Author: Aislynn

Disclaimer: It’s not mine all of it belongs to Joss, and Mutant Enemy. I just fell in love with characters from the very first episode.

Summary: Well sorry for the delay in updates. But chapters are coming, and new characters and old characters will be introduced, and will be seen in the next few chapters. Again this will eventually be a Spuffy story but not just yet. For those of you who have reviewed, thanks.
Rating: NC-17

Chapter 4: Expectations

LA, Wolfram & Hart

“I expected better from you.” Lindsey sighed glancing down at the men limping out of the workout room on one of the sub-floors of the building. They were the elite military unit the firm used in certain difficult situations.

Elite my ass, two of the men hobbled by cradling broken arms; all of them had one injury or another. “Go see one of the healers.” Lindsey did nothing to disguise the disgust he felt. Eight highly trained men, and they had lasted only 2 minutes in a fight with his prize.

Lindsey had watched the session from behind the two-way mirror. Elizabeth was becoming quite the little fighter. They were ready to move onto phase two, non-human opponents.

Lindsey’s eyes caressed Elizabeth’s body, as she stretched listening to some speech from Helene. Helene was chosen with care to be Elizabeth’s handler, and after she swore a blood oath of loyalty to Lindsey he placed Elizabeth into her hands and was for all appearances Elizabeth’s loving guardian.

They kept as close to the truth in revealing Elizabeth’s role as the Slayer, they just left out a few details and adding a few of their own. To Elizabeth the watcher’s council stole young girls destined to be Slayer’s from their parents and drilled into doing their duty; they were slaves to the council and didn’t even know it. They were the cause of her parent’s fatal car crash, and luckily the state stepped in and placed her into a Barb, and John Ambrose care. They adopted Buffy when she was 10 and raised her until they also died in a suspicious accident. They didn’t have to place the suspicion that the Council had killed her foster parents; as well she had come to that conclusion all on her own.

The Ambrose’s left Buffy in the care of Wolfram & Hart’s to ensure she didn’t fall into the Council’s hand. The witches had ensured that all the memories were in place, and then Helene took over. Helene possessed the skills necessary to help Elizabeth adjust to her new life, and to ensure that the memory augmentation was in fact working.

So far Elizabeth had no knowledge of his existence, and he planned to keep it that way. Her training was going to be grueling, and he didn’t wish her to associate him with that experience. Instead he was controlling Buffy from behind the scenes, and so far things were working out wonderfully. Already she was in excellent shape, and her fighting skills were sharpening everyday. Helene suggested they begin Elizabeth’s training in elementary magic right away, and Lindsey allowed it for the more tools Elizabeth had within her grasp, the stronger weapon he possessed. When the time was right he would reveal himself, and take over from Helene.

“Sir,” Lindsey glanced up as the door to the observation room opened and his assistant Ryan slipped in. “The men you requested I contact are waiting in your office; they are well you won’t be disappointed sir.”

Lindsey glanced back to see his Slayer smile, bringing a smile to his lips. It had been 3 months since her arrival. The day after he installed her into Helene’s care, the entire staff of the LA branch of the firm was called together.

There the announcement had been made; Lindsey McDonald was promoted to Partner, and now liaison between the firm, and the senior partners. It was only fitting after he delivered them a champion of their very own.

Elizabeth listened to Helene drone on about her technique and how she had let down her guard at some point during the fight. Since the fight lasted all of two minutes she really couldn’t recall the exact moment, so instead of making a smart-ass comment she listened and nodded. Helene wasn’t all that bad though she was all business at work, and at home.

Glancing over at the mirror she knew someone watched, or more specifically watched her, during some sessions. Since she arrived she had been allowed out with an escort, never on her own.

“Can we go out tonight?” Elizabeth asked wanting to see the sunlight and breathe in some fresh air.

“That depends on how you do in your studies.” Helene responded watching Elizabeth as she began her cool down exercises. During Elizabeth’s shower she would have to find Lindsey and ask his permission.

Lindsey walked into his office to find 2 men standing in his office. They were both appeared young and looked human, yet only one side of their family tree boasted those genes the other was quite the opposite. And from the file the firms had on them were both over 200 years old. The blond haired one known as Derek stood with his back to the wall in a casual position, though Lindsey doubted there was anything casual about the man. The other sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Again looking casual but this one he could tell was the real power of the team. He possessed black hair, and blue eyes and those clean-cut good looks, and went by the name Alec. They were both extremely attractive, which might be problem.

“Our contact said you have a job for us.” Alec raised one brow, at the man wanting to figure out why a Partner at Wolfram & Hart with all their resources would call in two contractors.

“Yes, I do.” Lindsey replied shutting his door, and moving to his desk. “Though the positions will be long-term, not like your usual jobs, would you gentlemen care for a drink?”

“Sure.” Alec smiled, hoping to learn a little more. “You obviously know who we are; the question is who are you?” Over the past few years more and more of their jobs were coming from the various branches of Wolfram & Hart, they paid their bills on time.

“Lindsey McDonald.” Lindsey replied pouring two drinks. Their files were limited to the jobs they had completed for the firm, and really he knew very little about them, but they were both going to be key in Elizabeth’s development.
“We got that from the door, who are you?” Derek asked pushing off the wall and moving to take the drink Lindsey held out.

“Well hopefully your employer, but until then whether or not you know who I am now that all depends on you.” Lindsey smiled handing Alec his drink, as well. He knew his plan was unorthodox but there really was no one better for the positions he wished to fill with these men.

Sunnydale, California

Angel dusted another vampire and once again he had to come to their rescue it was getting quite old. It had been months since she arrived, they had their little run-in’s every now and then, but he was never really worried because she was predictable, in everything she did especially in her fighting. When it came down to it he knew that this Slayer would die fairly young because of it.

They had come to an understanding after Giles intervened, when they were beating each other bloody and worked together but they never worked as a team. The others her friends Willow and Xander were more open to it than she was, in her mind soul or not he was Angelus and that was all he would ever be in her eyes.

The anointed one had already been called to the master, and she hadn’t listened then not believing that a child would be her undoing. When he tried to kill the boy she’d driven a stake into his chest, not his heart mind you but it effectively stopped him long enough for the boy to get away.

“Are you alright?” Angel asked offering his hand to Xander who took it without question.

“I don’t know ask me again when everything stops spinning.” Xander groaned as a sharp pain coursed through his head. “Where is Willow?” He asked as Angel put his arm around his back helping him hobble along.

“Right over here.” Willow sighed from the spot Angel had literally tossed her, just as a vampire was about to take her head off with an axe.

“Kendra?” Xander asked.

“I am right here.” Came her accented voice sharp and pissed off as she stormed back into the cemetery. “I thought we were working together.”

“We are.” Angel said helping Xander to sit down, the boy would be pretty sore for a few days. Xander was a good kid though he tended to jump into the fray without thinking.

“Really then where were you, when I was chasing down those vampires, you let them get away.” Kendra’s voice rose shrilly causing Xander to moan.

“I was helping your friends.” Angel replied meeting her gaze. “Where were you?” He asked moving past her and heading after the vampires he could follow their scent.

“I was doing my duty.” Kendra sputtered.

“I thought your duty was to protect the innocent.” Angel responded not looking back, but continuing on his way. God she was a pain in the ass, how Giles could stand her was beyond him.

L.A, California

Elizabeth glanced up as Helene came into her room. “I thought I had an hour between classes?”

“I thought you might like to go out tonight, so I bought you a new outfit.” Helene smiled placing the box she carried on the bed next to Elizabeth.

“Really!” Elizabeth smiled quickly tearing into the box and pulling out a cute little outfit that was so not something Helene would pick out.

“The girl at the store helped me pick it out.” Helene lied. When she had arrived at Lindsey’s office for a daily report the box had been sitting on his desk. Then he had given her instructions for the evening. Helene wasn’t sure that Elizabeth was ready but Lindsey insisted.

“Where are we going?” Elizabeth asked, as she held the outfit up to herself. She wasn’t stupid Helene wasn’t one to just go out for a night or to just purchase an outfit, not without a purpose.

“Well, your training has been going so well, I thought that we could both use a break.” Helene smiled, for she truly thought that Elizabeth needed a break.

Between the physical training, magic lessons, and normal school work she was surprised that she was excelling in all those areas. But tonight wasn’t going to be a break it was the beginning of Phase 2 of her training.

Helene was against the way in which they were going about initiating Phase 2. To let Buffy out into the world after her seclusion was a mistake in her opinion. A live exercise out in the city was not controlled. Helene suggested a controlled exercise in the labs, she even went to the Senior Partners bypassing Lindsey, yet when she arrived for the meeting there he sat with one of the Senior Partners, what a sight he was she was going to have nightmares for weeks. The Senior Partners response echoed Lindsey’s earlier one, his exact words, “How will we ever know what she is capable of if we control all variables.”

“Be ready in an hour.” Helene smiled leaving her charge alone. Once outside she walked to her room to get ready. Helene was just getting undressed when she looked up into the mirror and her heart stopped for a moment.

“Loyalty is very important to me Helene.” Lindsey rose from the rocking chair he had occupied during his wait.

“I am loyal to you.” Helene turned around meeting his gaze. “I have not broken my oath.”

Lindsey smiled, and Helene’s gaze dropped to the ground. “Don’t ever go to the Senior Partner’s behind my back again, do you understand?” He asked at her nod he moved toward the panel that led to the observation rooms that ran throughout the floor. “Claude is going to make sure that you don’t forget.” Lindsey passed through the doorway and another man if you could call him that stepped into the room. “No visible wounds, she has to be ready to go out in an hour.” Lindsey met Helene’s gaze over Claude’s shoulder. “There will be no other reminders Helene.”

Elizabeth glanced over at Helene, she was unusually quiet this evening. There was always some lecture she was ready to impress upon her charge, whether it was about fighting, magic, and even manners. Helene was a strange woman she was so severe yet, sometimes she showed a little bit of what she hid inside.

“Is something wrong?” Elizabeth asked, lunch and the movie had been delightful and now they were doing a little shopping before they picked up something on their way home for dinner.

“Nothing is wrong; I just haven’t been feeling well.” Helene sighed, that was certainly the truth.

“Do you need to sit down?” Elizabeth asked concerned as Helene swayed on her feet, she really did not look well.

“Perhaps you should go get the car Elizabeth. I will meet you out front.” Helene smiled painfully, and though it had been the plan for her to get Elizabeth to get outside on her own she really was in pain, damn Claude. Fishing through her purse she handed Elizabeth the keys.

“I will be right back.” Elizabeth hurried through the mall heading outside to the parking lot. As she made her way to the car she mumbled about how far they parked from the stores they were parked out in the middle of nowhere. Stopping by the car she slid the key into the lock. There was a sudden tightening of her stomach, great she thought just what I need cramps.

“Well, well what do we have here?” The voice came from behind her, and Elizabeth turned to see two very unsavory men dressed very outdated clothing standing very close to where she was.

“Looks like we found ourselves a little snack.” Elizabeth watched as his face shifted a vampire. In her head she knew that she was the Slayer, but she let out a very horrified scream.

“Well not exactly what I was expecting.” Lindsey murmured watching the scene unfolding through his binoculars.

“She has a powerful set of lungs.” Derek smiled chuckling softly. “Maybe she’ll slay them by bursting their ear drums.”

Alec smiled watching the girl get tossed against a car. That had to have hurt, “Sounded a little like you the first time you saw your father.”

“Hey.” Derek growled his normally human voice vibrating reminding Lindsey of a lion.

Elizabeth was stunned for a moment as she found herself slammed up against side of the car. “This is too easy.” The vampire laughed in her face, as he took hold of her hair jerking her head back.

“You could really use a mint.” Elizabeth managed to say without gagging and slammed her head into his, as he staggered back she whirled around and with one roundhouse kick he was on the floor, and his partner grabbed her from behind. Endless hours of training kicked in, and Elizabeth went into what she liked to call Slayer mode.

One second she was fighting for her life, the next she was enveloped in a cloud of ashes. Coughing she looked around and taking a deep breath she slid into the car and very slowly drove toward the store.

“So what do you think?” Lindsey asked out loud. He addressed them both but he knew which one would answer.

“She has the raw talent, more so than any other slayer I have seen.” Alec watched the girl slide into the car after dusting herself off. A slayer was something for all demons not just vampires to fear. It was silly really that they called them vampire slayers because they had the potential for far more than that.

“So will you take the job?” Lindsey asked the question though he was sure he already knew the answer the possibilities were just two endless, especially for a man such as the one standing before him.

“We need to iron out the details of the contract, but I think we will take it.” There was no discussion between the partners. This was a job they just couldn’t pass up.

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