Author's Chapter Notes:
My apologies for taking a while to update. I recently just put my dog of 11 years down after losing a fighting battle with cancer and haven't been up to writing anything.
"It will all be better soon, you will see."


Yellow eyes.

Drusilla's eyes seemed to stare right through Buffy as she swayed to a beat that only she could hear, her demon face on the surface. "Break it down and make it bleed. You're all wrong! Wrong, wrong, WRONG!"

The scream that tore through her lips at the pain of Drusilla's bite was deafening, her right hip on fire. She tried to shake her off, her hand's bound above her head and tied to the wall leaving her with nothing to push off. Drusilla just bit down harder, her claws digging into the flesh of her hip as she struggled against her restraints, screams tearing through her.

They never bit her, Drusilla was always ranting on about how she needed to be pure, untouched.

"What are you doing!"

Buffy struggled against Drusilla, fighting to detach her claws and mouth from her hip as Angelus came roaring into the room. She had been sure after the last lashing she had been given that she was going to die, but this was worse. The pain was blinding.

"I'm fixing her. It will all be better soon. You will see!" Drusilla lifted her head for a few moments only to tear back into her hip with new fever, earning another scream from Buffy.

"She's mine!"

She was torn from her hip, Drusilla's claws ripping apart at her flesh. Drusilla sat at Angelus's feet, blood dripping from her lips as she spoke.

"But she tastes so much better now. Don't you want some?" Drusilla stood slowly, sliding up close to his body before licking his lips with her bloodied tongue. "She's ours." Her whispered words sent a chill through Buffy's body as Angelus's yellow eyes turned to stare at her. His gaze hungry. "Mummy has fixed everything. Alone in the dark she stumbles." Drusilla giggled like a child. "But I'll always know. The pixies whisper where she hides."

She laughed gleefully and clapped her hands as Angelus picked her up and swung her down onto the bed opposite to where Buffy was shackled and bleeding, a pool of blood forming at her feet. Her face streaked with tears, her hip on fire.

She watched it happen then. Something she would never understand. Angelus took Drusilla with a raw primal need, her legs spread wide as he pumped away. He bit her repeatedly, the worst of which was into her breast, viciously tearing her flesh and roaring his claim to her as mate. She heard Drusilla scream her response before she passed out from blood loss.

She would never forget those eyes.


A glass shattering scream woke Spike hours later, followed a few seconds later by a distressed yell. The voice strained and in a panic. He followed the screams until they led him to Buffy's door, the guards standing watch looking almost too frightened to go inside.

"Useless." Spike growled, pushing past. He silently agreed with Giles on the fact that he needed to make some more minions. One look inside the dark room and he spun, nostrils flaring, face hard. "Get the witch."

The guards raced off in a flash. The panic and fear in the room made his demon relish, the smell of sweat and tears assaulting his senses as he rushed to the bed where Buffy was thrashing wildly.


His demon moaned and came forward.

Buffy was bleeding.

Her hands were scratching and scraping at the bite mark on her hip. It was bright red and when he leaned down to touch it he jumped back, startled. Buffy growled loud and low in her throat when he touched her skin, legs kicking madly. She managed to land a kick on his ribs, successfully knocking him from the bed before she cried out, her hips rising from the mattress.

His demon growled before he sat back up, blurred and unfocused eyes meeting his.

"Stop! Make it stop!"

"Make what stop?" He tried to grab her wrists and keep them from clawing at her flesh, but she managed to get one hand free and punched him in the chest. He growled and another yell tore through her lips, hips rising from the bed again as tears fell from her eyes.

She was in pain and he didn't know what to do. His demon cried out in distress.

"Good heavens! What an earth did you do to the poor girl?"

Giles rushed into the room, he too having head the screams. By her volume he was surprised that everyone in the castle wasn't at her door.

"Nothing! I haven' done a bloody thing! Heard screams and found her like this. Looks like she's been at it a while too."

"What's wrong with her?" Willow puffed, her arm slipping out from Oz's as she waddled into the room, jumping slightly when Spike thrust an arm out before she got too close. He grabbed Buffy's arms again and pinned them to the bed in an attempt to stop her from lashing out. The last thing they needed was for Buffy to deliver a blow to Willow's pregnant belly.

"What is that!" Giles asked, eyes wide as he moved further into the room, squinting against the dim light. He stared at the red raw scratch marks that surrounded the old bite wound.

"Tha's where Dru bit her."

"Sh-she was sleeping fine the last few nights." Tara, always quite as ever had stepped into the room without anyone noticing.

"Let me see." Giles said moving to step closer before Spike asked Oz to help hold her down.

"I gave her sleeping powder every night for her back- tonight she ate with Spike and when I came to put more cream on her back she didn't seem to be in any pain. I didn't give her any!" Willow said in a panic, her voice the epitome of worry.

"And before that?"


"Before you took her."

"Finn had her."

"And we can all assume he had her knocked unconscious." Giles peered at the bite mark, jumping back when another scream tore from Buffy's lips when Spike moved the material of her night shift up to get a better look.

Clearly she did not like his hands anywhere near her by the way she growled and kicked.

Spike couldn't help but stare. There was something about it that called to him, he had felt it the night he had first laid eyes on the mark. His eyes flashed yellow and his demon thrust forward at seeing the blood surrounding the mark.

Buffy thrashed her hips and legs again when he reached a tentative hand out to touch her.

"She's stronger." Oz stated, brows furrowed as he struggled to hold Buffy's legs down.

"You don't think Drusilla-" Giles asked, a pointed look Spikes way.

"Tha's insane! She would never-"

"Yes, but-"

"You really think she'd-"

"She's insane. I have no doubt she would." Giles spoke fearfully.

Willow who had been pacing, hand on her belly turned to glare at the two men having their conversation.

"What did she do to her? I can try and cast a spell? M-maybe that will work? We could always knock her out! Gosh that's a terrible idea. What abou- Spike what are you doing!" Willow yelled, eyes wide as Spike delivered a punch to Buffy's temple rendering her limp.


Miles away in the dark confines of her own candlelit room a master vampiress screamed out her rage when the connection she had been working on for the last three nights was broken once again.


"Bloody good idea, Red."

"Yes, well that only fixes the problem momentarily I'm afraid." Giles sighed, pulling his glasses from his face and pinching the bridge of his nose. His head hurt from all the screaming.

"Wh-what did Drusilla do to her?" Tara asked, stepping up closer to the bed.

"Rupes thinks she marked her. It's a kind of claim of sorts if you will."

"But I thought she was mated to Angelus."

"Different kind of bite, luv. Although this one was done in a very nasty way." Spike felt the heat radiating from the bite at her hip and placed his palm flat on the scars to sooth them. Buffy let out a moan in her sleep and rolled to the touch. He raised an eyebrow. That was interesting. "Dru was gifted as a seer before she was turned. She can mark her minions or prey-" his eyebrows furrowed. "Helps her locate them in the hunt. You don' think-"

"She was trying to call her out." Giles finished, nodding his response. "Quite possibly."

"Why now? Why not just do this the minute she escaped?" Oz asked, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"The hunt is part of the fun."

"Possibly because Riley was on her trail, but he's dead no thanks to your impatience." Giles growled, glancing at Spike making his frustrations known that he was none to please that Spike had killed Riley Finn before he could properly question him.

"So Spike kills Riley and now Drusilla is trying to locate Buffy from a bite?" Willow asked, worrying her lip.


"So how do we stop it?"

"You can't." Giles said quite matter of factly, emphasizing the 'you.' "Spike is the only one who can stop it from happening again."

"You're not actually suggesting what I think you are old man." Spike growled, eyes dark. There was no way in hell he was going to do what Giles was suggesting.

Spike felt the demon jump with glee when Giles spoke.

"It's the only way." Giles pointed to the red scratches on Buffy's hips where tiny pools of blood were slowly beginning to form in spots. "You know what needs to be done and you had better do it soon. More nights like this and she will tear herself apart."

Spike was furious. How dare Giles even suggest what his demon thought was a great idea. It knew what needed to be done. Hell his demon had wanted to do it the moment it had tasted the power in Buffy's blood.

Ever since that first taste the small woman in front of him had wormed her way into his chest and he was finding it every increasingly hard to fight off his demons constant onslaught.

"It's the only way to break her thrall-"

"I'm not claiming the bloody bint!"


"Wow, you're seriously-"

"Wh-what's a claim bite?."

"Everybody get out." Spike said tersely and slowly, voice low. "Out!"

With a jump there was a flurry of movement before everyone rushed from the room.

"I don't make my suggestion lightly. I know what this would mean. That young woman is about the closest thing I would consider family and-" Giles paused at the door. "If you seriously want a chance at killing Angelus, then she's they key. Right now Drusilla has her claws in deep-"

"Get out." Spike spoke softly, closing his eyes when the door closed and he was left in silence.

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