Buffy ran to the downstairs bathroom. As quickly as she could she changed into her pajamas. Then she dashed for the couch, hoping that if she got under the covers and looked fast asleep her mom would leave her alone.

She didn't quite make it in time.

"Buffy," her mother said, less angry than Buffy would have imagined. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to. . . I didn't know you and Spike were dating."

"DATING? There is no dating. I mean mom - it's Spike!"

Suddenly her mom did look angry.

"So what exactly were you doing then?"

"We. . . um. It's not what you think. Spike's just got these ideas and . . . "

"And I didn't see you doing anything to stop him. Buffy, if you're not interested in Spike that's fine, that's your decision. But you can't lead him on like that, it's cruel. Obviously he got the idea that you might be willing somewhere."

"No, mom, see you don't understand. Remember that demon a few weeks ago? Just before Riley and me broke up? See, I wasn't afraid of stuff, so I kinda of . . . sleptwithSpike. But it doesn't count, cause of the demon fluids and stuff."

"Buffy, did you explain this all to Spike? He's so sensitive, there's no telling how he's talking all this."

"Sensitive?" What was her mom talking about, Spike was the biggest jerk in the world. "Okay, look, mom, Spike knows all about the demon, he's the one who figured out about the antidote."

"The one that Willow made?" Buffy nodded. "I thought that antidote saved your life." Her mother paused and looked her over. "Look, Buffy, would you threaten to beat someone up to do your homework for you?"

Buffy was stunned. She had no idea what had triggered the sudden conversation switch. Not that she wasn't glad for it. Discussing her non-relationship with Spike was hardly a fun time, especially with her mom. Still, she was kind of hurt that her mother would even think she could be that kind of bully.

"No, of course not, mom. That would be abusing my power. Just cause I'm the Slayer doesn't mean I'm somehow better than other people," except when it comes to fighting the forces of evil, she added to herself. The memory of the Initiative's mistakes were still fresh in her mind.

"Exactly. But Buffy, you're more than just the Slayer. You're also a very beautiful young woman." Before Buffy could interrupt her Joyce continued, "And I'm not just saying that because I'm you're mom. Buffy, that gives you power, too. You don't have any more right to bully Spike with your looks than you have the right to bully anyone else with your strength."

"Bully? Mom, I'm so not bullying him. I mean, it's not like I'm forcing him to stalk me." Buffy couldn't understand how she had become the bad guy.

"Have you tried to stop him? Have you talked to him?"

"No, but. . ."

"Buffy. I really thought you knew better than this. How would you feel if you slept with someone and then they wouldn't talk to you?"

Buffy winced. She'd never told her mother about Parker, but she still remembered how much that had hurt. It still kinda did, even though she was completely over him. It almost made her feel bad about Spike. Except, hello, Spike. Still, the more she thought about it, the worse she felt.

"So what am I supposed to do, mom? I mean, you keep missing out on the big point here. It's Spike. He hates me. It's just some weird demon obsession of his. It's not like he's in love with me."

"How do you know? Have you asked him?" her mother asked her softly.

"What? No. You can't just ask a guy that, and Spike's not even a guy. He's a vampire. It's not like he can be in love."

"Don't be ridiculous Buffy. He was in love with that. . . Drusilla woman for something like a century. I saw him when they had broken up. If that wasn't being in love, I don't know what is. And let me remind you that I have a little more experience with this kind of thing than you."

Buffy was stumped. She knew there was a way to show her mother she was wrong. She just couldn't think of it. She certainly couldn't see any reason why someone would hang around Drusilla for a hundred years if they weren't in love with her. Of course, Spike was a vampire, so there was no accounting for taste.

Spike couldn't be in love with her, he couldn't be in love with anyone. But if he was. . .

No, she wasn't going to go there. She wasn't going to think about what it would be like to have a guy that you knew wouldn't leave you. A guy who didn't care that she was stronger than him, or that she spent too much time in graveyards. A guy with a definite oral fixation, and fingers that. . .

No, she really wasn't going to think about any of that. There was no point. Spike hated her. He always had, he always would.

"Buffy, talk to him in the morning. That's all I ask. If you don't want to have anything further to do with him, that's fine. It's not my place to point out how wonderful a couple you two could make. Just make sure he knows how you feel. You'll both be better off for it. Now goodnight, and sleep well."

Her mother leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead before heading back upstairs.

Buffy's head was spinning. She'd expected her mom to be mad about her having sex with Spike because he was another vampire. She'd hated Angel. She hadn't been prepared for her mom to want her to date Spike. It was just too creepy.

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