Hey, I know, I know, you're all thinking, “hey? Did that chick psycho just post a new story?” well yeah but y’all weren’t diggin it so it went bye-bye. So here’s the thing. I was cleaning out my documents and I stumbled upon my first ever original story so I read it over and viola! Insta-inspiration. So you know the drill. You don’t like it, don’t review. If you do support it and let me know that you demand more. Oh yeah, readers of my other stories, Ruby’s back…again. live with it if you don’t like her. *big cheeky smile*

Oh yeah, things to know before you read.

1) Since LA had to be such a trip, I couldn’t let them be from Sunnydale, therefore they’re all gonna be from my home state, Minnesota. I can sympathize with them for wanting to leave this way.
2) Buffy is gonna be a lot more punk-poppy then the original character of Buffy would ever be. It only fits with the type of music that they play. Oh yeah, duh. They’re all musicians by the way.

And that would be all you have to know before hand. ENJOY!!!!

Guitar? Check. Clothing? Check. Talent? Triple check. Ride? Not so much with the checkness.

Buffy Summers let loud sigh and shook her blonde head. This was so not how she’d pictured it. The girls and her going to LA after graduation was supposed to be magical. They were supposed to be cruising down the highway on their merry way to stardom but no. Ruby’s stupid brother Paul had backed out at the last minute, leaving them ride less. She’d have to remember to kick Paul in the balls next time she saw him.

“Are you doing the check list *again*?” one of Buffy’s two best friends, Willow Rosenberg couldn’t help but laugh.

”Hey!” Buffy protested, “I’ve only done the check list…” she trailed off, beaten. She’d done the check list at least a hundred times in the last two minutes alone. That averaged out to be just about ever minute if you really wanted to think about it. Cause sixty plus…oh hell, she was sad.

“Why don’t we just head down to Planet Bang and see what happens?” Ruby Singer suggested, looked at her best friends, “I mean sure it’s Minnesota but there HAS to be someone else out there heading to LA too. I mean Coon Rapids isn't that lame.”

Her friends both turned to stare at her, “Okay so it is but that’s really not the point!”

“Ruby’s right,” Buffy agreed, “Even though Coon Rapids scores major on the ass sucking scale, doesn’t mean all the people in it suck ass.”

“So we just head down to Planet Bang and what? Just start asking people if they happen to be willing to give three eighteen year old girl’s free rides to LA?” Willow was skeptical.

Ruby smirked, “Exactly.”

A small smile crossed Buffy’s lips. All they had to do was look up and maybe things wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe being the key word of course.


“Will you put that bloody thing down whelp?” Spike Giles snapped at his mate Xander Harris. He’d had that fucking camera glued to his hand since they’d picked up this trash RV up in Michigan that Xander’s grand da had left him in his will. Spike said junk, the whelp said “Vintage.” Vintage his lily white ass.

“Can't,” Xander stated, “I’m going to make a documentary that’s gonna make us millions. I have a title for it already, “Three Guys and an RV.”

Oz smirked and said in his monotone fashion, “Lovely.”

Xander seemed to miss the sarcasm of the statement all together, “I know.”

“Even if we’re handsome blokes if I do say so myself,” Spike sighed, “No one in their bloody right mind is going to want to watch a movie three guys on a road trip to LA.”

“Chicks do help,” Oz could only agree.

“You guys are only bringing down my vibe,” Xander huffed and turned away from his friends, “I’m a creator and when this thing is a hit, you’ll be thanking me. No more “Whelp” for me, on no.”

Spike rolled his eyes and turned back to driving, Oz put on his headphones and Xander resumed to tape. What he was taping, they all didn’t know. Including Xander for that matter.

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