Ch. 12: Doors Opening

"So you totally broke things off with Angel?" Willow squealed into the phone, trying to hold the phone and eat ice cream.

"Yup. And it felt really good." Buffy licked the remains of Chunky Monkey off her spoon. The girls had decided to do late-night long-distance girl-bonding, just to keep up traditions. It wasn't their fault that Willow's mom was being unreasonable; the girls had to be resilient, and so they were doing their best to maintain sanity.

"That's really good. I didn't say it at the time, but I didn't really like him. He just seemed a little slimy. I mean, not slimy in that he went for you, but slimy in trying to get you to skip school and just make out in a car and stuff. Not that you're not worth making out in a car with, but just kinda slimy. You know?" Willow finished lamely.

"Yeah, I know. I guess I kinda knew he was from the beginning. And that's probably why I didn't really say anything to you about him, because I didn't want you to tell me that. But it was nice, having someone pay attention to me," Buffy said wistfully. "But now I can say I sort of had a boyfriend and I sort of dumped him! That's something, right? I can join the 'I've dumped a guy. Ask me how' club. Do they give out buttons or bumper stickers? 'Cause that'd be cool."

Willow giggled. "I'm glad you're back to Buffy goodness. I was gonna get a little worried if things with Angel got serious."

"Ah, Angel, my first love. Whatever. My first kiss, my first a couple other things, but not quite my first love," Buffy said flippantly. "Like I don't already have a first love," Buffy muttered under her breath.

Willow stayed silent, not commenting on Buffy's last sentence, assuming she hadn't wanted anyone to hear it. Willow sucked thoughtfully on her spoon and then asked, "So what are you doing tomorrow night? Do you have to meet with Spike to work on the project?"

"No, not tomorrow. He has a gig, remember? Are you going to go?" Buffy asked, not quite ready to say that Spike had personally asked her to go. It seemed too little to the outside world and so major to her inside world; she wasn't willing to share that fragile piece of information.

"On a school night? Not sure if crazy Mom Rosenberg will let me out. Maybe if we say we're studying, and the Dingoes just happen to be supplying live background music?" Willow said hopefully.

"Sure thing. You can even say we're at my house. If she calls, my mom'll just tell her we took a quick break at the Espresso Pump or something."

"Your mom is so cool. You are so lucky," Willow said, her voice tinged with envy.

"Yeah, well, you have a cool boyfriend. So there," Buffy retorted.

"Yeah, I do." Willow giggled. "Ugh, I think I'm going to have to stop eating." Willow groaned into the phone.

"Yeah, me, too." This being her second ice cream binge of the day, she was starting to feel a little sick. She had a niggling feeling, that she should share her little ice cream moment with Spike, but she wasn't ready to share that yet either. "Okay, I guess we'll call it a night, then? And tomorrow I promise to be at school on time."

"Okay, I'm holding you to that promise. See you tomorrow morning?"

"Yup. Goodnight, Wills."



The next day passed uneventfully, aside from Xander's little nap during Physics--which was quickly ended when he woke himself up when he, well, cut something smelly. It was not one of his shining moments.

The afternoon passed eagerly, with Buffy and Willow both getting ready for the gig at the Bronze--each dressing for a particular man, though Willow was obviously more open about hers.

"I feel kinda naughty, lying to my parents and sneaking to a concert," Willow said excitedly.

"Um, if we were going more than 10 minutes from my house, and if we were seeing a band that you didn't see every week, it might be a little naughty. But I don't think this counts," Buffy teased as she threw on a mini skirt--the third outfit in eight minutes.

"Ruin my fun, why don't you. We don't all skip school to make out in--oomph!" Willow's taunts were cut off by a viciously thrown sweater. "Hey! God, are you changing again?"

"Look, I just want to look good, you know, now that I'm on the market again." Buffy turned to look in her closet again to hide her blush. She really did want to look good, hot even. She had no idea if Spike meant anything by the invitation, but she wanted him to stop and look this time. She'd never thought clothes made much of a difference till Angel had shown his interest. Now she wanted to use everything in her repertoire to gain Spike's attention, since her words tended to be less than effective and often counterproductive.

"Are you ready? I thought we could get there early, maybe eat a little and watch them set up," Willow said as she brushed her hair.

"Yes, I think I am finally ready." Buffy pulled on a pair of leather pants, a form-fitting tank with a cowl neck, and boots. Putting on her earrings and giving her hair a final fluff, she turned to Willow. "Do I look okay?"

Willow turned to her with a critical eye. "Yes. Are you thinking you might see Angel? Is that why you're going all out?"

Buffy latched on to Willow's excuse. "Yes. That--That's exactly what I'm doing. Gotta make him see what he no longer has, you know?"

"Well, you look awesome. Let's go get 'em."


Buffy was enjoying herself, letting the music spin over her. She and Willow were bouncing around to the music, not caring what they looked like or who they were bumping into in the process. She was laughing and grinning madly when she happened to glance at the edge of the dance floor. Her smile slowly faded when she saw Angel making out with Faith, her flexible body straddled and draped over Angel's, his hands roaming all over her voluptuous body. As the music ended, Buffy walked, dazed, over to their table and sat down.

"What, Buffy? A minute ago, you were all bouncy. And now..." Willow's voice trailed off as she followed her friend's gaze. "Oh. Gross. What a slut," Willow said contemptuously.

"Yeah, well. Guess I was just first in a line of high school girls for him." Buffy picked at a napkin.

"You want me to get you something? I'll get you something red and sparkly. It'll bring back that smile. That stupid boy isn't worth frowning over. You want me to kick him while I'm going over there?" Willow asked, putting her loyal-best-friend look on her face.

Buffy smiled slightly. "No big. I dumped him, remember? A drink would be great." She watched as her friend walked away, leaving her alone at the table. As much as she was enjoying herself with Willow, the night was not quite matching her expectations. Though Spike had personally invited her, he had yet to come and talk to her, aside from the casual banter with the entire group. He'd said hi, but it wasn't anything special, as hard as she tried to imagine something beyond. She glanced over at Angel and Faith again, going at it like they had their own private hotel room--make that motel room. Not that she even cared that Angel had moved on--it was more that he had dismissed her so easily. Of course, she had done the same to him, but she didn't really care much about how he felt. Letting a disgusted sigh slip from her lips, she glared at the couple again.

"Guess he likes the high school taste, though this one's a little lower class. Stupid wanker doesn’t realize what he lost." His voice was so close to her ear, tickling it with its purring low vibrations. Her breath quickened, his proximity warming her. She paused, savoring his voice, and then turned to answer him. But he was gone. A few moments later she heard that same voice reverberating through the Bronze, beginning the band's next set. Her skin flushed with excitement, and she leaned back into her chair, finally breathing again, a slight smile settling on her mouth.


"Great set, guys! Oz, you were awesome! Wasn't my boyfriend awesome?" Willow exclaimed, her face shining with pride. Oz brought her close and held her, saying much with his heavy gaze. Willow blushed and kissed him. "Are you ready to go yet?"

"Not yet. Gotta pack up the van." He continued to coil the cords and box up the mikes. "I can drive you home afterwards, but I was thinking we could maybe snack or something? Back at my house?" Oz quietly spoke with Willow, and they seemed completely caught up in each other.

Buffy glanced around, not wanting to be the third wheel, she said, "You know, I can just walk home."

"No, Buffy, we can drive you home. Really, you shouldn't walk home by yourself," Willow said quickly. She glanced at Oz, and he nodded. "It's really no big."

"No, Willow, take advantage of being out with an excuse. You wanted to be naughty. Be naughty," she teased, poking Willow in the side. "You know I've walked home a million times."

"Yeah, but it's a school night, and it's later than usual." Willow bit her lip, wanting to go off with Oz but not wanting to abandon her friend.

"I can take her home," Spike interjected. "I mean, I can walk her home. I don't have my car tonight, but I can easily walk from her place to mine. If that's okay with Buffy," he said, turning to her and looking at her fully, for the first time all night.

Buffy blushed and tried to speak nonchalantly. "Yeah, that's fine. I mean, if you don't mind walking home from my house."

Willow's eyes widened slightly, grinned, and then said, "Great. So then, we'll see you tomorrow? And if my mom calls, I'm in the bathroom?" She gave Buffy a quick hug and then whispered in her ear, "Call me later."

Buffy hugged her and whispered back, "You, too, you naughty girl."

The guys finished packing the van, and everyone walked off--Oz and Willow to the van, Devon to his car, and Buffy and Spike to the street.

The night was quiet and clear, stars shining and evening air cooling flushed skin. Buffy and Spike walked in silence for a bit, each incredibly aware of how they were not touching.

"So, you guys were good tonight. Couple new songs?" Buffy asked lightly, trying to make conversation to distract her.

"Well, they're not that new; we just hadn't played them yet. I have a few new songs in the works, but we haven't actually performed them yet." Spike glanced at the slim girl next to him. She was definitely hot tonight, her outfit clearly showing off her curves, but there was still a touch of girlish innocence in her face, her eyes, that sparkled and drew him in.

"That's so cool, that you write music, you know? I mean, I wish I could do that. Music, writing, stuff like that. Maybe that's why I think it's so cool, because I can't." Buffy bit her lip, trying to rein in her babbling. She could barely hear what she herself was saying above the loud pounding of her heart. Her palms were moist, and she wiggled and swung them, hoping the night air would dry them up.

"You know, if you want, I could play some of them for you, like a preview or something. I could use some feedback, have you tell me how it sounds." He ran his fingers through his hair and breathed in deeply, enjoying the crispness of the evening. The stars were brightly shining, and they made his insides fly with beauty.

"I'd love to. That'd be--yeah, I'd really like that." Buffy grinned at him and then went back to airing her palms. She looked up at the sky, enjoying the starry skies above. She'd always loved staring into the night, pretending she could fly through the skies and feel the wind pushing her higher and higher. "It's sort of painful, you know? The beauty. It's so overwhelming that it makes my heart feel a little weird, pained. I don't know if that makes sense at all, but that's just how it seems to me." Why she had said those things she couldn't say. Normally those thoughts were private, only written out in her journal, but the intoxicating air seemed to loosen her tongue and Spike curiously made her comfortable enough to say these things. She waited for his response, but he didn't say anything. Ashamed at sharing so much and scared that her strange thoughts had pushed him into silence, she reverted to shaking her hands again.

And then she felt Spike's hand furtively slip into her own, easily fitting into hers and warming her completely. She worked hard to keep walking, because all she wanted to do was fall into an astonished heap and giggle with giddiness. She kept her eyes on the ground and tried not to let her excitement at the simple gesture proclaim itself all over her face.

"Exactly, luv. Painfully beautiful," he murmured. Her thoughts fully echoed his own, and they began to swirl into the beginnings of a song. He couldn't say why he had decided to hold her hand, what had pushed him to finally make contact with her skin, but he had to. It was natural, necessary. And now that he had done it, he couldn't imagine it any other way, couldn't imagine that he could walk along the deserted street under the milky moon and not hold her hand.

She couldn't say anything, the tender caresses of his thumb rendering her completely speechless, in the best way. They continued in silence all the way to her house until the porch forced them to stop and speak.

Buffy turned to look at him, her hand falling from his. "Thank you for walking me home," she said quietly, glancing up at him, the coy effect of her glance further melting Spike's affection.

"No problem, pet. Knew we'd be good once we stopped fighting," Spike teased softly, gradually moving closer to her as he spoke. He'd watched her all night, dancing crazily and laughing freely, her body comfortably moving beneath his secret gaze; he hadn't planned the walk home, but he had known that the night would not end without his lips tasting hers.

Buffy's heart quickened again, if such a thing were possible. She glanced down again when she felt his hand touch his cheek. When his hand stilled, she hazarded a look at him and was caught by his piercing blue eyes. Like an intense storm, she found herself overwhelmed, exhilarated, and completely drenched. Her tongue unconsciously peeked out, as if to taste the rain, and then she felt him nearing, their breaths mingling, their bodies drawing closer.

His head bent down, and finally their lips joined, tentatively, gently, totally.

Buffy's mind whirled dizzily; his lips were soft and thrilling and perfect and spinning her into an eddy of pleasure and overpowering joy.

Spike's mind dove poetically; she tasted like the sweetness of summer after a shower, like honeysuckles on a sunny day, like fresh and cooling breezes at dusk with the sun falling into the horizon.

Both luxuriating in each other's touch, they finally broke for breath. Spike squeezed Buffy's hand and caressed it gently. They lingered for a while, and then finally he spoke.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then, Buffy." He smiled and then watched as she turned to open her door.

"Tomorrow." She licked her lips again and then smiled in return, watching him as he turned to walk home.

The door closed, but a different door opened, allowing a rush of emotions weave through the intricacies of each, moistening both with affectionate and hungry desire.

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