Author's Chapter Notes:
Hello everyone! Offering another chapter tonight since you liked the first one. I really want to thank you all for reading, and enjoy it. It has been a work of love.
The team had come in too late.

Meetings and fighting between them had slowed the reaction to hearing about the pooling of the metaphysical energies surrounding Los Angeles. It had been happening for three days, and everyone in the outside world had no idea, but they had. Giles said no, Buffy said yes. The fight was on and it lasted for two of the three days.

When she won, they had boarded planes, and waited. When they landed, they all regrouped and headed straight for the Hyperion.

The sky was black with pooling, swirling clouds, and there were winds that howled. It howled just like in the movies. The cars that they had rented had struggled to stay on the road in places; rain was coming down that hard. Every few moments, most of them would look toward the epicenter; a large hurricane-like pearl in the sky, swirling blues, oranges, and yellows. Fires erupted from unknown sources all throughout the sky.

Emergency vehicles had tried to shoo them away, but they changed their routes. About a half a mile from the ‘incident’, the cars let them out, and they erected a command center in an office building not far away.

Buffy had led the scouting team to the roof of the closest building so she could get a feeling for what they were walking into since there wasn’t much information. A dragon, careening close to them, screamed by, causing the newer slayers to cry out and duck. She stood tall, lifting an arm up and trailing her index finger along its blackened belly. When it was clear, she went to the corner of the building and looked down.

There was a small group, amidst all the chaos, fighting in sync. Three bold heroes slicing, hacking, bleeding—dying. She was sure she made out Angel’s shape, and another young man fighting back to back with him. Not far away, she saw a woman covered in blue using some field of light or energy to shove them back, so she could swing with precision at the demons crawling towards her. Just down the alley from the building she was on, she saw a man fighting alone in the shadows.

She couldn’t make him out, could barely see him. The wind roared up and she grabbed her walkie, radioing to command that she had a lone fighter in the alley to the south that needed help. Slayers streamed out, and she saw them fight their way to them. He could see him turn to look back at them and he waved his arm. Some random demon dropped upon him then, and for moments, Buffy thought the man had been lost. She headed down the stairs then, knowing she could do more than what she was doing now, on the ground; in the fight.

As she ran out the front door, the sounds of battle erupted all over her. It hadn’t been there in the minutes before, this was new, like they were following her; maybe could sense her. Pulling her two swords out of the back sheaths, she slashed out erratically, but swiftly, cutting through the throng. Something ripped across her face as she made a large enough hole to get through. Wiping the blood out of her eyes, she yelled for the slayers to follow her. About a half a block from where she had seen the man, there was a lull in the fight—no immediate danger—so she grabbed some girls and ran just down the block,

The rest of what she remembers comes and goes, but mostly everyone helped her filling it in by telling her what happened.

The man had slid to the ground and was currently trying to fight off a small dwarf, when Buffy reached him. “Hey!” She yelled. “Need some help?” A light flashed and she saw his hair first.

The swords clattered to the ground when she realized who it was. Her heart stopped beating, she stopped breathing, and she could no longer hear anything.

A very bloody Spike turned to her and stared, face drawn in fear, “Buffy! Go! This isn’t your fight!” He started to walk to her, and she could almost see tears welling in his eyes.

He was face to face with her and they both stared. Slayers screamed all around them to move. They surrounded them in a circle. Buffy reached out a hand, sliding it over his cheek, tracing the bone. He leaned down in her face and smiled. “You need to breathe Buffy.”

Her reply was a whisper, but enough. “Spike.”

Reaching over, he pulled her to his chest and held her close, almost making it impossible for her to breathe after all. “I’m here, Buffy. I’m here.” He kissed the top of her head, “I love you. I love you, god Slayer, I love you.”

She started to cry, wrapping her arms around him. “Oh, Spike.”

Her legs almost gave out, but she clung to him for that minute and wept. She hadn’t been this happy in so long.

Spike was here. He was here.

He pulled back and looked down at her with a cocky smile. “Come on, Slayer. Let’s get rid of these bastards, shall we?”

Her throat was suddenly raw, “I love you, Spike. I meant it.” His mouth moved into something she hadn’t seen before. A truly tortured smile.

“I knew.”

She wiped an eye and turned to fight. The slayers had kept them at bay, but only just. She felt him grab her hand and she turned and leaned down to grab her swords. An ogre slammed his way through the cloud, knocking a slayer to the wayside and pushing Buffy into the brick wall. Buffy felt the familiar swoosh of the dragon and looked up as she stood.

The beauty of its flight was lost to her as she watched it come toward them. It was blue, she saw then, through the fire lights. The mouth was open in a piercing scream. Spike turned at that moment and smiled, getting into fighting stance, and pulled his sword close to his chest. In a breath, the dragon’s sharp talon slid through Spike like warm butter. The ashes were caught by the wind and taken to ground

She fell to the ground in shock, and she slid across the wet concrete, scrambling for something; anything.

Her world went black.

The sun poured in the windows as she woke up. It was cold, and the book had become imbedded in her chest. She was on his bed, in his old, cold house. She sighed.

Every night was the same. Every night she tried to save him. It was her curse.

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