“I think it’s really fantastic that Xander is hosting her coming out party,” Willow commented, scanning the area for her friend.

“Yes it is. He has really been there for me and my sister,” Buffy replied as she grabbed a goblet of chilled wine from one of the waiters.

Alexander Harris had come to Summerhaven after Buffy’s mom had passed to pass along his condolences. Since then, Buffy, Willow, and Xander - as he preferred to be called - were inseparable. Xander had pretty much adopted the Summers’ girls and Willow. He was quite protective of all three of them, almost like an older brother.

“I think half the reason he is also hosting this party is for you and I to find husbands. You’d think he was our father or something,” Buffy laughed.

“My god…you are right. All he talks about is how we should be married with armloads of children at our feet.”

“We should call him Father Xander,” Buffy laughed, soon followed by Willow.

“Father Xander, I kinda like that name. Although my many female admirers will think I’m a man of the cloth, so maybe that isn’t really of the good,” Xander mused, his hand resting over his heart as he walked up behind them.

Both women turned toward the sound of Xander’s voice.

“You’re right… it really isn’t,” Buffy replied. “Thank you for this, Xander. It means a lot to me and Dawn that you did this for us.”

“Aww… Buffy. Anything for my girls. My god, how beautiful you both look. If I wasn’t like a brother I would….” He joked as he grasped Buffy’s hand and brought it to his lips and kissing it.

Buffy and Willow laughed and smacked him lightly on the chest. As Buffy went to smack him again she felt a prickling on the back of her neck. She turned around slowly just in time to see two men walk into the main ballroom. One man was shorter than the other with a shock of red hair topping his head. He was wearing a navy blue velvet coat with matching breeches. He stopped and ran his hand through his flaming locks, his eyes scanning the ballroom.

The other man walked in behind the red-haired man. He also was scanning the crowd. He had platinum-blond locks that were tied back with a little black ribbon at the nape of his neck. His crisp white shirt contrasted sharply against the jet-black jacket and breeches the man wore.

Buffy couldn’t help it as she stared at the man. He was gorgeous and yet seemed oddly familiar. She couldn’t put her finger on it but, her body told her she knew him…or of him at least. She gasped aloud as the man’s eyes landed right on her. She felt her face start to blush at the depth of the man’s gaze. It seemed as though he could see right through her. He stared at her a minute more before turning to his male companion.

Buffy blushed furiously and tried to calm her racing heart.

“Are you ok, Buffy?” Willow asked as she glanced at her friend’s reddened face.

“What? Oh… yes, I’m fine. I think I just need some air,” she answered absently. She managed a weak smile and turned towards the double French doors that would take her to Wintercrest’s gardens.


“You alright?”

Spike turned towards his red-haired companion.

“Yeah, mate. I’m bloody fantastic,” he replied.

“Well, look like it because the host is headed our way.”

“Oz, man, how are you? It’s been years,” Xander said clasping Oz’s hand in his own.

“That it has, Xander. I’ve been well. Traveling around Mary’s Land for the most part. How are you?” Oz smiled.

“I’ve been well. My horses are well-known throughout the region. You happen to be looking at the most successful horse breeder on this side of the world,” Xander said proudly.

“That’s great, man.” Oz clapped Xander on the back. Xander smiled and looked to Oz’s companion.

“I’m sorry. This is Spike Leslie.”

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