Author: Aislynn
Disclaimer: It’s not mine all of it belongs to Joss, and Mutant Enemy. I just fell in love with characters from the very first episode.

Summary: Buffy and Spike switch roles. Spike is the Slayer, and Buffy is the Vampire. Lindsey has made his appearance and will be shaking things up, and Buffy and Spike have another run in.
Rating: NC-17

End of Chapter 3

Buffy watched William over Lindsey’s shoulder his hair was wild and Spiked up and really made him look far more attractive than when he slicked it all back. He remained where he was watching them even as Lindsey slid her into the car. Buffy shifted herself so she could watch him as Lindsey got into the car and started the ignition.

“I am going to kill that boy.” Buffy smiled blowing the slayer a kiss just before they drove away.

William couldn’t help the smile that touched his lips at the vampire’s audacity, but it wasn’t the only reason he was smiling. He had held his own, almost taken her out, if it hadn’t been for the other vampire she would have been dust in the wind.

Chapter 4

Lindsey glanced over Buffy’s features as he lifted her out of the car and made his way into the place she was currently calling home. It was a dump, and beneath her really, why the two ended up in such dumps was beyond him. Several of her minions stood up, they were a loyal lot somehow she seemed to inspire that in those she either accepted into the fold or changed. Such a bundle of contradictions encased in such an appealing packaging.

“What happened?” A blond haired girl no more than 17 moved forward her hand reaching out toward Buffy’s unconscious body.

“Who are you?” One of the males asked his voice protective though he was still just a pup.

“Elizabeth, and I go way back she had a little run-in with the Slayer.” There was no reason to lie.

“Damn Slayer.” The blond growled her demon coming forth. Pretty but she would never be anything beyond a minion even if she managed to live 500 years; the potential just wasn’t there. For some it was just that way, and then there were the few like the girl he held in his arms, who had no idea what they could become.

“Show me to her room.” Lindsey ordered. They glanced at him for a moment, their demons recognized he was more than would ever be, and bowed down to his dominance.

“Which one?” The blond asked lowering her gaze.

“She has two?” Lindsey asked softly his gaze moving over the blonde’s features.

“One is Angel’s and hers, but sometimes she likes to be alone.”

“To her room.” Lindsey smiled already she was distancing herself from Angel. It was something he could use perhaps exploit, not with Elizabeth but with Angel. Angel was her weakness if needed he would use that to his advantage.

“Your name child.” Lindsey asked as she led him down a hall.

“Elise.” The blond smiled over her shoulder at him as she stopped opening a door.

“Thank you Elise, please bring your mistress something to eat, and make sure we are not disturbed by anyone.” Lindsey murmured. Laying Elizabeth on the bed he gazed down at her for a moment. She looked so innocent, her golden hair rippling across the mattress.

With ease he slide off her black leather trench coat. From the reports he had on her it had been from the second Slayer she had slaughtered. He always kept tabs on Elizabeth just so he would know where she was when he was ready to bring his family together.

Ripping open her blouse his gaze traveled over the lushness of her breasts spilling over the tops of her bra. As luscious as she was there were other matters to attend to and his gaze focused on the wound through her shoulder. It was a serious wound even for a vampire that damn boy had managed to pierce completely though to the other side.

Leaning down he ran his tongue along the jagged edge of the wound to stop the bleeding. He began to purr at the taste of her sweet blood for it tasted like nothing else, truly one of a kind. A smile touched his lips as he continued to treat the wound, finding pleasure in such a task was always nice. Once he slowed the bleeding as much as he could, he shifted himself so he covered her slight frame with his own.

So much power within such a small package, he ran his hand along her cheek tenderly it had been so long since they had been this close. The moment shattered as the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the silence. Lindsey raised his hand again cracking against her beautiful face once again.

After the third slap her eyes opened and they were glowing green pure demon looked at him through those eyes, reaching up Lindsey sliced open his neck just enough so a trickle of blood ran down his neck.

A soft growl escaped her lips at the scent of blood. Lindsey was not prepared as her hand moved so fast latching onto the back of his neck holding him in place as her fangs sank into his flesh. His blood was of her blood, and would help her heal faster. Closing his eyes he sunk into her embrace letting her drink from him. It was an intimate experience for one vampire to let another feed from him or her.

Lindsey could stop Elizabeth anytime he wished, he shifted slightly and she growled warningly her teeth sinking a little deeper. He shifted their positions rolling her on top; he wanted to enjoy the experience. As Elizabeth fed on him, he ran his hands down her back. It would end soon enough so he decided to enjoy the moment. Would be angry with him after, but he was willing to risk it.

Buffy became aware fighting past that uncontrollable part of her. Feed, hungry, hurt the thoughts were coursing through the primitive part of her mind. Awareness came crashing in as she realized that she was feeding, from not just anyone but her grandsire. His blood was coursing through her veins she could already feel the wound healing.

Lindsey’s hand was resting at her neck holding her against his throat. That wasn’t the most disturbing thing, for his breath was coming in harsh breaths, his body moving intimately against her own. Thank god she was still wearing her clothing or she would have torn out his throat rather than retract her fangs. Instinct made her run her tongue along the wound as she lifted herself up on her elbows.

Lindsey gazed up into beautiful green eyes she was truly beautiful.

“Since you saved me, I won’t kill you?” Buffy growled warningly but it was accompanied by the slight shaking of her body still recovering from an almost fatal blow, well truly fatal for a vampire.

Lindsey slowly ran his hands up her shivering back and over her arms. “Your as weak as a pup, my dear.” He murmured. “Hardly a time for threats, it would be prudent for you to be somewhat appreciative of my assistance.” Lindsey shifted their positions purposely shifting his body so he thrust up against her.

“I will never be that appreciative.” Buffy replied staring up at Lindsey. He smiled and slowly moved off her.

“I hope you don’t mind but my companions and I will have to stay with you for a few days, until we find a more suitable place.” Lindsey sighed not asking telling, he saw the flash in her eyes, but when she didn’t protest he took it as acceptance.

Buffy couldn’t believe that he had just invited himself and his little group to say, but she could hardly protest since she owed him a debt. And when it came to Lindsey it was best to pay off those debts quickly.

Lindsey moved to the door, for there was a meal waiting, and Buffy really did need to feed, as did he.

“Elise has brought you something to eat.” Lindsey tossed over his shoulder letting the vampiress in bringing in a struggling teenage boy.

“Mistress, for you.” Elise smiled bringing the ripe plum to her sire. The boys name escaped her she picked him up at a party.

Buffy smiled at Elise. “Thank you.” Buffy said as Elise forced the boy to his knees beside the bed giving her easy access to his neck. He was bound and gagged so he couldn’t put up much of a fuss. Far to tired to do anything else she moved forward to feed. The fear washed over him as she moved closer and when her teeth sunk into his flesh he whimpered and she knew that he was crying she could smell them.

Once she was done, Buffy moved back and Elise smiled picking up the boys limp body she left, efficient as always. That was Elise’s gift efficiency it was one of the reasons she was second to Dalton in Buffy’s affections.

Revello Drive

William slid through his window, without a noise. Sliding his weapon into his trunk he let a soft groan. Though he had been on a high after his encounter with Buffy, the reality of their fight kicked in. Though he was not as bad off as before, he was sore all over. God that girl packed a punch.

It was painful to remove his clothing, but once he slipped on his sweats and climbed into bed he let out a sigh of relief. Staring up at the ceiling a smile touched his lips, as he thought of the look on Buffy’s face, when that moment had come, the moment where you knew you lost. Even the thought of what she might do in retaliation couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

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