Hey just wated to asy thanks for the reviews everyone, we've been getting reviews from this website and a few others about Elizabeth. I know Here name wasn't Elizabeth in the Show, but face it the name Buffy does come from the name Elizabeth just like how you can anme someone Beth without there name being Elizabeth. It's AU ppl, ok if we really wanted to get technical Spike never really had a last name but you see it in AU stories alot. In AU stories when the name Buffy doesn't want to be used would you reather us use something close like Elizabeth or something like Missy or Rachel names not even close to Bufy.
Its AY we have to deal with what we got. Trust us we know Elizabeth wasn't her anem. We've gotten like 10 reviews about the elizabeth thing. But come on at least 50% or AU stories use "Elizabeth" because its convinet.
And if we want to take about pet peeves... one thing that pisses me off is when popl speel drusilla's name Drucilla or Druscilla or Drucsilla, That for some odd reason gets my blood boiling but i don't bombard the author saying its wrong. Even in the scripts it was spelled Drusilla, in the name book its Drusilla.
But again you don't see me leaving revieews about it. Do you want everyone to call Spike Spike Blank? I mean it's AU we have to use what we have to make the story enjoyable.

This isn't pointed to anyone its pointed to the 2/3 reviews here and the others at other sites.

Sry if this bugs any of you

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