Chapter Six

Meanwhile in the lobby, Willow and Kennedy come through the doors.

“ Kennedy, wait here.” She kisses her, then goes to the front desk where Fred is.

“ Hi, Fred. Where’s Buffy?”

“ She is in room twenty-two…” Willow quickly heads to the stairs. “ But I wouldn’t go up there right now.” Willow ignores Fred and continues to the room. When she gets there she knocks lightly on the door. No answer. She knocks again. Still no answer. Willow slowly opens the door, the sight she sees shocks her and she freezes in place.

“ Oh god, Spike!” When Willow hears Buffy speak she is brought back to reality.

“ Umm. Buffy?” Willow turns her back after she speaks.

“ Oh, Fuck!”

“ Willow!” Buffy and Spike quickly cover themselves with the sheets.

“ Hi, Red.”

“ Will, what are you doing here?”

“ I was about to ask the both of you the same question. Especially Spike.” Buffy blushes a little more than Spike does.

“ Well, can we have a few minutes to get dress, Red? If you came earlier I wouldn’t mind, but I do now.”

“ Sure Kennedy and I will be in the lobby waiting.”

“ Okay, Will. We’ll see you in five and we’ll explain everything.” Willow turns, closes the door and heads back downstairs. Spike looks at Buffy.

“ I guess I can leave Friday now. I knew we should have locked the door.” Buffy blushes even more as she gathers her clothes. Spike stands up and puts his jeans on while watching Buffy dress as fast as she can. When she is fully dress, Spike tosses on his shirt and takes Buffy into his arms. “ Buffy, what is it?”

“ Nothing, Spike. Its just I didn’t want her to find out that way.” Spike kisses her forehead.

“ It’ll be alright, luv.” He grabs her hand and holds it lovingly and leads her to the door. They walk down to the lobby where they can see Willow and Kennedy talking. They walk over to the women and sit down opposite them.

“ Well, Will, were should we start?”

“ Why don’t we start with Spike? How the hell can you be alive?”

“ Well, Red, that you should really ask the Powers. I can tell you that I am human. I came back the night after Sunnydale was destroyed and that I am in love with Buffy.”

“ What do you mean you are human, Spike? How are you human?”

“ Well the Powers rewarded me for sacrificing my soul to save the world by making me human. I am just glad they gave me a second chance to be with Buffy.” He looks at Buffy while entwining his fingers with hers. Willow is still a little confused.

“ So, next thing. Buffy, how long have you known that Spike came back?”

“ Willow, I have known since Monday night, when I came here to talk to Angel. He took me to Spike because he saw how much I love Spike and couldn’t let me believe that he was still dead.”

“ I think that pretty much explains it.”

“ Hey, who gave you the ring, Buffy? Its beautiful.” Buffy looks at her hand then back at Willow and Kennedy.

“ Well, Spike bought it for me. Will, I am sorry you had to find out this way. It was supposed to be a surprise. Spike was going to come to Cleveland next week.” She looks at Spike.

“ Buffy, don’t worry. We still have the other one.”

“ We might as well tell them since they are here, Spike.”

“ Okay, you tell them then.” Buffy looks deep into Spike's icy blue eyes, then she turns to Kennedy and Willow. Buffy takes a deep breath and squeezes Spike's hand for reassurance.

“ Willow, Kennedy, Spike and I are engaged.” She looks at Willow seeing shock on her face. “ Willow, please say something.”

“ First, congratulations. Second, when did this happen?”

“ Today, Willow. We just got back from the jewelry store twenty minutes before you…uh… before you found us. We were out getting the ring because Spike didn’t plan this.” She holds out her left hand to Kennedy and Willow. “ It’s the most beautiful one they had. The diamond and pearl ones were also beautiful, but to cliché for me. Plus it is discreet so you can't really tell it is an engagement ring unless you look very closely. I'm just not sure when I am going to tell the others. Everyone here only knows that Spike is alive. They don’t even know we are engaged. So, Will, why are you here?”

“ Well, I'm here because of your phone call, Buffy. I wanted to meet Ally, so that I can see what’s what. Plus I wanted to see if anything happened concerning the other matter.”

“ Well, nothing has happened yet. But it is only the second day, so we have to keep an eye on it, Will. So are you going to stay til Friday like I am?”

“ I believe so, Buffy. That way I can see it for myself. Will Angel let us?”

“ I'm sure he will, Red. Hey, he let me stay and he hates my guts. There shouldn’t be any problems.”

“ Why, thanks, Spike. So are you happy to be human?”

“ Actually, I am and I'm not.” He looks at Buffy. “ I am because now I get to grow old with Buffy, instead of watching her. Plus now I can experience stuff I couldn’t as a vampire. I'm not because I've been a vamp for over a hundred years. I have to remember how to understand the signals my body gives me. But I am more happy to be human.” He looks back at Willow. “ So, are you happy that I am alive and human?” he asked sarcastically.

“ Well, actually yeah. Now it won't be boring at home because now Xander can pick on you again.”

“ Well, he can try. But I don’t think anything could put me down since I have Buffy.” Spike wraps his arm around Buffy's shoulders. Buffy leans slightly against him.

“ Plus I'm sure he wouldn’t since I am engaged to Buffy. But I hope he will be okay with me. Especially since this happened so fast and he doesn’t except me.”

“ Hunny, that’s not true. He accepts you. Its just he didn’t like you for so long that some of those feelings are still there.”

“ But, Buffy, the only reason he does is you. You convinced him and it took me getting a soul for him not to accuse me all the time. I just hope he doesn’t freak out.”

“ He won't, baby. Angel will probably freak out more. And it shouldn’t even matter if Xander freaks out or not. This is our decision not his.”

“ It doesn’t matter. You and Dawn are my life now…” he looks at Buffy. Spike falls into a trance, memorized by the affection that shines though her eyes. “ There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you two.” He turns toward Willow and Kennedy. “ You all are my family. Even Harris is.” They giggle while Spike smiles.

“ So, guys, what do you want to do? We can go rent some movies and send Spike to pick up snacks. What do you say? We can even ask Cordy and Angel to join us.”

“ Sure, Buffy. Just let Kennedy and I get settle into a room.”

“ Sure, Willow. Fred will help you. Spike and I will find Angel and Cordy and ask them.” Buffy waits till Kennedy and Willow are talking to Fred before they walk hand in hand to find Angel. They are surprise to find him in his office.

“ Hey, guys. What’s up?” they walk in to the office and close the door.

“ Hi, Angel. Spike and I have two things to tell you. First is Willow and Kennedy are here and want to know if you and Cordy want to rent movies with us. Second is that Spike and I are engaged.”

“ Well, congratulations guys. You two should be very happy together. I would love to rent, movies with you guys, but I am not sure about Cordy. Why are Willow and Kennedy here?”

“ Well, I called her early because I had a strange feeling about Ally. She did a spell but nothing happened. She said she wanted to meet Ally in person before I return to Cleveland.”

“ Okay, Buffy, but why do you guys want me and Cordy to watch movies with you?”

“ We want to have a small reunion. Willow wants to see how you guys are doing and everything.”

“ Okay, if Cordy wants to I’ll go. She is in her room right now.”

“ Okay, I’ll go ask her, Angel. Spike go check on Willow and Kennedy. Tell them to be ready to go to the store in ten minutes.”

“ Okay, Buffy.” Spike takes her into his arms and kisses her. He leaves and heads to talk to Fred to get the room number. Buffy turns to Angel.

“ Is the a certain movie you want to see, Angel?”

“ No, not really. But make sure you ask Cordelia. She is in room sixteen.”

“ Thanks, Angel. I’ll be back with her answer soon.” Buffy turns and leaves. She goes up the stairs and straight to Cordy’s room. She knocks on the door and Cordy opens the door quickly.

“ Oh, hi, Buffy. Come on in.”

“ Thanks, Cordy. Willow and Kennedy are here. Them, Spike and I want to know if you want to watch movies with us. I've already asked Angel and he said he would if you would. It is just a little reunion between the six of us.”

“ Sure, I’ll come. Hey can you rent ‘ Simply Irresistible’? Its my favorite.”

“ Sure Cordy. I’ll get you when we get back.” Buffy gets up and returns to the lobby. Spike, Kennedy and Willow are waiting for her. She walks over to Spike and takes his hand in hers. She kisses his cheek.

“ Buffy, Angel let us borrow his car. So, I will drop you guys at the video store, then go and get the snacks.”

“ Sure, Spike. Just let me tell Angel, Cordy said yes.”

“ Sure, Buffy. We will wait outside.” Spike, Willow, and Kennedy go outside to Angel’s convertible, while Buffy goes back to Angel’s office.

“ Angel, Cordy said yes. You guys can wait til we get back or in the lounge.”

“ Okay, Buffy. We’ll see you when you get back.” Buffy leaves and joins the others. Buffy sits in the front next to Spike. Willow and Kennedy sit in the back. Spike drops the girls off at the video store, then drives off to pick up the snacks. The girls enter the store and go to the comedy section.

“ Buffy, we should get ‘Bring It On’ for the guys and because those cheerleading outfits are hot.”

“ Sure, Will. Kennedy, can you go to the romance section and get ‘Simply Irresistible’?”

“ Yeah, Buffy.” Kennedy goes to get the movie.

“ Willow?”

“ Yeah, Buffy?”

“ I’m glad you’re here. It feels good to tell some one about Spike and I. I just wish you didn’t find out that way.” They walk to the horror section.

“ I know, Buffy. I wish I didn’t find out that way either, but look at it this way, we both know I won't try to steel your boyfriend from you.” Willow smiles at her. Buffy smiles and blushes.

“ Thanks, Will. I needed that.”

“ I know. Hey lets get ‘Valentine’. I’ve been dying to see that.”

“ Yeah, sure. Lets get ‘House on Haunted Hill’ too.” Kennedy comes back with two movies.

“ Hey, I hope you guys don’t mind, but I picked up ‘American Pie’.”

“ Not a problem, Kenne.”

“ Hey, Buffy. I like that. What about u Kenne?”

“ Yeah. Lets pick up one more movie.” Just then Spike comes in, stands behind Buffy, and wraps his arms around her waist.

“ You guys ready yet?”

“ Not yet, sweetie. Just need one more movie.” They all walk over to the action section.

“ Here, lets get ‘Batman Forever’, hunny.”

“ Sure, Spike.” She takes the movie from him and walks up to the counter. After the get the movies, they all walk to the car. Spike moves the pizzas and snacks out of the way and lets the girls get in. he places the food on the right side of Buffy, the climbs behind the wheel. Buffy leans against him as Willow and Kennedy cuddle in the back. When they get back to the hotel it is six. Buffy helps Spike carry the snacks into the lounge.

Spike, Willow, and Kennedy set everything up while Buffy gets Angel and Cordelia. When they get back to the lounge everything is setup and ready for the movie fest to begin. Willow and Kennedy is in an armchair. Spike sits on the couch and is joined by Buffy, Angel, and Cordy. “ Lets watch ‘Simply Irresistible’ first.” Angel goes and puts it in the DVD player. Angel sits back down next to Cordy. Buffy snuggles against Spike.

Since it is dark Angel thinks Willow and Kennedy won't see him put his arm around Cordy. Everyone grabs a piece of pizza as the movie starts. Spike set out three bowls of popcorn, so each couple gets their own. When Buffy is done with her pizza she grabs a bowl and lies against Spike's side with his arm around her. She is positioned just right that Spike can whisper in her ear if he wants to. By the end of the first movie, Cordy is leaning against Angel. No one shows any interest in them.

“ So, what’s next? ‘House on Haunted Hill’?”

“ Sure, Spike you can out it in this time.” Angel smirks at him. Spike lifts Buffy off his side and grabs the DVD. He pops it in, then returns to the couch. Buffy leans against his side again. When the glass shatters, Cordy jumps and cuddles with Angel. Buffy turns to them and smiles. At the end of this movie everyone is thirsty. Buffy, Willow, and Cordy offer to get drinks from the kitchen. When they are alone in the kitchen, Willow confronts Cordelia.

“ Cordy, do you love Angel?” Cordy looks shocked at Willows question. She swallows hard.

“ Yes, Willow. How did you find out?”

“ It was kind of obvious when you started to cuddle with Angel. I just wanted to let you know that Kennedy and I are happy for you two. I just want you to also know that if you two ‘risk it”, that you can call me immediately if you need my help.”

“ Thanks, Willow. So tell me. What’s the deal with you and Kennedy? I mean how’d you meet and stuff like that.”

“ Well, Kennedy was a potential that came with Giles. She was one of the first ones to come to Sunnydale. I didn’t know at first that she liked me. After a couple of weeks I figured out that I liked her too. Now she is a Slayer and we are together.” Cordy smiles at Willow.

“ That’s so sweet.” Willow smiles back.

“ Thanks, Cordy. Remember to follow your heart. We are here for you.”

“ Thanks, Willow.” Cordy turns to Buffy. “ So, Buffy, who bought you that beautiful ring?” Buffy bites her lip.

“ Spike, did, Cordy. We are engaged. We just bought the ring today. Spike was so sweet about it too.”

“ Well, congrats, Buffy. Ok, I think we are ready to go watch more movies.” They head back to the lounge. Buffy and Cordy sit back down on the couch with their lovers. Willow sits with Kennedy. Before Cordy gives Angel his drink, she kisses him passionately. Spike kisses Buffy, takes his drink, and presses play on the remote. Buffy lies against him as they begin to watch ‘Batman Forever’. Spike sings along with the movie in Buffy’s ear.

“ But did you know that when it snows my eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen.
Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey.
Ooh, The more I get of you, Stranger it feels, yeah.” Upon hearing Spike, Buffy relaxes and thought of her and Spike race through her mind. She realizes that she is actually getting married and she couldn’t be happier. Buffy moves to sit in his lap and lies against his chest. Spoke wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead. He wonders how he would have lived if he never met Buffy. He can't see himself happy without her. Spike tips his head down and whispers into her ear. “ I love you, Buffy.” She faces him and kisses him.

“ I love you, Spike.” They kiss again, and then Spike turns so that Buffy can lie on him. She lays her head in his lap. He runs his fingers through her hair. Willow lies in Kennedy’s lap and Cordy lies against Angel. The three couples relax and finish the movie. When it is over, Buffy and Spike stand up. “ We are going to bed, guys. We’ll see you in the morning.” Angel stands up as well.

“ Maybe we all should go to bee=d. we can watch the other three movies tomorrow.” The other three women stand up.

“ Sure, Angel. Lets get a good night’s sleep, and then the six of us can talk in the morning. Good night, guys.”

“ Good night, Buffy. Spike.” The couple leaves and goes to their room. Willow and Kennedy say good night to Angel and Cordy and leave them in the lounge alone. Angel turns to Cordelia.

“ Why did you kiss me?” Cordy rolled her eyes.

“ What, I can't kiss the man I love?”

“ You can. Its just… I thought you wanted to keep it a secret. Willow and…”

“ Willow and Kennedy already knew. Willow confronted me in the kitchen. She said it was obvious by the way we were sitting.”

“ Oh! Well, are we going to tell the others or wait?”

“ Wait, Angel. Lets see how far this relationship can go before we announce it. Okay?”

“ Okay, Cordy. Lets got to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“ Wait a minute. You will not see me in the morning.” Angel looks disappointed. “ You will wake up with me in the morning.” He brightens up. He kisses Cordy, then they go up to Cordy’s room.

Meanwhile in Spike's room, Spike sits against the wall on the bed, with Buffy lying down with her head in his lap.

“ Baby? Will you sing to me again?” Spike looks down in to her green eyes.

“ Sure, luv. Anything for you baby.” Spike kisses her.

“ Thank you, William.” Spike smiles at Buffy for using his real name. Buffy smiles back at him, knowing that he will sing for her. Spike knows there is no way out of singing for her and doesn’t care. He could sing to her forever, just to be near her.

“ Look into my eyes You will see What you mean to me. Search your heart, Search you soul And when you find me there You search no more.
Don’t tell me it’s not worth trying for. You can't tell me it’s not worth dying for. You know it’s true Everything I do, I do it for you.
Look into your heart You will find There’s nothing there to hide. Take me as I am. Take my life. I would give it up, I would sacrifice.
Don’t tell me it’s not worth fighting for. I can't help it, there’s nothing I want more. You know it’s true Everything I do, I do it for you.” Buffy ferociously presses her lips to Spike's. When they release each other for air, she looses herself in his ice blue orbs.

“ Thank you, Spike. That was beautiful.”

“ Just like you, baby.” Spike places his hand under her chin, lifts her head and kisses her. He releases her lips and brushes her cheek. “ You’re always beautiful. I love everything about you, from your green eyes to your cute, little toes. I love you, Buffy.”

“ I love you too.” She kisses him, then lies back down. Spike plays with her hair. Buffy feels relaxed and safe with Spike. “Spike?”

“ Yeah?”

“ When we get to Cleveland, can we tell Giles first and alone?”

“ Sure, hunny. Why?”

“ Well, he is more of a father me and I want to ask him if he will be the one to walk me down the aisle.” She looks up at Spike and entwines one of her hands with his.

“ Sure, Buffy. You can have anything you want.”

“ Thank you, Spike. I know it might be strange that I want Giles to walk me down the aisle instead of my father.”

“ No, it doesn’t, pet. Giles has been there for you for seven years. I would insist that he is the one to walk you down the aisle to me. We can invite your father, but I want Giles to walk you to our future. We can even make Xander the best man.”

“ Thank you, sweetie. Lets wait til we get home before we start planning. Okay?”

“ Okay. Lets go to sleep so that we are rested for tomorrow.”

“ Yeah, baby.” They both turn and lie down on the pillows. They lie on their sides, with Spike's arms around her waist. Spike rests his chin on her shoulder.

“ Buffy, what about Nibblet?”

“ What about Dawn?”

“ We can't tell her last. She is already going to be upset because she wasn’t the first to be told.”

“ You're right, Spike. Why don’t we call her tomorrow? That way she won't be that mad at us.”

“ I agree with that. We’ll call her tomorrow and have a nice long chat with her.”

“ And we’ll call her cell, just to be sure that no one over hears us over there.”

“ Okay, Buffy. Now lets go to sleep. I want to take you, Willow, Kennedy, and Cordelia shopping tomorrow.”

“ Oh, really?! When did you become someone who wants to go shopping?"

“ Well, we are engaged now. So I know you are going to want to take me shopping, so I decided I might as well take all of you, so that we can get it done sooner and now you have the others to ambush me into buying the clothes you want me to wear. Plus it will be something we did as a couple and with our friends. I can also see you try on some clothes that I picked out.”

“ Oh, you think so?”

“ Yeah I do.” Spike starts to nibble on her neck making Buffy giggle.

“ Okay, okay. I guess you can be rewarded with that.” She turns and kisses him. He reciprocates, then lets Buffy turn back and squeezes her closer to his body. Within five minutes, they both are in a peaceful sleep, in each other’s arms.

A/N Songs are Kiss From A Rose by Seal and Everything I Do by Bryan Adams

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