Author: Aislynn
Disclaimer: It’s not mine all of it belongs to Joss, and Mutant Enemy. I just fell in love with characters from the very first episode.

Summary: Since the show ended I have been watching Angel, and going through Buffy withdraws, I really miss it when Tuesday rolls around. I have read several variations on The Wish, and this story veers off from this episode, and Cordilla’s wish that Buffy never came to Sunnydale. Includes all characters from Angel, and Buffy. In the end, this will be a Spuffy pairing but it will take some time. I am creating a whole new vision, and this will probably become a long series. Let me know what you think.

Rating: NC-17

And So It Begins

Angel couldn’t look away as he watched the young beauty. Soon she would be the Slayer, the chosen one, destined to fight against the powers of darkness. There was something about her that captured him, and it wasn’t just her golden beauty. Just beneath the surface there was a glimmer of the woman she would become, the girl’s potential was limitless.

“So what do you think?” Whistler asked knowing the answer even before he posed the question. It was within Angel’s eyes the hunger to belong to something to be with someone, to love and beloved by someone. “Sunnydale or back to the sewers?”

“Sunnydale,” Angel answered softly without thinking his gaze never once wavering as the golden beauty rose leaving with a group of giggling girls. Only once she was out of sight did he turn back to see Whistler give him a crooked smile. “We had best be on our way then.”

Without a second thought Angel left everything behind without looking back, soon she would arrive in Sunnydale, and somehow he would help her survive. That evening for the first time in years he began to sketch as hope began to blossom in his heart. Once again he had a purpose, something to fight for a reason for being.

LA, California
Wolfram & Hart

Lindsey glanced up as Lilah Morgan, sauntered into his office, as always uninvited. To say they were competitive was to put it mildly. They were both on the firm’s fast track to the top, and were more than willing to stab the other in the back to get there. In fact, Lindsey wounds were still raw from her last underhanded tactic to gain favor with the senior partners.

“So did you hear about my promotion to junior partner.” Lilah smiled, hoping to see Lindsey squirm. Lindsey McDonald, and she were both recruited at the same time, yet so far Lindsey had risen up the corporate ladder faster, and his star seemed brighter.

Deciding she had nothing to loose Lilah started playing dirty. The senior partners took notice so the games began and they were pitted against one and other constantly.

For once she was on top, and it was her that the senior partners chose to promote. Lilah knew it was the lengths she was willing to go to satisfy their customers, and to see the senior partners wishes fulfilled. For once she managed to achieve something before, Lindsey had and it felt wonderful.

Lilah wasn’t stupid, far from it and she knew Lindsey was up to something; he had taken her last blow far to well. So far there were no signs of retaliation in the near future, which was so completely unlike him. They had a wicked relationship; the most twisted thing was she actually liked Lindsey he kept her sharp, and at the top of her game.

“I heard.” Lindsey smiled gathering his things and preparing to leave, not playing her game. It was what she wanted, and today he really didn’t have time to play. If the plan he already set in motion played out as expected in the next few hours, his position at the firm would be secure, and Lilah’s little promotion would be insignificant by comparison. “Congratulations by the way.” Lindsey smirked as he sailed out of his office to rendezvous with the special team he had deployed earlier that day.

They went in that night since the council’s representative would be arriving the next day so there was no time to loose. The team slipped in with out alerting anyone in the neighborhood, subduing the entire family within minutes, without waking a single one. Once the all-clear signal was given Lindsey, and a few non-tactical members of his team entered the Summers residence.

“I want exactly what we spoke about, implant the fights the disruptive behavior they are to think that she ran away, also include the desire to move away from here, somewhere quiet possibly near the beach.” Lindsey instructed the two warlocks as they walked down the hallway toward the various bedrooms. He glanced back at the witch who was following him. “You are with me.”

Lindsey could have killed them, they were a liability, but there was always the possibility that he might need them sometime in the future. It was in his nature to always have a contingency plan, and the senior partner’s agreed with him, and suggested the augmented memories. It was just one of things his firm was able to execute with the resources available to them.

Lindsey walked into Buffy Summers room, motioning for one of the members of his team to leave the room. Her back was to him so he walked around the room taking in the surroundings. It looked like any other self-involved teenager’s room. A pair of pom-poms lay discarded on a chair in the corner of the room, along with a cheerleading uniform. He stopped at the dresser looking at the few knickknacks and pictures haphazardly arranged. There were posters of the latest teen heartthrobs on the walls. All in all it looked like any other spoiled teenagers room. Yet lying so blissfully unaware in the safety of slumber lay a weapon.

If things worked out as planned the council would believe the slayer was killed, for another would be called. With a simple spell they would stop her heart for a minute then revive her. They were not sure it would work, but the mystics at the firm were almost positive this would activate the next slayer. Memories would be altered and the young girl in question would believe her parents died, it was better that way if they made her believe she was adopted she might go looking for her parents. This would be a clean break for her; the witch would implant some nice memories about a nice foster family who were unfortunately killed, leaving her under the guardianship of Wolfram and Hart.

Moving to the bed Lindsey’s gaze finally fell on Buffy Summers. Personally he preferred Elizabeth, to Buffy. Though looking at her the name suited the girl she was a vapid cheerleader. Elizabeth would be the girl she would become. At 16 she was beautiful, that was undeniable. With dark blond hair with honey streaks, a very nice figure, and her features she would peak any teenage boys interest. There was innocence to her beauty. Buffy Summers was the type of girl he wanted to date in high school, but was never part of that elite group. Reaching out he pushed back a stray lock of hair pushing it behind her ear his fingertips gently brushed against the silky softness of her skin. Buffy possessed the type of beauty that would only ripen with age.

Looking up he saw the witch standing there with her blond hair tied back in a ponytail. Rather plain looking, yet still she was one of the best the firm had to offer and Lindsey had utilized her talents in the past with complete success.

“Begin.” Lindsey moved to the doorway, and watched as the witch began to work her magic. A genuine smile touched his lips as he thought of the announcement that would be made in the morning, and he couldn’t wait to see the look on Lilah’s face. God how he hated that bitch and her constant games.

Sunnydale, California

Rupert Giles smiled as his charge came into the library ready to train. Kendra had arrived a few weeks after his original charge did not arrive. Giles smile faded as he thought of the lost slayer. Only having come into her power for one day she had disappeared and other slayer had been called that same day. It was a tragedy even for a slayer most of whom never saw their 18th birthday. The loss of the slayer so quickly reminded him to keep his distance, that to invest any deep ties to his charge would only result in heartache.

“I am ready sir.” Kendra’s softly accented voice brought him back to attention. Kendra was an excellent slayer her technique was flawless, and her desire to learn was enormous. At first she had been so terribly shy, but Willow Rosenberg and Alexander Harris befriended her, and she just seemed to blossom.

“Lets begin with a light workout, then we will move into some swordplay.” Giles began. Watching her move through the workout Giles watched carefully for any mistake, when he saw one he pointed it out and they began again. Kendra did everything exactly how he wished it to be done.

Their session ended just before sunset, “Ready to patrol?” Giles asked knowing the answer before he even posed the question.

“Of course Sir.”

Angel watched the current Slayer as she fought two vampires at once two of the Master’s minions. He had tried to warn her of the harvest but she tried to stake him instead, not bothering to listen intent on doing her duty. So he went to the Watcher giving him the warning.

Kendra did everything right, and at the same time she did everything wrong. The technique was there but it lacked something.

Angel followed Kendra throughout the night and finally once she was safe back at Giles’s residence he returned home. Tossing his leather coat on a chair he moved to the fridge to get some blood. On his way something caught his eye, and he leaned down finding himself staring at another Slayer, the one who never arrived.

When he came to Sunnydale it was with thoughts of this beauty driving him to fight the good fight. When another arrived in his place Angel had felt a deep sense of loss, even though they had never met, he mourned the thought of what could have been. He would never see her green eyes sparkling or see her in all her glory as a slayer, because she was dead.

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