Author's Chapter Notes:
Yeah, I've been rewatching BTVS and especially Seasons 5-7 so here I am taking out my old dropped fanfic that I started out of frustration over never getting a Spuffy reunion after Chosen Background :
- Fred still alive / no Illyria, Gunn never lost his lawyer abilities or went to hell thing.
- Connor did'nt appear again in ATV S5 (yet?)
- "You're Welcome" never happpened : so Cordy still in the coma
- Lyndsay not discovered yet and still playing as Doyle in front of Spike
- thus no Hamilton
Angel and Spike return to LA very defeated.

Angel : " We don't have the head, Gunn, call everyone to the conference room, we have to make a plan to fight this war now ! We only have 3 hours left "

In the conference room, around the table are sitting Fred, Wesley, Lorne, Gunn and Angel, Spike is standing by the door and they are discussing about tactics.

The door opens suddenly.

" Looks like someone lost their head ! " says cheekily a petite blonde swinging a green bag.

Before anyone at the table could react, but Spike sweeps her off her feet to give her a hot longing kiss ; a mind blurring, tongues mixing kiss.

After a few seconds she finally comes to and stomps on his foot, making his let go of her, then hit him hard with the bag sending him flying to the other side of the room.

" Don't you dare touching me !! And don't even try to talk to me Spike !" she hissed

" Buff ?! Luv ? " Spike stares at her bewilderedly while getting back on his feet.

" Buffy ?! " Gunn, Fred and Lorne repeated dumbly.

" Yes, it's me, hi ! " she responds with a smile.

" Why don't we sit and talk about this head thing now, heard you had a deadline ! I'm impressed by your cute evil law firm by the way ! " sitting down in one of the empty confy chairs.

Angel finally shakes himself and takes back control of the situation, " Yeah, I. . . we. . . we only have 3 hours to give this head back to the family. "

Around the table everyone including Spike stare at Buffy while she explained to them why she was in possession of somethin that was stolen from them.

" You see, 1 month ago, Dawn got attacked by that wierd Shri-something monster, but he ran too fast so I couldn't catch him, then next thing we know Dawn became all green and itchy and the only cure has to be made from that monster's skin. But by the time we realized it, he had hidden in a sorta secret place that accepted only certain members, so, I asked Luke, whom I met 2 weeks before to take me to that place -"

"Luke ? " asked Fred

" Oh yeah, seems like everyone calls him The immortal ! Cool name in the mystical world but not so cool if you want to order chinese or when yoiu say "give me the mash potatoes please The immortal ? " or any other normal things ! Anyway, he told me that members could only bring their mates so I had to pretend to be his, which in the end was just a prank, 'cause members could take anyone they want along ! Well, anyway we got the skin, Willow's making the cure, he then gives me the most ewww gift ever, saying he got a little bit naughty as he had some unresolved business with you so he connvinced Andrew to tell you we were really dating and stole the head but he changed his mind and gave me the bag telling the whats and hows of the deal and said it was up to me if the head gets his life back or not. . . well, kinda felt uneasy with him being a huge demon gang lord and all."

" Well you see, it's-" Starts Angel before getting cut by Wesley,

" Wait, she has to sing first ! "

They had installed a new rule about people they had to give primordial information to after what happened with Wes' fake father, Lorne had to read them to see if they were real and what their intentions were.

" Sing ? Didn't think it was this kind of practice ! " she joked

" You see, Lorne is an empath, her sees through people when they sing. By the way I'm Fred I'm running the science division ! Heard a lot about you ! And here's Gunn our law expert."

" Hi ! " smiles Buffy to the three people who just got introduced to her, looking back at Angel and asks him " So you want me to let this green demon look into my brain ? Why would I oppose to that, I wonder ? I'm the one with the head, you are the ones who need me. "

" Please, it's just procedure, and Lorne keeps people's privacy " says Angel looking right into her eyes.

" Right, I'll just confirm whether it's really you or not and see if you have bad intention towards W&H, that's all, sweety. "

After pondering for a while, Buffy makes up her mind thinking it was no big deal and starts singing :

"I touch the fire and it freezes me

I look into it and it's black

This isn't real but I just want to feel "

Spike had started to hum the tune, remembering their first real kiss ; getting himself a blush from Buffy and a glare from Lorne

" Please ! Trying to concentrate here ! " making Spike bow his head utterly embarrassed. . . while the others look at the blondes with curiosity.

" So are we OK now ?! Can we talk head business? We don't have much time left ! " asks a quite edgy Angel.

" I'm not completly finished but, yeah it's the slayer herself ! Honey you glow so much it's amazing and, all that light ! All the things you did, all the ... Can you sing some more ? I'd like to have one more look at all that ! Got cut by Spike's interference ! " he glared at the said vampire again

" Maybe later, but actually I'm just A slayer now, but thanks about the glow and light thing... Just hoping it's not cause I'm radioactive " she joked.

" Here are the drinks, cappuccino for Lorne, latte for Wes and Fred and expresso for Gunn, two cups of pig blood for the guys and Hot chocolate for the guest ! Oh ! Buffy !! ... I've got to go ! Yeah you know paper work and all." Harmony runs of like she saw a ghost.

" You've gotta be kidding me ! you really turned evil huh ? " looking at the men she thought she knew " -so now, try to convince me to let you have the head so that this big bad gets resuscitated. " She says worriedly.

" I know you don't trust me as you did before, but I'm still me, not working for evil, just believe in me ! " pleaded Angel.

" Well, everyone in this room is working for W&H so I'm a little doubtful, I DO know what the Wolf the Ram and the Hart stand for and what kind of clients you have ! "

" Not everyone Luv-"

" Didn't I say don't talk to me ?! "snapped Buffy.

After gaining back her composure she went on "-So As I was saying, give me facts, I'm already here, so why not listen ? "

" Well, that demon lord is very respectful of humans and keep his clan in order so if he's dead the next in line will take power and it'll make one big giant enemy more and no one needs that at the moment " explains Wesley,

" But you already know that or else you wouldn't have brought this head here, You want him alive as much as we do.. " Smiles Lorne.

" I'm starting to regret this getting in my head thing ! OK, I'll help you guys out this time, but I'll go there and see the family and see him back, I have to make sure.. "

" And kill him if something goes wrong ?! " Spike smirks but is shut down by the slayer's glare.

" Wasn't I clear enough ? " she finally snaps, throwing her spoon at him ! Which he easily dodges with his vampire reflexes and a stunned look.

Wes clears his throat " I don't want to interfere but we only have 2 hours left and a long way to go.."

" Yeah, let's go, Its over anyway" she says looking at Spike and leaving him dumbfounded.

At the parking lot and as the W&H band get into the black van Spike grabs Buffy's arm to pull her further from the group :

" What is wrong with you ?! You want to make it clear that it's over so you can go back to Peaches ?! "

" What's wrong with me ?! I'm not the one who had freaking come back from the dead and not give a bloody call ! "

Spike finally realized the root of Buffy's anger and disdain, " I ... You see- "

" No I don't... And I don't want to and that's also not why I'm here. "

" You.... you knew I was alive, right ?"

" How did you figure out ?! " she sneered, " Gosh ! Andrew can't keep a bloody secret to save his life ! "

" So a month ago-"

" Yeah, so you don't have to worry, it's not the classic girl-stalking-her-ex-came-back-from-the-dead boyfriend scenario... I'm not Dru or Harm. I'm here for business only. "

" We need to talk. I... I'm sorry about not calling you ! Just listen to me-"

" We're not talking, we won't be talking ! You're dead to me ! Wasn't that what you wanted ?! " breaking free of his grip and getting in the van as he heads to his motorbike very much hurt by her outburst.

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