A/N: Believe it or not, this chapter was actually double of what it is now. *I am on fire!* Anywho, it was TOO long, so I had to cut it in half and into two chapters. Next chapter is already done and will be up tomorrow. By the by, Buffy appears in chapter 6.

“My what?” Connor looked at his father and smiling girl with disgust. “And when exactly were you planning on telling me I was a twin?”

“Connor, it’s more complicated than that.”

“What’s so damn complicated about it? Letting me go my whole life thinking my mother never wanted me? Isn’t that a little bit more complicated for me!?”

Knowing Connor was not going to handle the turn of events well, Spike wasn’t surprised when his son gave him a look that could easily kill and stormed out of the room.

At the slamming the his bedroom door, Dawn flinched. Seconds later, the sounds of The Ramones shook the walls of the hallway.

“Shouldn’t you, you know, go after him or something,” she looked at him questioningly with the same doe-eyes as her mother.

Spike gave her a soft smile at her concern. He ran a hand through her silky hair, “No, don’t worry ’bout it, he’ll be fine.”

Spike knew how his son handled stressful situations. He handle them like his father. Both he and his son both had the tendency to rant and rave, say things they didn’t necessarily mean, and then need to be alone to cool off. If they didn’t, they had the tendency to get violent. When Connor had calmed down and could talk rationally, Spike would go talk to him. Most times, Connor relaxed and came and found him first.

But right now he had a bigger issue to deal with. “Bet you have some questions that need answered, huh?”

Dawn nodded her head eagerly.

Spike sighed, attempting to prepare himself for the difficult onslaught of questions that would force him to rehash his past. “You eat yet?” he asked. When she shook her head in the negative, Spike led her out of the room and down the hallway in the direction of the kitchen. “We’ll get you something and I’ll answer all your questions the best I can, yeah?”

Thirty minutes later, father and daughter sat across from each other at the kitchen table. After getting her to eat a sandwich before launching into her interrogation, she was now onto dessert and ten minutes into their heart to heart.

“I thought it was because you didn’t care about me.” His daughter looked down at the ice cream in front of her, eyes forlorn. A look that broke Spike’s heart.

He reached for her hands, “No, Dawn, don’t ever think that. Believe me, your mum and I did what we did because we love you two so much.”

Dawn nodded, trying to understand. “How . . .” she tried to formulate her question. The one that had been plaguing her since the moment she found out she was a twin. “How did you decide,” she looked into her father’s eyes, “Which one of us went with who.”

Spike had predicted the question in his mind already. “If you think it was easy Dawn, you’re wrong. In the end your Mum and I figured it would be best if the girl went with the girl and boy with boy. Your Mum . . .”

“Why do you always call her that?” she interrupted. “Buffy,” she pleaded. “Her name is Buffy. Why is that so hard for you to say?”

“Dawn . . .”

“Who’s that?” a nasally women sneered from the doorway.

Spike stood, “Dawn, I’d like you to meet Harmony, my fiancée.”

Dawn’s eyes widened in disbelief, “You’re fiancée?” She’d never once, since she met her father, ever considered the possibility of him being with someone else.

“Harm, this is my daughter, Dawn.”

“Wait . . . there’s another one?” She leaned closer to Spike, lowering her voice, “You didn’t tell me you had two brats.” She studied Dawn, “So who’s the mother of this one?” She crossed her arms.

Dawn gasped, her jaw dropping.

Just then, Connor walked into the kitchen, slumping down into a chair. Dawn watched, fascinated, as Spike reached into the fridge for the ice cream container, silently scooping out some into a bowl. He walked over to the table, sliding the bowl and a spoon in front of Connor. She watched as her dad ruffled her brother’s hair. Connor accepted both the ice cream and his father’s affection. No mention of Connor’s earlier blowup was made. The two males understood each other so perfectly. They had come to a standing agreement without the need for words. The dynamic fascinated her.

“They look exactly alike,” Harmony notice. She turned her glare onto Spike, “What? Did you bang two sisters within a year?”

The glare Connor sent their soon-to-be stepmother, told Dawn all she needed to know to form her own opinion of the woman.

“Harm, they’re twins.” Spike replied, patience wavering.

“Oh,” she replied with a flip of her hair. “Okay, whatever. I’m going shopping. Credit card?” She stood in front of Spike, hand held out as if she was asking her daddy for an allowance.

Sighing in agitation, Spike reached into his back pocket, extracting a credit card and handing it over to her.

“Thanks Blondie Bear! I’ll be back later!” She kissed him and left, much to the relief of the kids at the table.

“Good Lord, Dawn is that you!?” an older, British voice echoed from the doorway.

“And the fun just keeps on coming,” Spike mumbled under his breath.


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