Chapter 6

A/N -Warning-Implication of non-consensual sex.

“OH MY GOD!” Willow screeched, earning herself panicked shushing from Buffy. “Sorry! Oh my god,” Willow whispered out. “You're serious?” Buffy simply smiled and nodded affirmatively. “When? How? Ok, so I know how, but what's it like?”

“Well,” Buffy began, “a little strange at first. I mean, all those romances you read?” Buffy paused to ensure Willow was following the story, “It's nothing like that. Well, maybe a little. The first time was weird, but after that it was amazing,” Buffy fairly radiated with her happiness.

“After? There's been an ‘after' already?” Willow asked, incredulous. “You've been holding out on me, Buffy Summers. I demand explanations.” Willow sternly wagged a finger at Buffy, and put on her best resolve face.

“I'm not holding out, much. It's only been about a couple of months now and there's only been a few times. But, that's not even the best part,” Buffy teased.

“There's more?” Willow gasped.

Buffy nodded her head, a large smile covering her face. She looked like she was ready to explode from her barely concealed excitement.

Buffy reached inside her blouse and pulled out the necklace secured around her neck. Dangling from the chain, was a small silver colored ring. A small but tasteful diamond winking brightly in its setting. The band however had a beautiful and extensive design carved into the band.

Willow's gasp probably could have been heard around the block. “Oh, Buffy, it's beautiful!” She exclaimed. “Why on earth aren't you wearing it?”

“We haven't told everyone yet. Angel just wanted me to have it now, to show he means that I'm ‘the one'. We're going to wait until I'm out of school though, so we thought we would hold off on alerting the press,” Buffy smirked.

Willow looked to be on the verge of happy tears, but couldn't seem to hide the tidbit of concern from the person she considered her best friend.

“Out with it Willow,” Buffy commanded. “I know you want to say something. It's ok. Soap box away.”

“I'm happy for you, Buffy. I really am,” Willow began. “It's just, don't you think you guys are a little, I don't know, young for that type of commitment? I mean, you two haven't even really seriously dated anyone else. How do you know things will work out? How do you even know if he means it? Maybe he just asked you to get you to... you know....”

“He's not like that ,Willow. You know that. Besides, I was pretty much the one that instigated the whole thing. He was completely unprepared,” Buffy stated. “Well, not completely. Because, you know, all guys our age are ‘prepared' now,” Buffy said, putting the word in air quotes. “It's like how girls are always prepared for a monthly emergency. It's guy preparedness,” Buffy finished.

“Okaaay. That's in the realm of TMI, and kind of ‘ew', but also good to know,” Willow responded. “So, you were safe then?”

“Safe as houses,” Buffy confirmed.

Willow's alarm clock suddenly sounded. “Oh! Time to call Oz, he gets home from rehearsal at eight.”

“That's my cue as well,” Buffy responded. “Angel's taking me to the movies tonight. If I get there early we can probably work in a quick make out session,” Buffy grinned conspiratorially.

“Oh, ok. You want me to walk with you?” Willow asked. “Angel can probably drop me off on the way back by.”

“Nah, I wouldn't want to cut in on your Oz time. I'll call you tomorrow,” Buffy said as she waved goodbye to her friend. Willow nodded her confirmation, and returned the farewell as she picked up her phone and dialed Oz's phone number.


It was really a beautiful evening. The shadows were just starting to stretch as the darkness crept in. The days were just starting to get shorter, but there was plenty of light still to make her way to Angel's apartment. The warm evening breeze gently played with a few strands of her hair that had come loose from her ponytail. All in all, it was a perfect evening and Buffy was glad for the chance to get out and be alone. It was nice to have a little time to contemplate her happiness, which was finally beginning to look like it wasn't some big fairy tale after all. Maybe there really was such a thing as a happy ending.

She almost didn't notice the clunker of a van as it followed a little behind her. A tell-tale squeal from its brakes broke her out of her reverie. As Buffy began glancing around to see if anyone was nearby, she recognized the van through the growing darkness. It was big and black, and she could make out the large picture of the Star Wars Death Star painted on the side. Only one person in town owned a vehicle that lame....Warren.

Buffy stopped walking as Warren slowly pulled up next to her.

“Buffy, hey,” Warren called in greeting. “I'm headed to the apartment. You want a ride?”

“Yeah, want a ride?” A skinny brunette haired guy asked from the passenger seat. Buffy couldn't remember his name. She'd seen him hang around with Warren a lot. Tucker! That was it.

Buffy contemplated the offer a moment. It was a nice night and she was enjoying the walk, but on the other hand, if he was heading that way anyway...

“I don't know. I kind of felt like walking.”

“Suit yourself. Just thought if you were going that way I'd give you a lift. I'll tell Angel you're on your way over,” he shrugged. “If you're sure you don't want a ride that is.”

Buffy thought one moment more. It was a little on the rude side to snub him. He may be a creepy nerd, but he was harmless. And he did live with Angel. She might as well be a little nice to him. He had always been nice to her.

“You know on second thought, we're all gonna end up in the same spot, so I might as well.”

“Hop in,” he smiled.


Spike barely made it out of the convenience store with the pack of cigarettes before he was tearing open the wrapper. He was on the outs with Dru again and the only thing that could calm him down was his smokes. He had to be really careful with them though, his mum and dad would string him up by his toe nails if they caught him smoking. Sure, everyone knew he did it but as long as no one actually saw him, he could plead innocent.

As he rounded the corner of the building to get to his car, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind the store. It belonged to that stupid ponce that lived with Angel. Oh, and look, there was the geek-mobile sticking out a bit. Whom ever he was with sounded pretty urgent. Stupid idiots were probably trying to roll one of the local drunks and getting more than they bargained for.

It really wasn't any of his business, Spike thought as he lit a cigarette and puffed hungrily. But he had made friends with a few of the local drunks. They were pretty willing to do favors like buy a six pack for you, especially if you gave them a beer or two for their trouble. And rescuing a local from the idiots might earn him a freebie.

Mind made up, Spike ambled around the corner cautiously, keeping to the shadows. Warren was talking to that skinny friend of his while he held out a can of beer and poured it out over a pile of rags. Well, this was getting more and more interesting.

“What if she squeals?” Skinny asked.

“Look, we tell them we dropped her off here, and after that we don't know what happened,” Warren said matter-of-factly.

“Then why do we have to waste perfectly good beer?” The other whined.

Spike thought it was a pretty good question. No sane guy poured good beer on a drunk. It didn't make sense.

“Look, I told you. If anyone asks, we tell them she was wasted when we ran into her. With the rep her dad has, no one will think twice about it.”

“Oh, yeah!” The other one smiled and nodded appreciatively.

“Ok, now, let's get out of here before someone sees us.” Warren glanced nervously around.

Spike leaned back behind a stack of wooden crates as the two guys climbed into Warren's van and drove off.

When he was sure the van was out of sight, Spike walked over to where they'd been standing. He was more than a little curious as to who they were talking about. He tossed away what was left of his cigarette as he approached the spot. The sight and smell that greeted him almost made him puke before he regained his composure. Then his anger took over. He'd have to pound the crap out of Warren later, and he was definitely going to have to talk to Angel again about finding a new flat.

Whom ever she was, the girl was lying on her side. Her limbs were in a position that looked like she'd just been tossed down haphazardly. He guessed her hair was blond or maybe brown, but it was caked with what looked like fresh blood, dirt, and beer, so it was hard to tell, and it was in a huge mess that covered her face. Stupid sodding wankers had probably roughed up some hooker.

She was partially concealed by a cardboard box they probably threw on top of her, but it was easy enough to see what was left of her clothes were in torn rags and the whole pile reeked of the beer Warren had just poured over it, mixed with trash and blood and sex. Spike reined in his anger again and knelt down to see if the poor thing was even still alive. Suddenly, a small sparkle caught his eye. It was a ring attached to a thin chain around the girl's neck. Spike stared at it for a moment before he realized he recognized it. He'd only ever seen one ring with a band like that, and it belonged to Jenny. Well, actually, now Angel had it. He'd heard him ask her for it a few days ago.

Fear clutched at Spike as he quickly reached out and pushed the girl's shoulder back. Her head lolled back with it, revealing her face as some of her hair fell away.

“Buffy!? Holy Christ!” Spike shouted. He quickly felt her throat for a pulse. Breathing a small sigh of relief on finding one, he swept up the unconscious girl and sprinted the short distance to his car. He quickly slid her into the front seat and climbed in. As his car sped out of the parking lot, he fumbled for his new cell phone and issued orders to Angel to meet him at the Emergency Room. He then called Jenny and made the same request, telling them both simply....

“It's Buffy.”

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