Chapter 3

Buffy had been playing with Dawn for about 4 hours and had just put her down for a nap before she heard a knock on the door. When Buffy opened the door she found that she had a red haired someone flung herself into her arms sobbing. Buffy smiled and said “Missed you too Will.” Willow pulled back with tears in her eyes and said “It was so hard, watching William transform, not having you to talk to; it was so strange watching him go from quiet shy William to hard unspeaking William. He had so much trouble letting everything go.” Buffy tilted her head, still reeling with the information that here Spike was so nice, so human. She said “It’s going to be ok Will, Tell me about what has happened since I have been well comatized.”

Buffy smiled then Willow proceeded to tell her about life which was shockingly similar to her own dimension bar the lack of demons. Willow was still gay and with Tara, Faith was still a skanky hoe, Xander was with Anya and they married and expecting a child, Giles was married to Jenny but her mom was still dead. This world was so perfect apart from the marriage it was scary.

Buffy smiled when Willow finished and said “So you know I have sort of amnesia of some things right? (Willow nodded) So was I um happy with Spike um William?” Willow tilted head in confusion and said “You loved him so much that you knew when he was upset or happy. You guys have to be the only couple I know who were destined to be with each other.” Buffy nodded and looked down at her hands and said “Will you’re my best friend and I can tell you anything right?” Willow nodded and Buffy continued “What if I told you that I am not your Buffy?” Willow looked confused but said nothing “What if what I remember is something totally different to you. What if I could describe what your girlfriend looks like without meeting her or I know many details that I shouldn’t if I was your Buffy. What if I told you I was from another dimension?” Willow looked at her carefully and said “I would have to ask about this dimension, hypothetically of course.” Buffy nodded and said “What if in this dimension I am the slayer and I jumped through a portal in order to save the world because a hell god was trying to open all the dimensions and the only way to stop it was either kill my sister or use my blood and kill myself and then I wake up here where I am married to someone I once considered my mortal enemy.” Willow’s eyes were wide open and she said “How do you know about slayers?”

Buffy’s head shot up and she said “You know about slayers?” Willow looked sheepish and said “I’m kind of a watcher to her.” Buffy’s mouth fell open and she said “Oh my god that is so huge, wow, who is she? Faith? Kendra?” Willow looked even more shocked if it was possible and said “How did you know about them?” Buffy rolled her eyes and said “Another dimension remember.”

Willow looked thoughtful and said “I will have to research this, A Hell God you say, was it painful, what was her name, is there anything important you can tell me”. Buffy smiled, at least here Willow was almost still the same. She said “Yes, Glory and she ruled a dimension with three others and they kicked her out, it was really bad.” Willow nodded and said “It sounds familiar I will look it up and see if there is a way to send you back and get our Buffy back. Not that I don’t like having you here because I do. The watcher in me is fascinated with all things mystical not that your mystical and you’re laughing at me aren’t you?” Buffy bit her lip to hold the laugh in and said “Can’t help it you are just so like my Willow with the babbling.” Willow smiled and said “So where’s Dawnie?” Buffy looked upstairs and said “I tired her out and she fell fast asleep.” Willow smiled and said “I guess one good thing about you being here is her. She is a really great kid”.

Buffy smiled and said “Yeah I have been here 2 days and already I am in love with her. It is going to be hard.” Willow was looking at her carefully and said “And William?” Buffy blushed remembering that morning and said “It’s strange, in my world, he’s a vampire without a soul but he still helps us and he is in love with me and here he is much the same but I can read him. It’s like we are connected and every time he looks at me I can feel him. It is weird because in my world that was what it was like with Angel only here it is more intense with Spike.” Willow raised an eyebrow and said “Do you like him?” Buffy shrugged and said “I don’t really know, I mean I have only known him for a day and already these feelings are upon me and it feels wrong but at the same time it feels right. It scares me Will!”

Willow looked thoughtful at this and said “Maybe because you’re in Our Buffy’s body, you feel what she feels. She felt so deeply for William that you feel it too. It isn’t wrong to like your husband because here he is your husband, so don’t feel bad about acting on it.”

Buffy smiled and said “When did you get so wise?” Willow shrugged and said “What can I say being gay helps me gain perspective of a guys view.” Buffy laughed and said “Thanks Will, I think I am going to go wake Dawn before she sleeps the day away.”

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