Chapter 2

Buffy stood nervously in front of her mirror the next Saturday, fidgeting nervously with her dress. The royal blue satin clung to her figure in a seductive manner that Buffy was not entirely comfortable with. She apprehensively tugged at the straps in an attempt to hide the considerable amount of her cleavage that was showing. Pulling on the fabric one more time to no avail, Buffy sighed and adjusted the long skirt. Even in her matching high heels, the material still brushed along the floor, only adding to Buffy's anxiety that she would trip and make a fool of herself. She wore minimal make-up, only accenting her large hazel eyes and her full lips. When she heard the buzzer to her apartment, she glanced out the window and saw the chauffeur standing at the front door. Grabbing her purse, Buffy headed out the door and down the stairs to the waiting limo.

Pulling up to a huge building a few minutes later, Buffy gratefully smiled as the chauffeur helped her from the car and began the long climb up the steps to the beautiful building. Finally reaching the doors, she gave another smile to one of the doormen as she handed him her invitation. Entering the building, Buffy gasped and felt suddenly out of place in the magnificent ballroom.

A huge crystal chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling. Looking around the room, Buffy noticed the round tables bordering the room, leaving the middle open for people to dance to the live band. This was not what she expected.

Walking over to the bar at the back of the room, Buffy accepted a glass of champagne and sipped it as she scrutinized the rest of the people in the area. Suddenly feeling like a little kid in her mother's clothes, Buffy nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She bit her lip as she stared around the room, hoping to spot Doyle, whom she knew would make an effort to help her fit in. Buffy jumped slightly as she felt someone's breath tickling her ear.

"You look lost, luv."

Buffy turned to see the owner of the voice and had to stop her jaw from dropping at the man standing next to her. His bleached hair was slicked back, and he had such angular cheekbones- Buffy thought he must be a model. Looking at his lips, Buffy felt herself leaning forward slightly, wondering what they would feel like on hers.

"Not lost," she replied. "Just out of place."

"Yeah, I know the feeling, pet," he said, taking a sip of his own champagne. "So, who invited you to this little celebration?"

"Um, Cordelia Chase."

"Aaah, the famous Miss Chase. So, you must be the new one."

"New one?"

"Model, pet. Everyone's talking about you, how Cordy hand-picked the file girl."

Buffy felt a flash of anger as he made her job sound so demeaning. "Well, at least I wasn't working a street corner when she found me."

"Easy, kitten," he said with a smile on his face. "Retract the claws. I was simply making a statement."

"I'm sorry," she said with an apologetic smile. "I'm just a little on edge tonight. This isn't what I'm used to."

"And what would you be used to, pet?"

"On a Saturday? Oh, usually I have to wade through the men beating down the door and choose a feasible date out of the herd," she said with a teasing smile. Her smile only grew when she saw the flash of jealousy cross his features. "I'm kidding. Saturday night is usually pizza and a video rental and then a late night discussion with my mom."

The man raised an eyebrow. "That's a little hard to believe, luv."

"Believe what you want, but I assure you, the second scenario is much more believable than the first."

"I think I'm happy to hear that. I'm Spike, by the way."

"Buffy Summers," she said, holding out her hand and gasping when he took it to plant a gentle kiss on the top. "So.did you say you know Cordy?"

"Oh yeah. The two of us go way back. Didn't always get along, but I think we've settled in a comfortable love/hate relationship."

It was Buffy's turn for the stab of jealousy. If Spike wanted a woman like Cordelia Chase, then Buffy Summers was the polar opposite.

"Oh," she said softly as she heard her name called. Turning, she saw Cordy heading toward them.

"Speak of the devil," she said under her breath.

"Buffy, I'm so glad you made it," she said, giving Buffy a friendly hug.

"Wouldn't have missed it," Buffy said, pasting a smile on her face.

"What? Don't I get a hug?" Spike said from beside Buffy.

Cordelia turned and looked at the owner of the voice.

"So you made it, too," she said with less enthusiasm. "And what have you done to your hair? I thought you were over the whole Billy Idol phase. How do you ever expect to be successful if people can't even take you seriously when they look at you?"

Buffy watched the pair in front of her with interest.

"Well, not all of us have a horde of people to make decisions for us on a daily basis. Besides, I do just fine, if I do say so myself."

"Spike, you're a lawyer. You're supposed to be representing the street punks, not turning into one. I mean, how does that reflect on me?"

Buffy was now staring at them in confusion.

"It doesn't reflect on you at all, princess. And are you really trying to make a scene in front of all of these fancy people, including, I might add, your newest addition?"

Cordelia seemed to remember Buffy and spun around to see her.

"Buffy, I'm so sorry. My manners are shot whenever I'm around this idiot," she said, gesturing to Spike.

Spike scoffed. "The day you have manners is the day I sprout wings and fly back to the mother country."

Cordelia rewarded him with a glare before facing Buffy again. "So, I see you've met my brother."

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