Dedicated to my friend Danielle. Thinking of when we hung out together inspired me ti write this story. Enjoy.
Buffy has been advoiding Spike for a few weeks. Ever since Riley came back Buffy has been feeling guilty about using Spike and having feelings for him. The look on Riley's face made her think that it was wrong to feel what Spike made her feel. Especially that last night with Spike, where she actually let him make love to her.

Spike was always there for her and now she was afraid that she was going to pushed him to far. She misses him, being able to talk to him and being held by him, but she won't admit it. Even to herself. Since she has told Spaike to stay away, Dawn has been sad because he won't come around to see her.

Willow has moved out and in with her parents to help with her rehab. Tara still lives at the dorm. Xander and Anya are busy preparing for the wedding that is fastly approaching. Giles is still in England. No one has heard if he is coming back for the weding.

Bufy wants to cheer Dawn up when she remembers that christmas is a few days away and they still haven't decorated. Buffy decides to go to Dawns room to talk to her.

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