“Hello Slayer”

Buffy slowly pivoted on her heel and came face to face with shadow.

The voice spoke again. “Not bad pet, really not bad. You’ve got good...form.” Suddenly there was a hissing click and a flash of flame. Buffy intently studied the strong jaw and twisted smirk that was briefly illuminated as a cigarette, dangling from full lips, was lit. She unknowingly took a step forward as the man took a drag and blew out a plume of smoke as he continued to speak. She had a fleeting thought that he sounded a little like Giles, obviously British, but his accent was rougher, courser... sexier. Buffy shook herself mentally as his words started to get through her oddly foggy head.

“Your right hooks a little sloppy though luv, reckon you’re relyin’ too much on that kicky martial artsy shit m’self. Sure, it looks impressive, but there are better ways to break bones.”

Buffy felt a spark of irritation. She was the Slayer for crying out loud, who the hell was this guy to criticise her? Or call her ‘luv’? For that matter who the hell was he at all?!

“Who are you?” Buffy was annoyed by the slight tremor in her voice. She wasn’t scared of him, despite all the mysterious-can’t-see-what-I-look-like-cos-I’m-standing-in-the-shadows he did, but there was something. Something that was making her heart patter just a bit too fast and was preventing her from hauling him into the light and giving him the arse kicking he was just crying out for.

He laughed then. A chuckle that sent invisible fingers sneaking down her spine.

“Ah pet, now there’s a loaded question. Don’t think you’re ready for all the answers just yet”.

Buffy’s voice was a little shrill as she took another step forward and replied “I don’t care what you think! Who the hell are you?”

Again that laugh. “Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough. In fact, you’ll only have to wait until Saturday.”

Buffy felt compelled to ask “What happens on Saturday?”

His reply was the last thing she expected.

“On Saturday I save you”.

Buffy spent the rest of the week reflecting on those cryptic words. Just after they were spoken Xander and Willow had burst into the alleyway, getting concerned when Buffy had disappeared and not come back. As soon as they appeared the unidentified presence had vanished, leaving only the lingering smell of cigarette smoke behind as proof that he had ever existed.

Buffy didn’t tell Giles, or her friends, of her encounter. She wasn’t sure why. She started to tell them a number of times, but something always stopped her before the sentences could form. And Saturday. Saturday always beckoned. She would see him again, of that she was sure, and she would get the answers she wanted, even if she had to beat them out of him.

Then Snyder had forced Buffy to ‘Help out’ before and on Fridays Parent Teacher night, and her mind had been thrown into chaos. Divided between worrying about painting a passable banner and wondering whether she would see him again. Would she get the answers to the questions that were slowly driving her mad?

Who was he? And, more importantly, why did it matter?

She saw Angel only once during that week. And as usual he came as the bearer of bad news.

He arrived at Gile’s apartment in the middle of a doughnut endorsed Scooby meeting. There had been a few unusual deaths and disappearances in the last few days that they had decided definitely needed slayer attention. Buffy was sure they had been caused by vamps, but beyond that she had nothing to go on, so they were brainstorming.

Well, they were supposed to be brainstorming. After an hour of coming up with pretty much nothing but implausible scenarios Xander had resorted to sticking two forks into a doughnut and making it dance in an attempt to lighten the mood. His heroic attempts proved to be completely wasted once Angel turned up and imparted his news.

The deaths were indeed vamp related, and Angel knew the vamp in question.

“Her names Drusilla. She’s... she’s a master vampire” Angel was pacing (always a bad sign) and he was running his hand across his brow repeatedly. When Giles heard the name Drusilla he began to polish his glasses, and Buffy knew things were bad indeed.

“Ok......” She drew the word out slowly, waiting for one of the older men to jump in and explain things. When they didn’t she continued; “So, where’s she at? I’ll find her, I’ll stake her, end of story”.

“And back to Mr Doughnuts dancing extravaganza goodness!” Xander chimed in enthusiastically.

As usual, everyone ignored him. Giles and Angel exchanged ‘the look’, which caused Willow to pat Buffy’s hand sympathetically in preparation for the bad news to come.

Giles sighed. “Drusilla is no ordinary enemy Buffy. She is recorded as being one of the most prolific killers in history. That alone is bad enough, but she’s also a seer, and incredibly capable at putting people under her thrall.”

Buffy, Willow and Xander exchanged a look that clearly said “Huh?” while Angel looked increasingly grave and brooding.

Giles realized he would have to elaborate, so he proceeded to do so. “Drusilla is old, almost as old as Angel. In fact” he gave Angel a look of distaste “Angel made Drusilla what she is”.

Buffy turned round eyes on Angel, who seemed to be paying the air above everyone’s heads a great deal of attention.

“You’re her sire?”

Angel looked a bit ashamed as he said, “Yes, she is my childe. She traveled the world with Darla and I. She was part of our family.”

There was a very uncomfortable pause.

Giles, though not caring one bit for Angels’ discomfort, decided to fill it.

“She’s powerful Buffy. She has visions, can often see what will happen long before it occurs, and she can control minds, make you see things she wants you to see, or do things she wants you to do. She is dangerous. Very dangerous indeed. And she has a... Slayer fixation”

Willow gulped loudly. “Slayer fixation? What does that mean?”

It was Angel who spoke up this time. “She’s obsessed, possessed, by the desire to kill a slayer. She has been for over a century. She hasn’t managed it yet, but she’s come close. Very close. And she’s never been killed by one, so that shows how dangerous she is.” He looked pointedly at Buffy “She’s unhinged, she won’t stop until she succeeds.”

Buffy rolled her eyes, and very nearly snorted. “So a vampire wants to kill the slayer, what else is new?”

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