Author's Chapter Notes:
So, if things go according to plan, there's just one more chapter of this fic left before it's completed. For those of you reading my other stories, that means more time for them, so yay! I will miss these guys though.

Thank you to everyone still reading and reviewing this story. It really means a lot and it's so encouraging.

"Hey, Harmony. Back working already?" Buffy asked, pleasantly.

The blonde secretary jumped and looked up at the Slayer, startled.

"Buffy! Wasn't expecting you back so…well, ever."

Harmony offered Buffy a nervous grin before her eyes darted to Spike who had just walked up behind Buffy. He was limping a bit, his face was still bruised and he clearly felt pain when he moved. He gave Harmony a small nod and turned his attention immediately back to Buffy.

"Spike," Harmony said, taking in his injuries and attempting to look disinterested in his presence. "I didn't expect to see you here either. What are you guys doing here?"

"We need some of Angel's blood."

Harmony cocked her head, her nose wrinkling in confusion.

"Huh? Buffy…You may be the Slayer and all but you don't have any authority here to go stealing blood from the C.E.O. of Wolfram and Hart."

"I don't want to steal his blood; we just need to examine his personal food supply."

"Oh." Harmony perked up at that, plastering on a fake smile and nodding as though she finally understood.

Buffy waited then raised her eyebrows when Harmony continued to stand there staring at her blankly.


"Oh, I still can't get it for you."

"Why not?" Spike asked.

"I can't go handing out the boss' blood to visitors or to anyone who hasn't been approved by him. He made sure to specify that last part after I gave you some last time."

"Is there a problem here?"

All three turned to Gunn who'd walked over after spotting Buffy and Spike. He looked puzzled but wary and Buffy felt her spirits sink. Of all the members of Angel's team to have to explain this to it had to be the one most hesitant to suspect his boss of betrayal. Where was Fred or Wesley when you needed them?

"Gunn, this probably isn't something we should discuss out here. Why don't we head to your office or something so we can explain?"

"There's something you need to explain?" Gunn asked, folding his arms and looking increasingly suspicious. "Because from where I'm standing you seemed perfectly happy discussing whatever it is you wanted with Harmony. That doesn't seem very discreet."


Gunn ignored the offended vampire in favor of staring down Buffy and Spike. Harmony then decided to prove just how non-discreet she was.

"They wanted some of Angel's blood, as in his food. I wouldn't give it to them," she added, proudly.

"Is that so?"

Gunn took a deep breath and gave Buffy and Spike a stern look. Buffy was too busy glaring at Harmony to pay attention to it, while behind her Spike just sighed. When Gunn cleared his throat, annoyed, Buffy finally gave him an answer.

"Gunn, please? Can we talk about this somewhere private? Not for our benefit but for Angel. You really want to discuss what happened in the open? I know you and your team are running this place, but I know you don't completely trust everyone who works here either."

Gunn relented, nodding and leading the way to his office. Buffy shared a relieved glance with Spike who smiled back. As they followed Gunn down the corridor, his hand brushed against hers and Buffy entwined her fingers with his, giving his hand a small squeeze. She hated being back in this building, but they were doing the right thing, and they were doing it together.

Once inside the office, Gunn closed the door behind them, the click echoing through the room. He then turned to them, folded his arms again and waited for their explanation. Buffy opened her mouth but Spike beat her to it.

"Long story short, Charlie, we have reason to believe Angel's blood has been tampered with. I'm not sure with what but after finally getting the stuff I've been used to I realized Angel's supply has definitely been laced with something. Depending on what it is and how long he's been drinking it could explain why he—did what you don't want to believe he did."

Buffy side eyed Spike who was daring the other man to deny that last statement. Gunn, for his part, looked none too pleased but kept his mouth shut. Buffy grew tired of the staring contest fast.

"Look, all we want is to get another look at Angel's blood to see if Spike's right. Are you really going to risk Angel's health for the sake of protocol?"

"You're asking me to trust the word of the only other ensouled vampire who could perform that ritual, who also blinded my boss. You only saw the end of their fight, Buffy. You don't know what really went down, and I won't trust him on faith alone. Until Angel tells me he tried to take us out so he could be human, I'm going to go ahead and be a skeptical as I want. Excuse me."

Gunn made to open the door and Spike rolled his eyes, cursing under his breath. Buffy hurried to intervene, hating the almost begging tone she had to take to make Gunn even listen to her. She'd much rather do this the Slayer way and just take the blood by force, but she was in Angel's territory and she was trying to play nice. Still, she had no qualms about doing it the Slayer way if the mature Buffy way failed.

"You don't have to trust us if you don't want to, but we're doing this because—" Buffy faltered and Gunn raised an eyebrow, curious. "Because—we care," Buffy finished, knowing how stupid that sounded, how stupid she felt saying it, and yet it was true.

Behind them Spike snorted. Buffy flashed him a scowl but otherwise ignored it. Gunn shook his head, mumbling about 'lame ass excuses.'

"Oh for God's sake just test the damn blood," Buffy said, exasperated. "Fred can prove once and for all if there's something wrong or if Spike just imagined it. That way, you're not taking our word for it and you'll have proof that—Angel could be in danger."

And he'll have a convenient excuse for his shitty decision at the church, not that it completely puts him in the clear, she mentally added.

Gunn wavered then finally relented with a sigh. Buffy quickly hid a smile of victory when he nodded at her and opened the door.

"All right, fine. We'll get Fred to test a sample and see if you're right. If you're wrong though, I want you both out of here, understood?"

Buffy frowned, not liking the sudden hostility. Gunn might not want to believe their story but facts were facts, and she wouldn't be treated like the bad guy when out of the two of them, she wasn't the one working for a notoriously evil company.

"Hey. You can't just—"

Closing the door again quickly so no one could hear their spat, Gunn cut her off.

"Oh I can, and I am. You and Angel have history, I get it, but from what I've heard and seen all you do is hurt each other. Nothing good ever comes from either of you two being near each other and now is worse than ever. You're the Slayer, but you don't have authority here. You two aren't a couple anymore and haven't been for a long time. In fact, you've spent the last few days walking around his building with your new sweetie-bear at your side. It hasn't helped whatever it is he's going through lately. He's been on edge, taking over in here, handling the company while fighting for good—the last thing he needs is having you two around."

"Spike didn't choose to be sent here and if I had my way we'd be back in Rome already. I have a duty to help people, and right now that includes Angel. You'll have to face up to what he did eventually, Gunn, because it is not my fault or Spike's. All that's on Angel and whoever might be pulling his strings."

"Regardless. If he really is being screwed with, seeing you two won't help, and neither will knowing you're still here. There's no debate about this. We get the facts, you leave. That's the deal."

Buffy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Gunn was effectively kicking her out of L.A. He was kicking her out. Jerk. Gritting her teeth, Buffy held back a retort and fought to keep calm. She was planning to leave here anyway. They weren't kids on a playground fighting over the sandbox, though that's what it felt like. She'd be civil and agree to the terms, though they wouldn't be leaving after they got the lab results. They had another pit stop first.


Gunn seemed surprised that she'd relented so quickly, giving her a suspicious look before leaving the office without looking back, letting them choose to follow him or not.

Spike patted her shoulder and Buffy relaxed against him.

"Best leave it, luv. Charles is on the warpath, and will be until Angel's on his feet and talking again."

Buffy pouted.

"Yeah, well this being mature thing still sucks. I like it when I can hit the people that piss me off."

Spike's eyes seemed fixed on her mouth for a moment before he smiled.

"No one ever said being a grown up was fun. I have plenty of years on me but it doesn't make me mature."

Buffy stared at his blue eyes and the way the corners crinkled up a little when he smiled. The look he'd given her when he'd focused on her mouth, like he wanted nothing more than to kiss her, had affected her deeply. She really needed time alone with him, even if the thought made her nervous. They'd screwed up so many times, and she really couldn't stand for things to go wrong between them again. Still, this wasn't the time or place to be thinking about that, so shaking her head to clear it of those thoughts, she grabbed his hand again and walked with him to the lab.

It took a long time to get the results and Buffy was getting edgy. She was growing tired of Gunn's cold shoulder and the doom and gloom Angel's team was immersed in, and being so close to Spike and unable to talk the way she wanted to was pissing her off. Spike had taken a sniff of the blood but couldn't be sure it was different, though tasting a little bit had resulted in a confirming nod that "somethin's not right". So, they were waiting.

Fred was being thorough, not wanting there to be any doubt. Wesley had seemed a little bit perkier at the prospect that Angel was being used, which could explain his actions, but still seemed to be wallowing in depression. That or he had spent far too long around Angel and the broodiness was wearing off on him.

"All right," Fred said suddenly, drawing everyone's attention. "The tests are positive. There are unusual trace substances of something in the blood. Whatever it is, it's demonic in origin, possibly venom. I'm still waiting for the results to ID it."

"That proves it then. Someone's been influencing Angel in some way," Wesley said, thoughtfully. "Spike, you can't pinpoint what the venom might have done?"

Spike shook his head.

"I only drank the stuff twice and I was all over the place as it was at the time. I wouldn't know if it was the blood or being yanked back to my body that caused any unusual behavior."

"True. Angel could have been drinking this for months, maybe even as long as he's worked here. He would have been affected more severely than you if that's the case."

"Hold up. If Angel's been drinking this for so long how come he didn't notice anything unusual about the taste the way Spike did?" Gunn asked.

"How long's it been since Angel got pig's blood from a regular butcher?" Spike shot back.

He had a point.

"In any case," Wesley cut in before Gunn could start another argument, "it's likely the doses started out small, making them undetectable since they have no odor. Once Angel became accustomed to it they could then increase the demon essence and its effects over time."

"How long until you can ID the substance?" Buffy asked Fred.

"Not long. The list of culprits is already pretty narrow."

"Okay then. We'll leave once you have the information you need to start a search for the culprit."

Fred and Wesley looked at her in surprise. Gunn leaned against the wall, satisfied. Before they asked any questions, Buffy informed them about the little detour she and Spike would be taking.

"This is your territory and your suspects. If you need help, we'll give it but it shouldn't be necessary with your resources. Until then, Spike and I have to pay a visit to Angel."

"No," Gunn said, straightening.

"Yes," Buffy argued. "This isn't up for discussion. I know. Your house, your rules, but this is important. We're not trying to antagonize him but he needs to be informed, and we're saying our goodbyes. That's all. It's courtesy. I'd like to think I'd be paid in kind if it were the other way around."

There was silence in the room. Gunn, Fred and Wesley exchanged looks. Buffy figured they were probably thinking the same thing she was; she wouldn't be treated to that kind of courtesy, as showcased by the secret stalker episode back when she was in Rome. Without waiting for a response, Buffy turned to Spike who stood up and together they left the lab and headed to Angel's apartment where he was recovering.

Outside the elevator in Angel's office, Spike placed a hand on Buffy's shoulder, drawing her attention.

"What's up?" she asked. "Are you having second thoughts about this?"

"No. I still want to talk to him but…" He sighed. "I think I should go alone."

"Alone? Why? What are you up to?" Buffy asked, suspicious.

"Nothing, I promise. It's just—we have history together—"

Buffy quirked an eyebrow in disbelief, folding her arms.

"I know, you do too, but—much as I hate admitting it, Angel and I…we're similar in terms of what we've been through and what we've done. Just a tiny bit though. Still ninety-five percent complete opposites."

That earned him a grin, but just for a second.

"Charles had a point, Buffy. Seeing us two together won't help Angel, and while I'm the first to get satisfaction out of seeing him suffer, right now he's vulnerable to some sort of demon juice and it—well it just wouldn't be any fun; well it would, but I guess that fully formed conscience I developed with the soul is just telling me to save it for later. The last thing we need is him going suicidal or evil on us again. I also want to talk to him about the church and working here. I've had a bit of perspective on it and it's something I should talk to him about before I leave."

"So that's it? No fighting, no arguing? You won't be at each other's throats when left in a room together?"

"We'll manage. Scouts honor."

Buffy snorted.

"Yeah, like you were ever a scout. Fine. Go. Do your man to man or vamp to vamp chat or whatever. I'll just…stay here…sit in the C.E.O.'s chair in an evil law firm and try not to slay anything…including Harmony but no guarantees."

Spike gave her a kiss on the forehead and pulled her in for a hug which she gladly returned. When he pulled back, he caressed her cheek and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, luv. When we're done talking you can go up and say your goodbyes or whatever afterwards by yourself, okay? I'm sure you two have some things to say to each other. When all this is over we'll fly back to Rome and work out where we go from there. I've been dying to have you to myself for a while so we can—talk."

Buffy shivered slightly but not from the cold. She looked at him, and he could see that her pupils were dilated. She used one hand to pull him down for a quick kiss on the cheek, her lips brushing the corner of his mouth as she drew back. Now it was Spike's turn to shiver.

"Hurry back," she whispered, before stepping out of his arms to stand a few feet away.

Spike would much rather have walked out of this Hellhole with her and back to their hotel, but he'd come here determined to speak with his grandsire and it was something he felt he had to do. So, pushing his feelings for Buffy down to be dealt with later, he called the elevator and stepped inside, watching her disappear as the door slid closed.

Angel's room was more depressingly dark than usual. He didn't have the low mood lighting that normally accompanied his private brooding space. Though it was to be expected when you were growing a new pair of eyes, Spike suspected. Angel was lying in bed, but raised his head a fraction when Spike entered the room. Spike paused a few feet from the foot of the bed. Seconds passed and Angel stiffened then sighed and rose to a sitting position, propping the pillows up against his back.


His voice held only indifference and Spike could tell he was frowning beneath the bandages.


"Is there a reason you're here? Other than to gloat?"

Spike shoved his un-bandaged hand in his pocket and shrugged, forgetting Angel couldn't see the gesture, and glanced at the closed blinds of the window that normally offered Angel a panoramic view of the city.

"I'd prefer that you'd be able to see if I was gonna shove my recent good luck in your face."

"Then I guess you shouldn't have blinded me," Angel replied, testily.

"Had to."

The tension in the room rose. Spike remained stubbornly silent until Angel grunted, asking the next question reluctantly.

"You're here for an explanation then? What I said in the church hasn't sunken in? What do you want me to say? That I failed? That I wasn't a hero? That I acted rashly?"

"I'd say it was a damn sight more than rash, mate," Spike interrupted.

"Fine! I was. I can't change what I did. There's no point in apologizing for it either. What's done is done. Unless you're here to finish the job and stake me, get out."

"You regret it then?" Spike asked, tilting his head as he tried to assess his grandsire. "You can't change it—but given the opportunity…"

"I don't want to talk about what ifs. It won't change anything. I…gave up on myself…on everyone."

Angel lowered his head, trailing off. He was wallowing in his own misery. Probably had been for a while if he'd had a chance to think clearly.

"You been drinking plenty of your high quality blood to heal?"

"You're concerned for my health?" Angel asked. When Spike didn't answer, Angel shook his head and answered the question. "A little, but not as much as I should be. Haven't felt that hungry knowing what I almost did—what you stopped me from doing. Oh yeah, and the agony of having my face melted by holy water spoiled my appetite just a tad."

"Sarcasm's still intact though. Bright side to everything, if you look hard enough," Spike couldn't help but taunt.

Angel growled threateningly. Spike traipsed over to the window, spread the shutters enough to peer out at the bright lights of the city before letting them snap shut again, deciding to get to the point and have this over with.

"Believe it or not I'm not here to fight, or to gloat. Here to help, actually."

"Helping the helpless, huh? Well thanks but no thanks. I don't need help from you."

"Mm, but you've got it all the same. See, I just saved your pasty arse—again. Your crew of merry men and one merry woman with a masculine name are currently working on tracking down the orchestrator of your not so little meltdown."

"What are you talking about? What orchestrator?" Angel asked, agitated.

"Your blood's been tampered with. Who knows for how long? I couldn't shake the feeling that somethin' tasted off about it, and the way you've been acting lately—well, it's just not you, so we came here to confirm if I was right. Turns out I was. You've been ingesting demon venom. Not sure what it's done to you exactly but it's messed you up good and proper."


"Yeah, I know. Never fun realizing you've been jerked around is it? Someone out there's got it in for you, and they're being sneaky about it. Course, your list of suspects has got to be pretty long. You can scratch my name off though. I have better things to do with my time."

"Like you'd be cunning enough to pull it off anyway."

Spike scoffed.

"Who needs to be cunning? You're so far up your own arse right now, you're blind to what's going on under your own damn nose. I'll bet you a basket of Siamese you'll find the culprit working under this very roof."

"You think it was the Senior Partners?"

"It's highly likely. But then you've been their poster boy lately, haven't you? Once you play by their rules. Don't think they'd fancy you tryin' to cleanse L.A. of all evil though. Not really in their favor. Still, I'd look inside the company. Whoever it is has easy access to you and that won't end well."

"So the gang's looking into it. You warned us like a real hero…I'm not thanking you."

"Didn't think you would."

"Good. Was there something else or can I sleep now?"

"Actually, yeah, there is somethin' else," Spike said, walking to the foot of the bed, annoyed with Angel's cold tone, not that he'd expected any less. "You may have a tidy little excuse for what you tried to do now but we both know it wasn't all down to demon juice. You were always a cynic, Liam, at least until the soul, but this—it's like you're trying to push people away, like you've given up. What happened to you?"

"Like you'd understand. You've had your soul for how long? You haven't dealt with half of what I have. You haven't made the sacrifices—"

"What sacrifices? Angel? What? You have a team who'd follow you to Hell and back, literally if they had to. You have friends, a life. You've got the world at your feet here, regardless of how you got it and you don't bloody see it! This is what pisses me off about you. Well, it's one thing on a very long list, but this is high on that list. You always have to focus on what you haven't got, what you failed to achieve, and you blind yourself to everything else."

"Not funny, Spike!"

"I'm not trying to be funny, you sod. Poor choice of words, but it's still true. You don't appreciate the team you have. This place is taking you over, and that's what's tripping you up. Hell, it's affecting everybody you brought in here. One of you should have twigged something was up. They know you. Not the way I do, but they know you as a champion, and you're telling me they couldn't see that you were changing? They weren't even slightly worried? But then, they're all busy with their own problems dealing with their departments now."

"I've explained this. We're—"

"Don't," Spike snapped, exasperated. "You're not changing anything from the inside, not the way you're working now. You want to make a difference? Then start acting like it. Stop playing by their rules and make your own. You have power? Prove it. Because you're losing the few friends you have left. There's a reason the Slayer and her pals won't have your back anymore. You should change that."

Spike had had enough of arguing and turned to go. He'd gotten three steps before Angel's voice made him halt.

"I have made sacrifices, Spike. Nothing you'd understand, and not anything I'll ever tell you, but I have, and the cost was greater than you could ever know."

"So make sure it's worth it," Spike threw back, and left. If she wanted, Buffy could show some sympathy when she said her goodbyes. Spike was fresh out.

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