Author's Chapter Notes:
Here it is, the long promised conclusion of Buffy and William's story of love blossoming even in Hades. I hope you enjoy this last peek into their lives. Thank you for all the support and sweet words as I wrote this one. :)
Buffy glanced at the bright sky through their window and giggled. “Sweetie, you’re doing it again.”

William frowned, closed his eyes and concentrated on shielding his emotions. After a moment, the sky outside grew dark again. He grinned and pulled her back down beside him. “You know very well I can’t control myself when you do that bit with your tongue.”

She laughed. “Yup. That’s kind of the point.”

It had taken a few days for anyone to make the connection. The day that Buffy had first kissed William, nearly a month in the past now, the sky of Hades had turned a bright, sunny blue despite the complete lack of a sun. They’d been momentarily delighted by the phenomenon, but entirely too wrapped up in finding each other to worry about it overly much. Others were more concerned. Willow was the one to notice that it only happened after William and Buffy slipped away for time alone together and Tara was the first to realize the cause. It was the color that gave it away. The sky of Hades was suddenly turning the exact shade of William’s new aura. He was transmitting his happiness.

William had always been able to slightly modify his surroundings with ease and Willow had always thought he had a high level of empathic ability, although that wasn’t a skill that was much trained in The Underworld. She’d simply noticed that, even as a child, William seemed unusually sensitive to the moods of those around him and a natural source of comfort to souls feeling pain. She had mostly just thought it was a reflection of his kind and gentle nature. Now, it was clear that it was more than that. Joining with his soul mate had amplified William’s previous gifts in an unexpected way. William was now capable of changing Hades in ways that should only be possible for the Lord of The Underworld. He was also able to influence the emotions of lesser beings, a group that now appeared to include many that had considered themselves his superior in the past.

The Dread Queen rather liked the possibility of the occasional sunny day and Hades was ever-indulgent of his Queen’s desires. Many others were more suspicious of William’s power.

He was aware of the unease he was causing and was generally able to prevent the unintentional broadcasting of his joy. He found maintaining the necessary shields more difficult when joining with his soul mate.

He brought his hand up to thread through her hair and pull her face close to his. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip the instant before he claimed her mouth with a kiss. He groaned. “Gods, you taste sweet.”

Buffy pushed him on to his back and swung her leg over his thighs. She pressed her hands against his chest and smiled down on him. She saw the touch of awe that filled his eyes just before she slid down on to his cock and it made her heart skip a beat. She let her eyes close and her head fall back as the sensation of being filled with him overtook her. “This is sweet. You’re sweet, William.”

He reached up and traced a circle around her nipple, down the valley between her breasts and across the soft swell of her stomach. Everywhere his finger touched a faint green-leafed vine, like a tattoo, appeared.

Buffy opened her eyes and grinned at the swirling pattern on her breast. It would fade over the next several minutes but for the moment William could see his touch on her skin. She’d teased him about it the first time. It was such a territorial marking. William had tried to look chastised for a moment before smirking and tracing the word mine on to her hip in pretty cursive script. That one had taken nearly an hour to fade.

She’d been teasing when she’d threatened to leave her own marks the old fashioned way, but the glow of interest in his eyes at the thought was serious. Her gentle soul mate could brighten the skies of Hades and bring a smile to the lips of a mortal with nothing more than a thought, but they were also discovering a streak of kink that could keep a legion of succubi well-fed.

Buffy leaned down and whispered near his ear. “You didn’t ask permission to paint me, William. It’s almost like you want to be punished.” She felt his responding shiver and laughed softly. She was about to start riding him at a gentle pace when he surprised her by sitting up and flipping them both.

“Just admit that you’re mine and I can do with you as I wish.”

She laughed. “I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around.”

He pressed into her hard and deep. “Whatever happened to my sweet bath attendant? She was so compliant and eager to please.”

Giggling, Buffy shrugged. “Just an illusion.”

He made a sound deep in his throat. “Oh. I love when she discovers her own sensual power and turns the tables on her harsh master.”

Buffy smirked before pulling away. “Lie on your back. Now.” She reached over and pulled a pair of handcuffs out of a drawer. She saw the quick brightening of the sky before he reigned himself in out of the corner of her eye. Buffy crawled up his body and guided his arms into position. She closed the cuffs around his wrists, attaching him to the sturdy iron headboard. She couldn’t resist pressing a kiss on to his temple before teasing. “You’re allowed to say yes and mistress.”


“Hi.” Buffy gave Cordelia a cautious smile.

Cordelia frowned. “What are you doing here? I thought your mom said you were…um….traveling or something about getting married or a safari…and why am I only now realizing that none of that makes any fucking sense?” She glanced around the room for a second before turning back to Buffy. “Were you at the club last night?”

“Nope. I can explain everything, but I think you are going to want to sit down.”

“I don’t want to sit down. I want to know where the hell that guy I was with went. Cordelia Chase doesn’t get ditched in strange bedrooms.”

Buffy nodded. She figured that she should have realized that Cordy would be more insulted than scared by waking up in a strange room alone. “Cordy, it is a long story—I mean Gone with the Wind long, but I will tell you everything if you come have a seat with me.”

“Is this a cult thing? Oh my god, Buffy. You’ve so totally joined a cult and now you’re trying to get me to join to. Well, no thank you. I’ll be keeping my inheritance and passing on the Kool-Aid.”

“Gods…and Goddesses.”

Cordy stopped and stared at Buffy for a second. “What?”

“Like I said, it’s a long story.” Buffy walked over to a shiny black leather couch and sat down. She patted the spot beside her. “Are you hungry or thirsty? I can call for something.”

Cordelia was finally starting to get scared. “I remember going to the club. I was dancing with a man, a hot one—like seriously salty goodness. I don’t remember…”

“His name is Angelus and this is where he lives.”

The tall brunette dropped onto the couch. “Don’t tell me he’s the cult master guy.”

Buffy couldn’t help chuckling. “No. He’s definitely not that.” He head tilted to the side. “Although he has the ego of a…not the point.”

“Yeah, maybe spit out the point, Buffy. Some of us have lives.”

Buffy took a deep breath to control her temper. “Do you remember when we studied Greek Mythology back in middle school? We learned about Aphrodite and—”

“You’ve joined an Aphrodite cult? Buffy, I really think—” Cordelia started to stand up intent on leaving.

Buffy sighed. “We’re in Hades, Cordy. It’s a totally different plane of existence.”

Cordelia stared at her for a moment before laughing. “Whoa there really is something in the water here, isn’t there?”

Buffy waved her hand to remove the veil on the window. “Take a look, Cordelia.”

“Shit!” She walked over to the window. “Shit! What did you do?”

“Well, I got kidnapped to start.”

“No! I meant to me or to the wall—actually let’s start with me, what did you do to me?”

Buffy sighed. Clearly, this was going to take awhile.

One hour and forty five minutes of detailed explanation and demonstration later, Cordelia Chase stopped pacing and turned to look at Buffy with an arched eyebrow. “So you’re saying that, if I stay here, I won’t age, I won’t have to work and I’ll be like a Goddess?”

“Not exactly. Some of that. But it all has to do with being a soul mate.”

“To the hunky guy from the club?”

“Right, Angelus. He’s…well, he is…”

“A jerk.”

Buffy’s eyes widened. “Oh. I thought you two had hit it off.”

Cordelia’s expression made it clear that had not happened.

“I see.” Buffy nodded. “Did the two of you…”

“Eww…no. I do not put out before the first date.”

Buffy’s mind raced. The whole thing was not turning out the way she’d expected. “Okay, so if you want to go home—”

“What if I want to stay here?”

“But you said Angelus was a jerk.” Buffy left out the part where she agreed whole-heartedly.

“Eternal youth and beauty and a life of luxury—he’s not that bad.”

“Oh. Then I guess you just need to be umm…together with him.”

“You mean sex.” Cordelia was getting flashes of memories back from the night before. Her handsome hook-up’s crazy freak out and disappearance was making a lot more sense. No one turned down a night with Cordelia Chase.


Cordy nodded. “Okay. Bring him in here.”

Buffy’s eyes widened. “I don’t actually know where he is at the moment, but I could help you find him.”

A knock on the door made both girls turn their heads. Buffy grinned, feeling the closeness of her soul mate through the door. “Come in, William. Meet Cordy.”

“Hello.” Cordy’s eyes widened in surprise and appreciation when William walked in. She turned to Buffy. “Are they all like this?”

Buffy laughed as she stood up to embrace him. “No, this one is special. Cordelia Chase meet William, my William.”

William wrapped one arm around Buffy’s waist and nodded towards Cordy. “It’s a pleasure, love. My mate tells me you’ll have my cousin wearing a leash and collar and following you around like a puppy by the end of the week.” He leaned towards and grinned conspiratorially. “I’m hoping she means that literally.”

Buffy swatted his arm, but Cordelia laughed. “Sounds like a plan to me, handsome.”

Chapter End Notes:
Thanks for reading. Hugs.

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