After Spike left, Buffy tried to get as much sleep as possible before picking Riley up at the airport. Her hot night with Spike was the most incredible sex she'd ever had. He visited every erogenous zone on her body including some she didn't exited. The blonde cabdriver sexed every part of her body, turning her into an attention whore. If she could spread that kind of loving around to all the sexually repressed and unfulfilled women of the world, then the term frigid would no longer exist. It was going to take all her will power not to seek out the one person who made her feel so desired and beautiful.

Remembering Spike's words about not covering up her body, Buffy had taken her first nap in the nude with no covers. She had set her alarm to go off two hours before Riley's arrival, giving herself enough time to get ready, change her sheets, and air out the scent of sex that dominated the entire apartment. She was thinking in advance in case Riley wanted to comeback to her place. She admired her nakedness in the full-length mirror, reminiscing about the way Spike touched her, feeling sexy and full of sensuality. The huge smile on her face was going to be bitch to suppress she thought. Clearly, it showed signs of a woman newly discovering, she was multi orgasmic.

Spike had to be the luckiest bloke in the world. Last night was spent with an incredible woman. He replayed the events leading up to his luck over and over again, creating a permanent smile on his face. The stars had aligned that night he thought. The chemistry he shared with Buffy was like a reincarnation of lost lovers finding each other. He sniffed the tie from her hair, remembering how the golden locks flowed to her shoulders and what it felt against his skin.

Buffy arrived at the airport twenty minutes early, thinking Riley would be so proud. He was a stickler for punctuality and constantly on her case that she wasn't. He was her second serious relationship, having restored her confidence in men after her last relationship turned into a nightmare. Riley was good to her and she was in love with him. He showered her with constant attention and affection, making her feel safe and protected. Despite the fact she could count the number of orgasms she had with him on one hand, their sex life was adequate. She'd dealt with it as best she could, becoming very good at faking it and stroking his ego. When they first met, he was a stockbroker earning a low six-figure salary. However, all that changed when he brokered a deal that earned a bunch of millionaires a whole lot of money. It put him on the fast track to riches, sending him away often to finalize deals and make those same millionaires more money. He changed from her nice Iowa laid-back country boy into a stressed out, egotistical, money whore. He owned a Porsche, wore thousand dollar suits, lived in Trump Tower and owned a cottage in the Hamptons. In the beginning it was nice, Riley shared the wealth, buying her expensive jewelry and clothes, taking her to fine restaurants and lavish parties. However there was a down side, they had both lost touch with their poorer old friends and made new obnoxious rich ones. Over time she found herself getting bored with the whole thing, she started to despise it all and her relationship with Riley began to suffer. The love she had for him was slowly being chipped away every time they attended a party, visited the Hamptons, or ate at another pretentious restaurant. Several times she prepared herself to leave him, but the nice country boy would make an appearance, reminding her why she was with him. It was like he knew she wanted to leave and sometimes she thought he felt the same way only keeping her around because she looked good on his arm.

"Hey, remember me", said the tall blonde man standing behind her.

Buffy had put on her best fake smile, turning to the sound of the man's voice.

"How could I forget...welcome home, Riley".

"God, its good to be back...did you check my mail...did you make sure the car storage payments were to update...Oh and did you notify the housekeeper to make the house in the Hamptons ready for our labor day party?"

Buffy looked at him with disdain. Riley had just stepped off the plane and already started thinking about himself.

"Yes, Riley I took care of everything and I'm fine case you're wondering."

"Oh, I'm sorry are is the article about the best places to shop in the city coming along?"

"Riley, I wrote that article three months ago...I'm working on the best restaurants to eat in New York now."

"Oh yeah that's how are you?"

"You already asked me that...I'm fine."

They walked in silence out the airport doors. Buffy made a beeline for the waiting cab. Riley stopped, looking clearly annoyed with her choice of transportation. Buffy noticed Riley wasn't behind her.

"What's wrong?"

"Had I known we were going to ride in that, I would have requested my office send a towncar or a limousine."

"Are you kidding me...what difference does it make?...either way you still being driven by someone're just going one is going to care what you're riding in."

"It's just...oh never're right...I just prefer...never mind...let's just go."

Buffy was pissed, thinking his behavior was getting worse. He was transforming from an asshole into a total asshole. They climbed into the cab, letting the driver know where they were headed. Riley rested his hand on Buffy's knee. She wanted to smack it off and smack him. Sensing she had an attitude, Riley kissed her hand.

"I'm sorry I made you mad...this is not how I wanted to start off...I've really missed you."

''Really...then why the only time I heard from you was when you called me tell me when you were arriving."

" know I'm really busy...but it doesn't mean that I didn't miss you...I have something for you...I was going to wait until dinner to give it to you...but I think now would be a good time."

Buffy was feeling her heart pounding in her chest. He was going to ask her to marry him. She looked at him with panic unprepared to hear a proposal. She blinked several times as if she had something in both her eye. Her head was spinning and she thought for a moment she might faint. She willed herself to stay alert, watching Riley reach into his briefcase and pull out a Tiffany box. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized the box wasn't shaped like a ring box. Great, another piece of expensive jewelry she thought. She knew exactly where she was going to put it, in the jewelry box with all the other pieces. It was the same routine. He'd give her something nice, she wears it once to please him and it's never seen again.

"Here you go...I saw it and knew it was perfect and it matches your eyes."

Buffy proceeded to open the rectangular box, staring at a diamond and emerald necklace.

"Oh Riley you shouldn't have", she said, giving him her best beauty contestant smile.

"Why do you always say say that all the time now...I'm beginning to think you really mean it...if you don't like it...just say you don't and we can go to Tiffany's and exchange it for something better."

Sensing she was hurting his feelings, Buffy put on an Academy award winning performance.

"Don't be silly, of course I I love it...thank will go nice with the green Prada dress you bought me last know what this means don't you have to take me out to show it off."

"Its funny you should say that...there is a party at the Waldorf Astoria a client of mine has invited us you have a place to show it off."


" Saturday"

"But we have tickets to see Rent"

"Yeah... sweetheart...about that...I gave the tickets away to a friend of mine after I found out about the party...but I'll make it up to you...I promise."

"But you're leaving the following Sunday, for two months in Japan."

"Damn, you're right...but this is important Buffy...I have to be there for my client."

"And what about me...I'm not important anymore...I use to be at the top of your list."

"You are important to me...I'm doing this for us"

"For us...what are-"

"Hold on a minute honey...I have to take this."

Riley stopped Buffy in mid sentence, to answer his cell phone. It was Saturday night and he was still working. Buffy slid away from his side and stared out the window, watching the traffic of yellow cabs pass by. All the while, thinking which one was Spike driving.

Instead of heading straight home for some much needed quality time, they stopped by Riley's office to pick up some files. They ordered take out from the cab, picking it up on the way to Riley's home. With boredom keeping her company, Buffy had eaten her food in front of the TV. Riley stayed in his home office typing away on his laptop, hardly touching his food. Hours had passed and Buffy had fallen asleep on the couch. Riley picked her up, carrying her to bed. Buffy wanted to continue sleeping, but he wanted to fuck. He helped himself to her body while she lay there, waiting for it to be over.

Nothing was going to steal Spike's joy, even when his boss chewed him out about the low fare intake. The next two days he was going to pull a double shift to make up for all the money he lost Friday night. He didn't have to, but he enjoyed driving his cab. Constantly, he'd thought about the blonde beauty, wondering what she was doing. It was too bad her boyfriend had come back. Spike was tempted to drive by her home, hoping to get a glimpse of her coming out her building. He even considered going to her job but all he knew was building he picked her up in front of. She was to be a hard one to forget he thought, closing his eyes and making a wish. He wished he could see her again.

The following week had flown by and Buffy stared at herself in her mirror only half dressed. She dreaded going to another boring party. Feeling a headache coming on, she entertained the thought of calling Riley to cancel. However, dealing with the aftermath wasn't worth it she thought. She swallowed two aspirin and lay across her bed. Knowing Riley was on his way, she tried to will herself to finish getting dressed. It was useless. She had others things on her mind or rather someone. One week had passed and she still couldn't get Spike out of her mind. She wondered what he was doing and if he was thinking about her too. She looked at the clock, realizing Riley would be arriving at exactly 8:30PM. The strapless green Prada dress hugged her in all the right places. The dress had a split up the side, tastefully displaying her tanned toned right leg and the matching Prada shoes really made the dress come alive. Rather then wearing the necklace Riley purchased for her, she opted for a simple understated choker. She waited on the couch, staring back and forth at the clock. Five, four, three, two, one and Buffy walked over to the door, staring at Riley in his black Gucci tux. She had to admit he did look handsome. She smiled, realizing it was the only genuine one she was going to be giving all night.

"I'm ready to go."

"Wait a minute...aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh right...I need a purse"

Buffy placed the necessities into her silver beaded clutch purse and walked toward the door.

"No silly...the necklace said you would wear it"

"I did but honey this looks so much better", Buffy said, running her fingers across the choker.

"Please...wear it for me."

Buffy looked at Riley giving her a cheesy version of puppy dog eyes to get his way. Rather than smack the look off his face, she decided to wear the necklace.

"I need you to help me put it on."

"No problem" Riley said, smiling like he just won the lottery.

They walked into the party arm and arm. Immediately, Riley was pulled away by a few of his colleagues and Buffy was up to her neck in over perfumed blondes and brunettes telling her how wonderful she looked. Like many of the other parties she attended, this one was no different. It was truly a vulgar display of wealth and power, filled with very rich business types, their bitchy wives and insecure mistresses. Buffy had to be nice to them all, for fear if she was rude to anyone, it could hurt Riley. She watched Riley suck up to every balding man in the room and flirt with their wives with bad plastic surgery. Not once did he check on her to see if she was all right. Only one hour had passed but it felt more like ten. She wanted to leave. She was suffocating. Finally, locating Riley in the sea of people, she stood at his side for several minutes before he even acknowledged her. Buffy tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hi...remember me."

"Honey...I'm so sorry I got caught up talking about-"

Buffy had stopped Riley from speaking.

"No...let me", she said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny."

"Riley I want to leave...I'm not feeling well."

"What's the matter...miss your man?"

Listening to Riley's last three words made her think. She was missing a man, but it wasn't him.

"Come on honey...stick it out just a little while longer...we've only been here for an hour."

"How much longer are you talking about?"

"At least another two or three hours."

"What!" Buffy shouted, drawing unwanted attention.

"Please do not embarrass me in front of my clients and may I add potential clients...God...if I knew you were going to be such a pain in the ass...I would've come by myself."

"Oh really...well I didn't want to come to your stupid party may not have come by yourself but you will be leaving by yourself...I'll find my own way home...jackass."

Buffy stormed out of the party, pushing at anyone that got in her way. Riley smiled at the people looking at him, making up an excuse for his date's behavior. He continued to make his rounds, handing out his business cards and kissing as much ass needed.
Buffy descended the long staircase leading to the lobby, huffing like she had just run a marathon. She asked the clerk at the front desk for a telephone book. She closed her eyes trying to remember the name of the cab company Spike worked for. The only word she remembered was speedy. She checked the yellow pages under cab companies finding the only one listing, Speedy Cab Company. Hearing a man on the other end of the phone, sounding like Danny Dvito, she asked him if Spike Williams was on duty.

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