Chapter 11: Change of attitude

William pushed past all the bodies in the school hallways and headed for his final class of the day, English. This had been a really long day and he wanted nothing more than to go home.

At lunch, Willow tried to cheer him up, but did not succeed. It hadn’t helped matters that Angel was at the next table. Angel had turned to him several times as he had found another reason to make ‘Willy’ even more depressed. That reason was Buffy. Seems she had mentioned him quite a few times in the past couple weeks, and Angel picked up more about their relationship than she let on. Angel really could be an ass sometimes.

William finally reached the doors to his English class and walked into the room. Willow and Xander were not in this class with him so he settled into a seat in the front corner. Hopefully, this class would go by as quickly as possible. Hearing more students walking in, he looked up just in time to see Buffy walk in. She looked directly at him, and stopped dead in her tracks. Bloody hell!!! Thought William angrily as he turned his gaze in a different direction. I should have known. My whole day has been shit, why not top it off. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Buffy had sat in the seat next from him. He groaned.

“William, I need to ta…” The school bell ringing cut off Buffy. William sighed. This day needed to end, right now. He heard Buffy whispering his name and trying to get his attention. He wasn’t ready to talk to her, so he just ignored her.

“Good Afternoon, I’m Jenny Calender and this…” William mind didn’t register anything else. All he could think about was Buffy. He did miss her. The way her eyes crinkled when she laughed, how her lips always looked pouty, how he felt when she was in his arms. Yeah, he missed her a lot. William hung his head and wished she hadn’t sat so close to him. He could smell the fruitiness of her shampoo and she was there in his peripheral vision. He didn’t want to be here.


Buffy had been as surprised as William when she walked into the class and saw him sitting there. He shot her a hurt and angry look before looking away. There were several empty seats in the room still, but she went and sat next to him. She wanted to talk to him, and it looked like now was her chance. She dropped her bag next to her seat and sat down. She sat for a moment thinking about how to approach him. Buffy turned towards William and opened her mouth to explain, “William, I need to ta…” The bell cut her off. She sighed; this was going to harder than she thought.

“Good Afternoon, I’m Jenny Calender and this is Senior English. So if you’re not a senior, you’re not supposed to be here.” The class laughed as a young stocky kid turned beet red, grabbed his bag, and practically ran out of the room. Buffy shook her head. She glanced over at William and noticed that he was hanging his head. He looks so depressed. Buffy decided to give him a few days, then she would approach him and he wouldn’t get away without her explanation. She hoped.


One week later…

William had been able to ignore Buffy everyday in class, but not Angel at lunch. He knew it was only a matter of time before Angel flaunted his relationship with Buffy. William tried his best to steer clear of him, but Angel had plans to hurt poor William as much as possible.

William was walking out of the lunchroom with Willow. Xander had second lunch so he was nowhere around. Willow was talking to William about the latest pop quiz she had aced when behind them a voice shouted, “Willie!!!” Angel smirked and walked up closer to him. “Come now, Willie. I want to talk to you.” He put his arm around both Willow and William. He leaned in close to him and said not quietly, “So have you been deflowered by Red here yet? We all know you haven’t been with anyone else.”

William’s face burned. He glanced at Willow before looking down. Willow whirled around and faced Angel with an irate look. “Shut up, Angelus. You need to pick on someone your own size.” William looked up in surprise. He had never heard her talk like that before. Angel was staring bitterly at Willow. “Better watch you say, Red. You might end up saying the wrong thing to the wrong person.” He looked over at William and spat, “See you around, Willie,” and walked off.
William peered over at Willow and noticed she released a breath. “Wow. I never saw anyone stand up to him like you did, Will.” He stated, “remind me never to piss you off.” Willow looked at him and replied,

“He just makes me so mad. I could just… just… spit.” William smiled at that. It was unusual to see Willow like this, but at the same time it was kind of funny.

“Come on, I’ll walk you to class. I might need to be protected.” Willow laughed and nodded. Side by side, they walked off to their next class.


By English class everyone had heard about Willow standing up to Angel. Buffy had been shocked when she had heard. Angel had never been mean, that she knew of, and Willow had never been forceful. Students did tend to exaggerate, though. She wanted to talk to William to see how Willow was; she was going to try to talk to him after class.

Buffy anxiously sat in her seat waiting for class to end. Only a few minutes left until the bell so she kept looking up from her book over at William. Come on, William. Please look at me. She silently pleaded. He had barely acknowledged her all week, and it stung more than she thought it would.


Buffy quickly grabbed her books and bag and hurried to catch up to William. He had jumped out of his seat and almost ran out of the room. Coming up behind him, Buffy called, “William, wait.” He looked over at her and stopped dead in his tracks, a hard expression on his face. Buffy’s breath caught. He had never looked at her like that before. Such anger in his eyes.

“Well?” William voice broke Buffy’s shock. She took a breath and asked softly, “How’s Willow?” William’s expression soften at her concern for Willow.

“She fine. I think she surprised herself almost as much as she surprised everyone else. Though she is a little worried Angel might do something to her, for embarrassing him and all.”

“No. I won’t let him. You tell her that for me ok?” Buffy realized her poorly chosen words when she saw him scowl. He was still upset at the mere mention of Buffy and Angel being a couple. “William, I’m sorry! I wanted to tell you in person about him. You shouldn’t have found out about us that way. I…”

“Does this conversation have a point, luv?” William interrupted, his voice angry. He had been a little shocked when he heard Buffy’s voice calling him. There was a bit of hope still in his heart that she wanted to be with him again. When she mentioned her and Angel, William felt his last shred of hope disappear. It pissed him off that out of everyone in town she wanted that wanker, over him.

William tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. She looked unsure of what to say. She knew it would do no good to talk to him about Angel. She looked into his steely blue eyes and whispered, “You won’t understand. I’m truly sorry it has to be this way, William. I wish things were different.” Buffy turned around and walked away before he could see the tears in her eyes.

William watched her go and softly said, “I wish that, too.” And he really did, he wished it more than anything.

A/N : Let me know what you think. Review or write to me at spuffyfan121 at

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