selected most recent and waited for the record to be brought up. His eyes widened when he saw the date of it. It the same as yesterday’s.

“No way,” he whispered.

He clicked to read it, and his heart almost stopped beating altogether.

V17 is still undergoing correction for his earlier misdemeanour.

Then there was a list of what had been done and to Cameron’s horror, photographs of Spike suspended upside down, covered in welts and bruises. He pushed down the lid of his laptop and raced from the room, he reached the bathroom with barely a second to spare before he was doubled up over a toilet throwing up violently.

Gasping, his eyes watering, he sank to the floor. Spike’s alive!


At the US Headquarters of the Initiative, one of the army of computer technicians that they employed sat up straight in his seat.

“Holy crap!”

He leapt up and did something that he’d never thought he would have to do. Even as he went to report that a hacker had successfully got through their defences, the program began to trace the location of the intruder.


Walking slowly back to the classroom on legs that felt like rubber, Cam thought about his promise to Craig not to miss class. He was going to have to break that promise – he needed to see Jerry as soon as possible.

“Hey, Cam. Are you all right?” said John, a boy whom Cameron tutored from time to time. “I shut down your laptop for you – I’ve never seen you leave it still active.”

“Oh, right.” Cam glanced at the computer, realising he must not have closed the lid properly. “Thanks. Look I’m not feeling so good, so can you let Mr. Blackwell know that I’ve gone home.”

“Sure. Hope you feel better soon – you look really pale.”

Nodding absently, Cameron put his laptop in his bag, slung it over his shoulder and walked away.

He took out the cell phone that Jerry had given him and dialled. It connected on the first ring.


“Hi, Jerry. I need to meet up. I’ve found something out – it’s huge.”

“Come to Lacey’s Café – do you know it? I’m already there – it’ll be quicker.”


Cam disconnected and put it back in his pocket. He cast a glance over to the playing fields where Craig would be and decided that he’d tell him as soon as he saw him, unless Craig killed him before he had a chance to explain.

As he walked out of the school gates, a black SUV screeched to a halt in front of him. Before he had a chance to react, a burly dark skinned man leapt out of it and pressed the end of a stick to Cam’s chest. With a choked off cry, Cameron’s limbs spasmed and he collapsed into the man’s arms. Within seconds, they were in the car and it sped away. The only thing to show that Cam had been there was the cell phone which had fallen from his pocket when the man threw him in the car.


Buffy hugged Willow tightly and made no attempt to keep her tears from falling. She’d had a great time and her friendship with Willow was back on track.

“Stay for longer next time, sweetie,” said Willow. “Bring the boys.”

“I will. They’d love it. I’ve missed them so much.”

The women looked up Buffy’s flight was announced that boarding was about to commence. “That’s me,” said Buffy.

One more hug and Buffy walked towards the gate. Sad to be leaving her old friend behind but eager to see her boys again. She wondered what state the house would be in when she got home.


Spike could see again. The numerous and painful tests that they did to see why the cameras had failed to transmit what Spike had seen were over. But though the physical punishment appeared to be over, Spike’s sight was shut down whenever he was in his cell.

The door slid open at the same time that his vision snapped on. Spike tried not to tremble when he saw Mark standing there, scowling at him.

“On your feet, Seventeen. Got work to do.”

“W-work? Sir?” He dipped his head, stealing himself against a blow.

“Yes, you’re needed for a hunt.”

“A hunt?” Spike smiled slightly. A hunt meant a reward – though he wasn’t sure how pleasant it would be after the abuse his genitals had taken when he'd been beaten. More importantly a hunt meant he would have a chance to escape. He’d fail, he knew that, but hopefully they’d dust him as he tried.

Mark cuffed Spike around the head. “Don’t repeat everything I fucking say!”

“Sorry, sir.”

The pair walked through the corridors to the door which led to the huge training enclosure. Spike stepped through and looked down at his feet. Mark followed his gaze and chuckled.

“No shoes from now on. You’re not the hunter – you’re the hunted!”

“What? I don’t understand, sir.”

“You don’t need to understand. You need to…RUN!”

Spike jumped at his handler’s yell.

“They catch you in less than an hour – their reward is you for an hour!”

He didn’t need telling twice. Spike ran! He knew this enclosure like the back of his hand and so the fact his vision never switched to night mode didn’t really hamper him. Still only barely recovered from his punishment, Spike soon found that his legs were getting slower and panic setting in didn’t help him as he tried to work out where he could hide. It was obvious that he couldn’t hope to outrun whoever was hunting him.

Sometime later, there was a triumphant cry as the hunter saw him. Spike stopped running and turned to face the vampire, his skinny body heaving with shallow, rapid breaths. He offered no resistance as V1604 grasped his shoulders and his uncut fangs grazed Spike’s neck. Then the hunter cried out, clutching his head as he fell to the ground. Stepping back, Spike turned his head, scanning the surrounding area. A couple of handlers that he didn’t know appeared from out of some bushes.

“You’re lucky, Seventeen. It took him sixty-two minutes to get to you.”

Still panting, he watched as the vampire recovered from the blast from the pain chip and then was given its reward. Spike’s cock hardened and he gave out a soft moan which made the shorter of the two handlers stare at him.

“Touch that, and we’ll cut it off.”

Spike snatched his hands away and clasped them behind his back. The handler chuckled and then ordered him to walk. Within ten minutes, Spike had been hosed down with icy cold water, which had diminished his erection, and was back in his cell still dripping wet. He shivered as he lay on his side, blinded once again and wondered if this was all he’d ever be again. The training enclosure offered no hope of escape.

The next day he was used as quarry four times, the final time, exhaustion meant he had been caught by the hunter within only twenty minutes. Mark, true to his word, didn’t shock the vampire when it grabbed hold of Spike, he simply walked away.

The vampire, a tall, strongly made blond, who despite the hair reminded Spike of Angel, laughed as he bent Spike over an outcrop of rock and rammed two of his fingers inside Spike’s tight hole. Seconds later, Spike screamed as in one hard thrust, V379 inserted the full length of his cock into the smaller vampire.

Many things had happened to Spike in his time – both as a free vampire and a captive one – but the vicious rape he was subjected to was the worst of it all. Too weak to be able to fight back, Spike suddenly realised how his victims had felt all those years ago, as he’d laughed at their pain and humiliation, just as V379 was now. When finally the vampire climaxed, Spike howled as fangs ripped into his neck. V379 drank deeply until he let the barely conscious body of Spike fall to the ground.

Mark stepped into view and grinned at V379. “I think we’ve found the new star of the program, Three –Seventy –Nine." He pointed at Spike. "Pick him up and carry him home.”

The vampire lifted Spike as easily as if he were a child and slung him over one shoulder. Spike offered no resistance as he was taken back to the compound. Once more he was washed, blinded and taken back to his cell. A feeding tube was pushed down his throat and enough blood pumped in to make his stomach distend and cramp, then he was left alone to his discomfort. It was some time before he dared to explore the damage done to him. His questing fingers found torn flesh around his anus, already healing thanks to the blood, but the shame remained.


Craig waited at the café for thirty minutes after Cam’s call before he stood up, the chair scraping on the floor.

“Something’s wrong. He should be here by now.”

Jerry nodded.

“I’m going to look for him,” said Craig. “You stay here for another fifteen minutes. If he arrives call me. If he doesn’t…”

“What?” said Jerry, as Craig’s voice trailed off.

“You’d better leave town, ‘cause if anything happens to him over this crap you’ve gotten him involved in, I will break every bone in your body!”

Swallowing hard, Jerry nodded again. “If anything happens to him, I’ll deserve it.”

Craig paused for a moment and then turned to leave. He was jogging by the time he got to the door.

Jerry took out his cell phone and dialled Cam’s number. “Come on. Answer it.”


“Oh, thank God, Cam, where are you?”

“Cam?” said the voice. “You mean Cameron Evans? Is the phone his? I’ve just found it outside the school gates. I’ll give it to him tomorrow in class.”

“Er…okay…thank you.”

He pressed the disconnect button and stared at his cell before putting it in his pocket. Cam didn’t seem the type to be careless with anything. Suddenly, he could sit there no longer. Scribbling a note on the back of a napkin, he gave it to the woman at the counter. She looked at him as if he were mad when Jerry gave her a brief description of Cam and asked her to give him the note if he showed up. Then he dashed out and headed for the boy’s home.


Cam groaned as he woke up, his head throbbed and he thought he might be sick. Trying to bring his hand up to touch his forehead, full awareness snapped back when he couldn’t move his hands. He tried to draw in enough air to yell out but his chest barely rose and all that came out was a wheezing gasp.

Heart pounding, he discovered that he couldn’t move at all, not even his head. His eyes were useless to him as he was in total darkness. All he could hear was a slight hissing sound which he presumed was air being pumped in. He knew where he was. He’d read the description in the data about Spike’s years as a tracker.

A pod.

In the Initiative.


Chapter End Notes:
Thank you so much for reading and each review I get makes me very happy. :) I really appreciate you taking the time.

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