Chapter 2

The dinner was long, unbearably boring. Harmony, now that William was seated next to her and had gotten a closer look, was a pink and white china doll. Her features were regular, her hair a lovely hue of pale blonde, her eyes a pretty shade of blue. And he found her immeasurably boring. Her voice grated, positively grated on his nerves.

As the dinner concluded, Wilkins escorted William and the other gentleman into the study for brandy and cigars. The conversation shifted now that the ladies were absent to talk of politics, local and national, and William chose to merely sip his drink and keep his own counsel as the discussion grew more impassioned about the brewing controversy over the new states entering the young country.

"Well, the North can’t push us too hard. If they adopt their resolution, we’ll adopt the resolution Senator Calhoun proposed and leave. Besides, what would the Northern factories do without our providing their raw materials? Why our sea-island cotton is the finest available. They would founder without our crops to feed their machines."

Richard turned to his future son-in-law. "What is the sentiment in England at this time, Montgomery?"

William deliberated for a moment, taking a sip of his drink before he answered. "I’ve been at sea for some time the past few years, you understand, so I’m not sure I have the pulse of the nation. But I know that England and France both value the fine Southern cotton produced on your fair plantations. Which is why I am here gentleman, to provide means for transporting those goods."

He held his breath as he waited for anyone to realized that he’d dodged the question. Most seemed pleased by the answer and the men began to break apart into smaller groups as local gossip and trade talk filtered around the room.
William turned at a hand clapped on his shoulder to face Parker Crawford, the heir to the Crawford family fortune, now one of the largest among the South Carolina elite. He tried to conceal, successfully he hoped, his look of distaste. Parker reminded him of the young lords and gentlemen he’d faced the ridicule of growing up. Good for nothing layabouts, sure the world was theirs merely by virtue of their birth. Holland Crawford had wheeled and dealed, building his plantation by fair means and foul. William had heard he was notorious for his cruelty to beasts and slaves. Parker appeared to be following in his father’s footsteps.

"Montgomery, we’re off to a friendly game of cards, care to join in?" William glanced at his watch. He was to meet Xander at ten, he had time for a hand or two. Besides, it was a bit too early to gracefully bow out, and if he didn’t find some other amusement he feared he would be dragged back to the parlor to hear the musical accomplishments of the ladies. He suppressed a shudder. Nothing more loathsome than hearing the less than tuneful warblings of ladies of quality. "Very well Crawford, lead the way."


Williaim threw down his cards. He’d won a few hands so far, lost a few, and appeared to be breaking even. He watched as Parker triumphantly laid down his cards to show his winning hand. Nodding his congratulations, he started to rise to find his host and take his leave, when Parker stopped him.

"William, surely you’re not leaving so soon? We’re just getting warmed up."

"I have an appointment with my business partner, so I’m afraid I’ll have to be on my way. But I enjoyed the game."

Parker jumped up.

"Montgomery, don’t be ridiculous. We’re raising the stakes, surely you have time for a few more hands."

"I really . . ."

Parker interrupted, "Now William, you don’t want us thinking the English are afraid of a challenge now do you?"

William stiffened. Better to walk away, but he really wanted to wipe the smirk off of that sneering face in front of him. He sat back down and retrieved his cards. "Very well, a few more gentlemen, to defend the honor of my countrymen. What are the stakes?"

"We’re playing for horses. That was a mighty fine piece of horseflesh you rode in on tonight."

"He is indeed. I purchased him only last week from a horse seller from somewhere up the river." William shrugged. He wasn’t eager to lose the new steed, but he could get another. He thought for a moment as he watched the cards being shuffled. "That was a good looking horse you rode tonight as well, the bay with the white star. He’d make a nice addition to my stables. I’ll wager mine against yours."

Parker gaped and backpedaled. "I can’t wager Gordian, he’s …"

William’s cool tones interrupted him. "I’m sorry Crawford, I was under the impression Southern men weren’t afraid of a challenge."

Parker’s eyes glittered as the cards were dealt. "Very well, Montgomery. I accept the wager."

The hand played out and William exited the room to meet Xander and collect his new horse, chuckling to himself. The look on Parker’s face had been priceless when he’d laid down the royal flush. Now, to see this Gordian.


Xander was sitting on the wide verandah as William rode up, holding the lead of the horse trotting beside him.

"Thought you were off to dinner. Where did you pick that up?"

William handed off the reins to the groom and mounted the steps. "Won a lucky hand of cards with that dreadful Parker Crawford. Good looking horse, eh?"

Xander nodded. "Did you cheat?"

William grinned. "Of course. He did too, I’m just better."

Xander snickered and turned his attention to the horse that was disappearing around the corner. "Looks like good lines. You still going with me tonight after seeing your blushing bride-to-be?"

"More than ever, mate. She is a bit of a twit. They seated her next to me tonight. Tried to make conversation, but aside from an occasional yes or no, I couldn’t get a thing from the girl until I mentioned we’d brought in some new fabrics in our last shipment. Bird nearly talked my ear off then about the new gown her mum had promised her for the winter." He shuddered. "So yes, Xan, let’s find some warm, willing, quiet women who’ll use their mouths for more pleasant purposes."


William looked around the room they were seated in. From the outside, the brothel could have passed for one of the many quiet, genteel row houses that populated the town. Very discreet, not gaudy in the manner of some of the cathouses he’d seen nearer the docks. It boded well for the evening’s entertainment, less likely to get some doxy with the pox in a place like this. But he was getting impatient.

"Xander, what are we waiting on again?"

Xander sighed. "Patience, Spike. Madam Anya has this policy of meeting all the clients on their first visit so she can select the right girl for them. Larry, he’s the one who told me about this place and gave me the reference, said she was an absolute genius at it. He said he’d never been disappointed."

Spike got up and paced to the window that looked out onto a side alley. He pulled aside the heavy draperies and stared out into the dark night. A sudden flash of movement caught his attention.

A small, dark figure was sneaking down the alley. In the shadows he could make out little, for the person was swathed from head to foot in a long dark cloak. They approached the door and William shifted so he could watch this peculiarity. A brief muffled knock and the door swung open, bathing the mysterious stranger in a pool of light. He caught his breath as the hood fell away to reveal one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

Her golden hair must have been pulled back in one of those odd knots women distorted their hair into, but time and the effect of the cloak had loosened it from its confines and entrancing tendrils caressed her face. Her wide hazel eyes were framed by long lashes and he could see them flash as she conversed with someone inside. Good, she had some spirit to her. He felt his interest stir for the first time in he couldn’t remember how long. This was the woman he wanted tonight. Forget Madam Anya’s pick, he was going to insist on her. He pressed closer to the window, hoping to hear some of the conversation.

"Anya, let me in, hurry,"

"Fine, fine, Buffy."

Buffy. That was who he would ask for. Odd name. He retreated to the sofa and reached for his drink, suddenly looking forward to the rest of the evening. "Excellent idea Xander, excellent idea."


Buffy threw another furtive look around her as she stepped inside the back hallway, scowling. This was the last time. Why Anya couldn’t just send the girls on up to her place, she’d never understand. Or maybe she did. Anya was sharp, she knew every trip down here, even to as well-kept an establishment as hers, made Buffy remember why she was willing to take the risk in helping these girls her peers would shun. Because she knew, she understood what they went through. Because she’d been there too. Only in a bigger house and with less chance of escape.

She sighed and followed Anya down the hall towards the kitchen where several of the girls were having tea and waiting for their next customer. She nodded to several she’d met on her previous visits and looked around the room for a new face.

"All right Anya, why am I sneaking down here in the middle of the night?"

"Buffy, she’s barely fourteen, a baby, and she’s got nowhere to go. Her mother died on the boat, they didn’t have any money to start with from what I can tell, and she has no references or education to speak of. Plus she’s frightened out of her mind."

Buffy massaged her temples. When did she become the one chosen to save the lost souls in this town? "How did she end up here, Anya?"

"I found her at Glory’s place this afternoon when I went by for a chat to check out the competition. You know Glory will take them as young as she can get, some men pay a high price for that sort of thing."

Anya bit her lip, slightly embarrassed she’d gotten herself involved in this rescue operation, then blurted out, "I couldn’t let her stay there, she just looked like a little lost lamb waiting to be led to the slaughter, with those great big innocent eyes. I knew you could find a good place for her, maybe train her for a bit and help her with references. But you have to take her away, tonight. She can’t stay here, Glory will be furious when she realizes I snuck her out and she’ll send one of her men up here to get her back."

Buffy sighed again. How did Anya always end up sucking her into these messes? There was no way she could let this little girl be taken back to Glory’s. Even refined ladies had heard of that place and the perverse things that went on there. "All right, let me see her."

Anya led her down the hallway to a small back room where the door was shut. "Her name is Dawn. Irish, I think."

"Had she already . . ." Buffy trailed off.

Anya shook her head. "No, I’m pretty sure she hadn’t. That’s why Glory will try to get her back, she’s very marketable."

Buffy eyed her critically. "If she’s so marketable, why aren’t you teaching her the trade instead of rescuing her, Anya?"

Anya paused as she prepared to open the door. "I’m not going soft here Buffy, but . . ." she looked at the doorknob as she finished her sentence, "I think you were right last week when you said everyone deserves a choice. What almost happened to her is what happened to me. No one asked me if it was what I wanted and I didn’t have many options afterwards. If she changes her mind, wants to come here, I’ll welcome her, but this little girl’s not ready to make that decision yet."

Buffy nodded, knowing how unlike Anya it was to show her emotions over something. "I understand. We’ll give her a choice. It’ll make things easier that she wasn’t violated. I’ll take her and train her. We can see if anyone around here might want a governess, though she’s a little young, or maybe see if Willow’s family can find her a place in Boston. She’d make a good fit there. We’ll find something."

The door opened and Buffy took in the sight of the girl huddled on the bed, tear tracks still marking her face. She was disheveled, her dark hair falling around her face as she looked up at the pair standing in the doorway.

"Dawn, this is Miss Elizabeth. She’s going to be taking you home with her tonight. You’ll be safe there, Glory won’t know where to look for you." Anya nodded at Buffy then turned to head back down the hallway. "I have to go, I have patrons waiting."

Buffy nodded and moved into the room. Dawn watched her with wide eyes as she carefully approached the bed. Buffy though she looked like a frightened colt ready to dart as soon as she drew near. She slowly put out her hand to the other girl. "My name is Elizabeth, but my friends call me Buffy, so that will be just fine. What would you like me to call you?"

Slowly the younger girl took her hand and rose from the bed. "Dawn. Dawn is my name."

"Good. Well, Dawn, I understand there’s a bit of a nasty lady who might show up looking for you here, so why don’t the two of us go? You can stay with me tonight where you’ll be safe, and tomorrow we’ll discuss what you may wish to do."

Dawn nodded and Buffy draped the extra cloak Anya had provided around her shoulders. They headed back into the hallway, moving towards the back exit. Buffy looked up as one of Anya’s girls, Faith, came out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs. "Come to rescue the little lamb, Buffy?"

Buffy nodded. "Are you coming for lessons this week Faith?" The brunette ducked her head and glanced around. "Yeah, I think I will. I was practicing you know, with some of Anya’s books."

"Good. Thursday then?"

"Okay, got to go, Anya’s giving me one of the new boys tonight."

Buffy colored slightly and herded Dawn down the hallway. Even though she now called some of these women friends, she still couldn’t get over her slight nervousness when the more earthy aspects of their profession came up. "Well, good luck with that, see you later."

She opened the door and guided Dawn out into the night.

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