Disclaimer: I own nothing, nada, niet, and only use Spike and Buffy for my sick little fantasies!

Feedback: Is Spike HOT? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE oh and did I say PUH-LEASE?

Oh did I mention anybody who wants this, IF anybody wants this for their site feel free to steal….I’m easy…er…going………..just let me know so I can check it out too! ;)

Chapter 31 Family

“Da….I didn’t expect you three till tomorrow!” Spike called happily as he left the front porch of Buffy’s home to greet his father and stepmother.

“Yes, well, we decided to come a bit earlier, Anya was excited to see how the other three homes are progressing and…”

“Check on her investments?” Spike grinned and winked at the petite woman standing next to Rupert Giles.

Moving into a hug with her stepson Anya laughed, “You know me so well Spike.”

Buffy hung back on the porch, not sure if she should interrupt the family gathering or not. *Ok so I really don’t want them to acknowledge my presence at all. * She thought as she worried the edge of her cotton tank top with nervous fingers.

“Spike? They actually letting you get away with that Blondie?” A husky voice just dripping with sex cut through Buffys internal monologue making her head snap up and eyes narrow as she watched a sultry brunette sashay her way over to Spike.
“Faithey!!!” Spike cried swooping his cousin up and twirling her around in his arms.

Buffy scowled for a moment at the walking sex on a stick currently clinging onto her boyfriend, * all dark eyes and dark gorgeous skin, and those have to be bought! No way are they real! Grrrrr.*

“Haven’t been Faithey for awhile cuz, but since you’re family I’ll let it slide this time.” The she demon winked lasciviously at her hottie older cousin. “You look like you’ve grown all up too!” She said as her velvet eyes lingered on his pecs, abs and finally the prominent bulge in his well-worn jeans. *Mmmm all over! Can’t wait to break me off a piece of that. *

Buffy watched the younger girl eyeball her own cousin like he was the canary the cat wanted to consume and made her decision.

“Anya? Rupert?” Buffy called plastering a bright sunny smile on her face as she stepped down from the porch all California sunshine and cheerful disposition.

“Buffy. How are you?” Anya asked as she gave the other woman a warm welcome.

As she made small talk with Spikes family Buffy could feel the dark haired girl sizing her up and could practically hear her bristle when Spike slid a shy arm around her shoulders. *That’s right honey! He’s all mine! * She couldn’t help thinking as she smiled warmly into Spike’s bright blue eyes.

“Uh..Da, An, I wanted you to be the first ones to know that Buffy and I are together.” Spike said proudly as he ran his hand over her tanned skin oblivious to Faiths seething jealousy.

“Yes, we know son.” His father said surprising the blondes, “ We didn’t want to say anything till you told us, but as long as you’re happy, both of you,” Rupert nodded to Buffy as well, “Then we’re happy for you.”

Anya nodded as well a large smile on her face, “Besides William it’s financially smart of you to date an older woman. Especially Buffy. She very rich, so She won’t steal your money, and she won’t just use you for it either!” she concluded as Buffy turned bright red with embarrassment.

“Thanks, I think.” Buffy said chagrined as Rupert and Spike both chuckled used to Anya’s blatant opinions.

“So how did you find out?” Spike asked as he took Buffys hand in one hand and grabbed up his step mothers bag in the other before moving towards the house everyone so swept up in the conversation no even noticed Faith bringing up the rear slowly.

As she walked down path behind the golden duo Faith grinned to herself thinking what fun it would be to take her cousin away from the blond Barbie bitch from next door. * All I gotta do is show him how much fun he’s missing being with an old woman like that. Maybe being kicked out of boarding school and sent to stay with my uptight relatives won’t be so bad after all. * Yep in Faiths opinion things were looking up already!


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