[Reviews - 52] LikedPrinter
Summary: When Spike and Buffy meet, there is an instant attraction. Buffy finds herself drawn to him, but when Spike realizes Buffy is better off without him, he breaks her heart. Buffy has to decide whether she can move on without him or stay in the past and hope Spike realizes the mistake he's made.
Rated: NC-17
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 18 Completed: Yes
Word count: 21432 Read: 31235
Published: 09/21/2004 Updated: 10/12/2004

1. On the Job by Ashlee [Reviews - 1] Liked (1474 words)

2. Meeting by Ashlee [Reviews - 0] (1054 words)

3. Explaining by Ashlee [Reviews - 1] Liked (1009 words)

4. First Date by Ashlee [Reviews - 0] (1078 words)

5. Sibling Rivalry by Ashlee [Reviews - 0] (378 words)

6. For Her Own Good by Ashlee [Reviews - 0] (1425 words)

7. Sisterly Love by Ashlee [Reviews - 3] Liked (1069 words)

8. Responsibility by Ashlee [Reviews - 4] Liked (1257 words)

9. New Job by Ashlee [Reviews - 5] Liked (2628 words)

10. Anger by Ashlee [Reviews - 5] Liked (775 words)

11. Three's a Crowd by Ashlee [Reviews - 5] Liked (3055 words)

12. Revelation by Ashlee [Reviews - 1] Liked (1144 words)

13. Trying by Ashlee [Reviews - 3] Liked (757 words)

14. Gifts by Ashlee [Reviews - 5] Liked (726 words)

15. Loving by Ashlee [Reviews - 2] Liked (663 words)

16. The Truth by Ashlee [Reviews - 4] Liked (971 words)

17. Apologies by Ashlee [Reviews - 2] Liked (1433 words)

18. Epilogue by Ashlee [Reviews - 11] Liked (536 words)