well I could have ended the story soon by clearing things up between Angel and Buffy and let Spike and her live happily ever after but what fun would that have been? So ladies and gentlemen, I present to u the twist…

“That is by far the most disgusting thing I have ever seen,” Lindy swore as she and Willow watched Buffy eat a bologna sandwich with mustard, ketchup and of all things, peanut butter.

Willow nodded in agreement, “And I’m even including dissecting the pig fetus.”

Buffy scowled at her to friends and took another bite, “Shut up. It was a craving.”

Ever since the picture ordeal that been cleared up, Lindy had started to hang out with Buffy, Willow and Xander, vowing that camera phones and Harmony Kendal’s were evil. Who where they to disagree?

One of Lindy’s perfectly plucked eyebrows rose in response, “A craving? No one should crave peanut butter on the same piece of bread as ketchup and mustard. It’s just wrong.”

Buffy’s face paled slightly before she nodded, covered her mouth with her hand and ran to the bathroom.

Lindy and Willow both looked at each other before heading to the bathroom.

Buffy was on her knees in front of the toilet throwing up like no tomorrow. Okay, something was wrong with this picture.

“Buff?” Willow asked softly, “You okay?”

Buffy looked up at the two girls with wide eyes and wiped her mouth, “No. God I’ve been throwing up a lot lately.” She looked scared.

Spike and she hadn't used an protection the first time that day. It wasn’t the right time of the month for that and she hadn't thought anything of her skipped period because well, why hadn't she been worried about her skipper period!? Oh god, oh god, oh god.

Realization hit all three girls at once. Tears shone in Buffy’s eyes, Willow’s widened to the point where one would think they were going to pop and Lindy’s hand rose up to her mouth in shock.

“Oh my god,” Buffy whispered, struggling to get up.

Willow and Lindy were at her side in an instant, helping the Buffy to her feet.

“I’m pregnant aren't I?” Buffy asked quietly.

“We don’t know that for sure,” Willow tired to comfort her best friend, “I mean you could just have a stomach bug right?” She turned to Lindy who still hadn't said anything with pleading eyes, “Right?!”

“Right,” Lindy finally nodded.

Buffy wasn’t very comforted.


Buffy hadn't said a word to him since they had had the fight. Angel sighed heavily before he threw back the last of the alcohol in his glass and hung his head. He didn’t mean to be the way he was when it came to his sister but the thought of her getting hurt, hurt him. It had been so much easier when Buffy just sat back and did what she was told. When it was like that, he never had to worry about some guy hurting, worry about her having sex, worry about her getting into any trouble but now everything was different. She had declared her independence and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Willy,” Angel sighed, “Another.”

Willy sighed heavily back, “You know, I could get in some serious trouble for letting you drink in here kid.”

Angel looked up and glared at the small man who instantly backed away, “But hey, who’s gonna find out right?”

“Just leave the bottle this time,” Angel muttered as Willy filled the glass to the top with Jack Daniels.

“Isn't it a little early to be drinking mate?” Spike asked with a scarred eyebrow raised.

Angel didn’t even bother to turn and look at his once best friend, “Go away.”

“No,” Spike said as he sat down next to Angel.

“Then I will,” Angel muttered, starting to stand.

Spike sighed and grabbed his best friend by the arm, “Bloody hell, don’t be like this. Is it really that bad that I’m in love with your sister?”

Angel looked at him for the first time before nodding, “Yes.”


Buffy stared at the clock on the bathroom wall. It was an unforgiving clock. Every little second could be easily seen go by before her eyes. Nine minutes and thirteen seconds. Nine minutes and fourteen seconds. Nine minutes and fifteen…

“Buffy,” Lindy sighed, “Staring at the clock like that only makes it seem longer sweetie.”

She sighed in defeat and looked away, “You're right but my god, this is torture.” She stopped, tears forming, “What am I gonna do if I am pregnant? I’m only sixteen, almost seventeen. I can't handle a baby!”

Willow and Lindy both hugged her tightly before Willow vowed, “We’ll get you through this Buffy and hey, there’s a chance that you're not ever pregnant remember. And if you are, well then we’ll get you through this. Together.”

Buffy nodded and sighed, “Together.”

Lindy spared a glance at the clock and announced, “Times up. You ready?”

With a shaky nod, Buffy drew in a deep breath and took the test from the cup and…


Spike sighed in defeat, “Fine then but I’ll let you know; I’m not going to let her go because you don’t like it. I love her with all of my heart and no matter how hard you brood, that’s not going to change.”

Angel shook his head and laughed bitterly at the situation they were in, “Why her Spike? You could have any fucking girl you want and it has to be my sister of all people? Why?! I mean the only time you used to acknowledge her was to verbally torture her and now you're in love with her! It makes no sense!”

People were starting to stare but neither cared.

“I know it doesn’t make any fucking sense!” Spike bit out, “One minute she was just something that was there. I don’t know what happen. She was just a thing I could take out my frustrations out on when I had a bad day and then the next she’s the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I turn around for just a second and when I look back all I want to do is hold her, love her, protect her. It’s bloody well the most confusing thing I’d ever gone through!” He paused for a second before stating firmly, “But I know I love her. Probably always have.”

“Fine,” Angel finally sighed after a few seconds of silence, “But I swear to god, if you hurt her, they’ll be finding your body for weeks.”

Spike smirked, “Yeah like you could take me.”


She was pregnant, Buffy Anne Summers, formally known as “that mousy girl” or “Angel’s little sister” was pregnant with the son or daughter of Spike Giles. It had to be a sign of total apocalypse.

“We’ll get through this,” Willow said as confidently as she could. It wasn’t very convincing.

Tears flooded Buffy’s eyes, “What am I going to do? How am I going to tell my mother? Angel? How am I going to tell Spike? I can't just go up to him and say “oh hi baby, hey speaking of babies, I’m having one!” now can I?”

“You could always get rid of it,” Lindy offered quietly.

Buffy’s eyes widened, “Oh hell no! I will not cold bloodedly murder my unborn baby!”

Lindy looked up, tears bright in her eyes, “That’s what abortion is, isn't it? The cold blooded murder of your baby.” Her hands gingerly drifted to her stomach as she looked down and whispered, “I’m a murder.”

“Lindy?” Buffy asked carefully.

Lindy looked up again with pain filled eyes, “I’m sorry. I gotta go.” With that, she practically ran out of the house.

“Oh goddess,” Willow was now on the verge of hyperventilating, “Oh goddess.”

“Willow calm down,” Buffy ordered quietly.

Willow of course didn’t.

Buffy hung her head. God, had sleeping with Ryan taught her nothing? Then for the second time that day, Buffy’s world froze. Ryan. The last time she’d had sex with Ryan had also been with out anything…

“Buffy?” Willow asked, noticing the distant look in her blonde friend’s eyes, “Buffy what’s wrong?”

Oh only the fact that I’m pregnant and now I’m not sure who the father is, Buffy thought bitterly. She looked up at Willow before shaking her head and saying, “Nothing, nothing at all.”

I hope you didn’t expect that and if ya did well, hey what can a girl do? Mkay people here’s the deal though. I need help after this. To be honest I have no clue where I’m going with this so that’s where you come in. If you have any ideas of something that you want to happen by all means e-mail me, IM me, say it through a review, I don’t care. There will be cupcakes involved and oh yeah, If I offended anyone with the abortion thing, I’m sorry and were all entitled to our own personal opinion so I hope mine didn’t upset u in anyway.

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